"Crystal Children" Aspies?
And what makes you believe auras aren't physical? Why couldn't they be a form of undiscovered "psychic residue"? I just don't see how scientific evidence discounts these things. In some weird cases it can support them.
The question makes no sense unless you first say what an aura is. So, what is it? What in the human anatomy emits it? What kind of energy? Is it energy in the electromagnetic spectrum? If not, what in the body could possibly emit it. Energy comes from something somewhere. What is the cause of an aura. Has an aura very been rigorously observed by a machine?
Before you ask for the explanation of a phenomenon, you must first establish that the phenomenon exists.
Precisely, and well said!
Last edited by slave on 09 Jun 2012, 3:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Explain, please.
I can feel a dense energy feild around everyone. It's uncomfortable and why I don't like to get very close to people or sit next to anyone because their "aura" hurts me. I thought everyone could feel them until very recently.
It's why I avoid crowds.
What objective evidence do you have that you are senses auras. Why not body heat? Maybe your are reacting to pheromones given off by other people. You have no evidence that some non-physical mysterious energy is being emanated.
Everything thing in the world is physical. That is all that there is.
ruveyn, why are you being so aggressive? Has she hurt you in some way? There's nothing wrong with asking questions, I admit, but the overall tone of your post is a bit rude.
If you think that is rude you don't get out much.
He is requesting information, nothing more. Why do you see aggression where there is none? Has he hurt you in some way?
Often people get defensive when their unfounded ideas are challenged. Is this happening to you?
I think a lot of these concepts just enjoy a lot of guilt by association (ie. hippies, the Jesus is in a spaceship people, etc. etc.).
They do, and for good reason I think. I can;t deny the possibility of it, but it would go against damn near everything I know and believe in. I'd have to see, at the very least, a solid and logical explanation as to *how* it could happen before I chucked my eggs in to that particular basket.
A shot gun blast into the face of deceit
You'll gain your just reward.
We'll not rest until the purge is complete
You will reap what you've sown.
ruveyn, why are you being so aggressive? Has she hurt you in some way? There's nothing wrong with asking questions, I admit, but the overall tone of your post is a bit rude.
Hold on. There is nothing impolite or rude in challenging an assertion which is unsupported by fact. That is how we root out error. Failure to make such challenge dooms us to be buried up to our necks in b*llsh*t.
I'm I former "new age BS" detractor. Never even heard about indigo, crystal, or rainbow children until a few days ago.
I can't explain it but...
Now I'm buzzing like a crystal oscillator with positivity.
This past fall I fell into the deepest depression I've ever been in, thought about suicide almost everyday. Until a couple of days ago when I felt a surge of unrelenting hope in humanity. I haven't gotten tired enough to sleep in like 4 days now and my mind is still full of energy.
I've always collected rocks, especially crystals... I just had a knack for finding them. I was only 8 years old when I wandered away from my family and despite my fear of heights felt compelled to climb and scrambled up my first quartzite cliff. I was clumsy and non-athletic growing up but climbing taught me how to tune in to my body and its immediate surroundings. Risk management is an important concept but risk can never be totally removed in life. A little bit is all we need to realize our good nature and FOCUS on putting it in ACTION. I never feel more in tune than when I'm on a rock. Granite is a little radio-active after all and I guess I'm picking up a strong signal.
Visionary people started this sport often not knowing exactly why- they just feel compelled to make upward progress on a rock. When asked why he wanted to climb Mount Everest, George Mallory's answer was simply "Because it's there." Climbers and autistics share a notoriously strong willpower. Climbing and Autism exist to push the bounds of the human body and psyche and redefine what is possible. Feeling hopeless? Need a fearless hero from real life? Look to this human as an example, but know that he is one of many, including you if you can believe it: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/16/sp...?smid=pl-share
MY sisters kids are certainly crystals at least I feel the two girls definitely are. Her boy has an indigo hue but may still be crystalline.
