GGPViper wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
About what aspieotaku, and raisedbyignorance, both said.
I wonder if its a trend.
My grandparents (both born arond the start of the 20th centurey) were strict religous Kansas German methodists ( alot like the Lutheran Norwejians in Garrison Keillor's Lake Wobegon) who never drank. But they never doubted evolution. It just wasnt an issue for them. They werent anti science.One of their sons grew up to a nuclear scientist who helped build the first A bombs.
So it does seem like a recent trend in american churches to rally to this cause of YEC, and evolution denial.
It is likely due to the rise of the peculiar phenomenon known as US evangelicalism in the early 20th century, and with it a renewed position of biblical inerrancy which had otherwise been in decline for centuries.
The prevalence of Evangelicalism in US christianity is likely the primary reason why the support for evolution is so much lower in the US than in other developed countries. There are other groups in the US who are even more anti-evolution (Mormons and Jehova's Witnesses), but these groups are both comparably small compared to Evangelicals.
Cant agree with the Jehova witnesses. Had one in engineer class (environmental development = lots of subject against hardcore creationism idea) with me, and one of her brothers went as well to engineer school. Sure it was god for them, that created everything, and neither did they denie the classic Genesis story. But for them its simply as well a fact that bible has his origin by god, but was written and inherited by humans, who wrote it down the way they understood it. So Genesis is not wrong, but very simplified. A "day" = a chapter of creation of earth.