Goddard wrote:
The_Walrus wrote:
So to clarify for anyone who is unsure, you're explicitly a white supremacist?
No, i'm true supremacist, i even be white, because i have afro, amerindian and probably, sephardic admixtures.
If, the whites are the master race that leave the man to moon, so, can't compete with the true.
Wow. You are extraordinarily naive. At best.
America went to the moon because Europeans set up the triangular trade and Americans benefited from the extraordinarily cheap labour they provided in the form of slavery.
Not only is Europe better suited for agriculture than Africa, it also benefited from the economic growth that slavery brought.
And of course, NASA was far from exclusively white...
To compare two things fairly, you have to control all over variables. Put white and black people in the same environment with the same resources and they perform similarly. In nature, black and white people don't live in controlled conditions because white people would be out-competed in Africa without modern medicine- black people naturally live in harsher environments and so have to rely on sustenance farming.
If you didn't know that, now you do. If you did know that, but still decided white people were superior, you should probably stop expressing your vile opinions because they expose your low level of intelligence and your bigotry.