My brother's first child was born last year and is a true rainbow child, without a doubt. She is the happiest most contented baby I have ever seen and simply beams joy unlike anything I have ever FELT from another human.
Its not about disciplining your kids, its about properly educating and empowering them. Forgiveness and hope in others is a much more powerful tool for positive change than punishment, guilt and control.
Joined: 6 Feb 2005
Age: 45
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It is gonna happen.
Forever gone
Sorry I ever joined
I have missed all the responses... I thought no-one was interested. Sorry about that.
opalescent would describe every colour, this is beginning to sound like a Barnum statement.
Well... I think most New Age stuff sounds like Barnum statements. But it was not "opalescent any color", it was "opalescent tones of gold, indigo-blue and magenta". Opalescent describes a quality of color, and not all colors are opalescent.
- they are wanted children, and their mothers and other family can have unusual experiences during the pregnancy. Sometimes they communicate with their mothers already as fetus.
- they are often big babies with disproportionally big head.
- they are calm and "good" babies, and bond intensely with their mothers, even to the extend of clinging.
- they are seldom first or only child in the family
Classic barnum statement, these apply to all babies.
No, they don't. Not all children are wanted, not all "mothers and other family" have unusual experiences during the pregnancy, not all mothers feel they communicate with their unborn babies, not all babies are big, not all babies have disproportionally big head (compared to other babies, that is. Not compared to other human beings of different ages.), not all babies are "calm and good", not all babies are not first nor the only child.
Babies eyes are proportionally larger, any parent spends a lot of time looking into them, and they can't actually focus on you at any distance for some months after birth.
Not all babies give the impression of having a "steady, intense gaze".
Every loving parent believes their child is an overacheiver.
Not every parent is loving, and not every loving parent who believes their child is an overachiever (or more developed than other children) think their child is wise beyond their years and older than they are.
And how would a baby voice this? Is it psychic powers all the way down?
Not every statement on the list is about a person as a baby. Most of it is not. Like this one. Because you are right, a baby would have no means to give that impression.
And as it is New Age stuff, a lot of it is "psychic powers". But what are "psychic powers"? I suppose you know that there is an rational explanation to everything.
What is the rational explanation to the impression one gets of another human being, that they can see through you, that they seem to understand what you are thinking and feeling, that they manage to feel comfortable and you find yourself speaking more than you should, and about such issues like your fears and weaknesses... Perhaps you have never met such people, but a lot of people I have met describe me like that.
If you love your child you don't leave it with untrustworthy people, so another Barnum statement.
So how can nannies and babysitters harm a child? Are all the children harmed by a childcarer unloved? I don't think so.
Besides, this is one of the statements that is applicable to people of any age.
My husband says that he has a "naked emperor detector". He knows when someone is lying. Do you have that ability?
- they are even-tempered, peaceful, calm, serene and patient
- they are quiet and self-effasive
- they are kind, caring, loving, understanding, gentle and compassionate
So basically what every planned child's parents think about them, given they're not hyperactive.
Do you have children? Most parents wouldn't use these definitions of their child, how ever planned and wished for the child is.
Babies, leading what now? Like kindergarten squads?
Why do you think this was said about babies? Where in my post do I claim I'm talking about babies? Or even children? It might help you to understand that when the New Age community talks about "crystal children" and "indigo children", they are not talking about children, but people, of any age. As "we are all children of the Universal Spirit".
If miracles and magic existed this piece might have the magic to provide the miracle of a proovable point.
You are hanging on the chosen words. I would like you to see through the words.
Have you ever met people who seem to be unusually lucky? Who win more often than statistically probable. Who manage to avoid accidents and misfortunes that logically should have happened.
And what are "good things, miracles and magic"? Obviously not miracles and magic, but things people usually describe as miraculous or magical. Weird things, odd things, fantastical things, things hard to believe, things that seemingly have no reasonable, rational cause. When things happen that shouldn't happen, but in a good way.
