AR15 was NOT fired at Sandy Hook students, so why an AWB?

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Should the Assault Weapons Ban be passed regardless?
Yes, Absolutely 20%  20%  [ 3 ]
NO! 73%  73%  [ 11 ]
Don't Care/ Don't live in USA 7%  7%  [ 1 ]
Total votes : 15


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03 Feb 2013, 5:28 am

J-Greens wrote:
Finally. Welcome to the 21st Century! You don't need your dummy now, we have intellectuals and democracy here.

Yeah, and I have an IQ of 160 (measured at school); that'd be higher than most of the "intellectuals" you're speaking of. That must mean I'm right in all my arguments, hey? (Appeal to authority fallacy.)

I wouldn't laud democracy all that much, being as 51% can make the law, even if said 51% are factually wrong and utterly illogical. (Appeal to the majority fallacy.)

Good to see that you don't like all firearms though. It's good not to be biased. Hypocrisy is a silly thing,


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03 Feb 2013, 11:51 am

I need to get back into that.
We have a pretty good set up at my range; even moving targets in one stage.
I usually used a Springfield "loaded" 1911 (.45 of course) or a Glock 17.

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03 Feb 2013, 12:44 pm

An AR-15 was used in the shooting. Ask the, you know, police. This NBC news story is a mistake. What the shooter left in the car was the shotgun. Even the conservative blog RedState is trying to shoot this one down. It's a rapidly spreading myth that an AR-15 was not used.

And the official story right now is that the kids were killed by a .22 caliber rifle, which evidently wasn't an "assault weapon" under Connecticut law

Seems likely that this is more media confusion. The Bushmaster is likely a .223, which can then be misreported as a .22 caliber. A Bushmaster AR-15 was recovered in the school.


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03 Feb 2013, 1:15 pm

Gotta do some research on the subject. The only portion I have trouble believing in is the murder weapon. This may be a lie pushed by the media to get them ban. Even if one was used, remember that the rifle was ILLEGALLY obtained by stealing it from his mother.

Which is why I oppose an AWB or magazine capacity laws.

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03 Feb 2013, 2:21 pm

AR-15s have been used in mass kililngs before. What would be the motive in conspiring to create another example of it? Nothing happened in the past and in this case there is a Republican held House. There will be no assault weapons ban.


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03 Feb 2013, 5:10 pm

Yes, the Bushmaster AR-15 (like every other model) is chambered in .223. So are the US Army's M-16 and M-4. (When I had to qualify on the rifle range in Air Force Basic Training in the '80s, we used M-16s chambered down to .22, because the ammo was cheaper. Tended to jam a lot.)

And yes, the shooter used an AR-15 in the school; a shotgun was recovered from the trunk of his car. None of them were legally his. Whenever there's a story with a lot of fooforaw like this, it's always best to give the news cycle a couple of go-arounds before jumping to conclusions.

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03 Feb 2013, 6:14 pm

DeaconBlues wrote:
Yes, the Bushmaster AR-15 (like every other model) is chambered in .223. So are the US Army's M-16 and M-4. (When I had to qualify on the rifle range in Air Force Basic Training in the '80s, we used M-16s chambered down to .22, because the ammo was cheaper. Tended to jam a lot.)

And yes, the shooter used an AR-15 in the school; a shotgun was recovered from the trunk of his car. None of them were legally his. Whenever there's a story with a lot of fooforaw like this, it's always best to give the news cycle a couple of go-arounds before jumping to conclusions.

So it *was* the AR-15 after all!?! Scrap my handgun ban recommendation from earlier. Back to the AW ban.

Incompetent Feds. Stop harassing handgun owners.


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06 Feb 2013, 7:59 pm

If one was really use, would you approve of an assault weapons ban? Something that kills ~ 300 Americans a year?

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06 Feb 2013, 8:07 pm

there is so much misinformation about what happend in newtown i dont even care about the story :?