pete1061 wrote:
"Why do movies based on the bible usually suck?"
Because the bible sucks. It really does, it's a very poorly written book, almost completely unreadable.
The Bible wasn't written to be a "ripping good yarn" though. There is storytelling
in it, but that's only a part of it, and not all of this storytelling was meant to "entertain". It is a mixture of law, an explanation of how things came to be (the world, the royal line, rival tribes), mythology (much of which was meant to affect people views of the world; "we should hate this tribe because x happened in the past", or "we should feel solidarity because Moses led all our ancestors out of Egypt"), moral lessons (whether you agree with them or not), hymns, etc. It (the Old Testament anyway) is basically the "book of the nation of Israel"; about its mythological history, its patron deity, its laws, its royal family, etc. A few sections arguably have some genuinely good storytelling in them, but to complain about it being "unreadable" because it is filled with too many details of who fathered whom, is interspersed with too many censuses and legal commentaries, or even that its stories are unengagingly told (think of the Bible as a "cliff notes" version of stories that were widely known and told orally, clipped back by dry scholarly types for the sake of being put in this "proto reference book"), is to miss the point of the text.
Does this make it problematic to adopt? Absolutely; it just wasn't conceived as a drama and the adaptations that have worked best have been liberal ones; adding, deleting, and changing things for the sake of a compelling human story. But inevitably, the fundies get angry, and that's a big part of your market right there. A lot of nonreligious people, or people of other faiths, will be turned off seeing it because of its content alone. And needless to say, fundies don't like their sacred scripture changed and tend to limit what can be portrayed on screen for moral and theological reasons, even if it would have been a good artistic choice.