Ok, go though this again, and this time think about adult people, when you do.
So that covers all children not covered by blissful, happy, delightful, sweet, even-tempered, peaceful, calm, serene, patient, quiet and self-effasive then.
Ah, but they ARE blissful and happy, but CAN SEEM TO BE flat, passionless... both at the same time.
This actually fits me pretty well. I seem to have two different personalities. When I'm not feeling good, when I'm upset, when I'm worried, afraid, uncomfortable, I become "flat, passionless, cold and emotionless". A lot of Aspies have been described thusly. But when I am feeling good, I'm calm and happy, not afraid, not in an emotional turmoil, comfortable, I am totally different. And this is also true when it comes to other Aspies, as can be testified by the people closest to us, our spouses, friends, family... Me the way my family knows me is totally different than me as different official people, like doctors, administrators and case handlers "know" me.
All babies have difficulty standing up for themselves. And if they can't stand yet how can they be altruistic?
*sigh* Again, review your response in the light of that these characteristics apply to babies ONLY when specifically mentioned, like in "they are... ...babies", "already as babies".
Also, English is not my first language, but I have the impression that "standing up for oneself" means something very different than "standing up".
How can dependent people be altruistic? Perhaps because one has nothing to do with the other.
- they relate to adults better unless there are children of the same vibration around, but they don't respect authority. They see all the people as equals.
All babies sleep. This covers the ones who aren't such great leaders; don't do well in groups.
Again, not about babies.
Besides, nowhere does it say these people are GREAT leaders. Just that they are "natural born leaders". Also, being a strong individual is not opposite to being a leader.
"Living well in groups" is not synonymous to "doing well in groups".
- they usually avoid crowded places and parties
Babies hide from things that scare them. This one also is the opposite counterpart to the ones on strength.
Not about babies.
So you are saying that strong individuals with strong will won't avoid crowded places and parties, don't try to protect themselves by withdrawing and disconnecting? Are you saying that introvert people cannot be strong individuals with strong will, and that Aspies, with their need of solitude, cannot be strong individuals?
- they are connected and communicative
This is getting lazy, 2 contrasting points next to one another?
"having difficulties in understanding and interacting" is not contrasting to "being connected and communicative".
I am very communicative person who feels connected, but there are still moments when I don't understand NTs at all, and not only NTs. Also, there are situations when I find it hard to interact, how ever communicative and social being I am.
- they can throw powerful tantrums and be extremely manipulative, especially if they are limited
- an unbalanced Crystal can become volatile, aggressive, even violent
These smooth over the opposites of previous points, quietness, etc.
So you have never experienced an Asperger's meltdown? Good for you. Most people who know me would describe me as calm, even-tempered and quiet, but when I'm having a meltdown, I'm none of those things.
Also, having a strong will and conviction is not connected to being quiet, blissful, happy, delightful, sweet, even-tempered, peaceful, calm, serene, patient, quiet, self-effasive, kind, caring, loving, understanding, gentle, compassionate, innocent, guileless and pure.
- they are curious and like to explore
- they are filled with wonder. They have a million questions and various innovative ways of doing things
- they love nature, plants, animals and minerals. They are very comfortable with these things. They show special interest to rocks, crystals and stones and like to play with these. They NEED the daily communication with nature, Mother Earth, Gaia.
They will mysteriously forget to voice this need when they acquire speech.
Not about babies. So this doesn't describe you. Fine. It describes me.
- they spontaneously hug and care for people in need, nurture younger children and animals, and try to help and heal both humans and animals that are in distress. They have a remarkable way of connecting with other living beings.
- they have high IQ - average is around 130
Test and see.
Communicating with animals, rocks, crystals bla bla bla cannot obviosly be tested, but the rest - not all children want to rescue living beings in need. Not all kids bring a wounded grasshopper in and want their parents to help heal it. So - just see who did that as a child, and who didn't.
Not all people want to help people who are in distress. Most doctors, nurses, medics etc. chose the profession because they want to help and heal people.
IQ is easy to test, but it doesn't mean anything.
- they love learning about science and are interested in various topics. They will learn as much as they can on a specific topic and then talk about it.
- they have high physical intelligence, an amazing sense of balance and like to climb
- they have a vivid imagination
- they are highly creative, original and innovative
- they are artistic and musical
- they seem to have an inherent knowledge of art, language and spirituality, possessing an impressive wealth of wisdom
- they are right brain oriented
This pop psychology bs means creative, which we've already covered.
Have we? Where?
Not all people are creative, not all creative people are multitalented or love learning, or are interested in many things, or have high physical intelligence (which is not pop psychology bs, unless you consider all psychology pop psychology bs.) etc. etc.
- they are very good at living in the moment and "flow"
- they are good at "co-creation" and "manifesting"
Co-creation is a business term, manifesting means wishing for what you want in a mystical fashion. Just no.
"Business term"?
Being philosophical - high intrapersonal intelligence
being spiritually gifted - high existential intelligence
being highly intuitive - being aware of what happens around one and paying attention, making connections, associations, drawing right conclusions
living in the moment and "flow" - not worrying about tomorrow nor dwelling in yesterday (doesn't usually apply on Aspies, who are known to obsessively compulsively dwell and worry)
being good at "co-creation" and "manifesting" - actually doing something to reach one's goals.
Are you really telling me that you are unable to translate the New Age psychobabble to understandable language?
- they have a unique world and vision.
- they are very sensitive to the environment, can be oversensitive, even allergic
- they are sensitive to vaccines, chemicals & pesticides
- they sense the energy fields, ley lines, electrical currents and magnetic radiation, solar and lunar waves, cosmic waves, and energies from the galactic centre. (solar flares, full moon, astrological influences...), dense energies, environmental stimulations
- there might be electric disturbance around them. Watches usually stop and so on.
- they are empathethic, and they mirror their environment, pick up its energy and moods. This is also why they are receptive to energy healing and can be helped by feng shui and other such methods of dealing with the energy flow and electromagnetic frequencies
Now you ave a reason to buy our Feng Shui book!
So you don't create your own world and never feel like you are born on wrong planet? Good for you.
No-one has ever told you you live in your own fantasy world and need to come down to the real world? Good for you.
You don't feel your world view is very different from the neuronormal world view? Good for you.
You are not hypersensitive? Good for you.
You don't have allergies? Good for you.
You don't feel the changes in atmosphere, you don't feel oddly uncomfortable in certain places, you are not influenced by such things like electromagnetic radiation or atmospheric pressure, people experiencing ghosts and alien abduction are just crazy and seeking attention, and it has nothing to do with totally normal, physical bodily reactions like sleep paralysis? Good for you.
You can wear a watch without it stopping all the time. Good for you.
You are not empathethic and don't mirror your environment. Good for you.
I have always counted these as quite normal physical instances with a rational explanation, and something that is quite common for NDs, but thanks to you I now know Feng Shui "works". I'm going to decorate my whole apartment anew.
Materia? If not one crystal child can perform this (summon in FF7), your theory is forfeit.
My theory is that "Crystal Child" is the "New Age" name to Aspies.
Firsly, no.
Secondly, please, do "place the points in couplets and triplets that contradict one another directly merely by rearranging the order".
Thirdly, I wish you'd answer my question:
Then I want you to classify the points to "New Age BS" - like psychic abilities, mind-reading and communicating with your mother before you were born, communicating with trees and stones and being born to save the humanity - and the non-NABS - like needing a lot of solitude, turning inwards when bullied, preferring nature to people and so on - and see how much of the non-NABS you actually recognize in yourself.
If you can recognize yourself in 3/4 of the non-NABS, then the theory that New Agers call Aspies "Crystal Children" is plausible."
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