wornlight wrote:
the smallest moment in time must have a beginning a middle and an end if it has any duration whatsoever.
that being the case, the smallest moment is comprised of three smaller moments, each of which, if it has any duration at all, has a beginning, a middle, and an end, and therefore is not the smallest.
Ah, but the end of a moment of time is its resultant state after it has happened. A moment to be real in its passing, an event to be real in its happening, happen with the effect of change effected by every action there is in the moment. Events, effects, happenings, are only real if they really happen. They only have a reality as happening if they happen
into a resultant state of having happened. So their own reality includes the reality of the resultant state that follows them.
it follows that the reality of every moment in time includes the resultant state that follows it. But by being a different point of perpective, a changed resultant state, that
follows it, it is another moment of time! The successor monent. Surely, just by thought from our observation of time, we can see that this is how each moment leads into another, how a sequence is made. The reality of every moment of time includes its successor moment. The end of every moment
is the next moment.
* This succession being infinitely sustaining and unbreakable, it establishes that time can never end. Even if the universe recollapses, which matter density evidences it won't, it would still be impossible for time to end.
* It holds for the experience of time the same as for time's absolute existence, so it establishes that any particle whose properties include conscious experience of time, a spirit, can never end. It's its own timeline that can never end, so it can have time jumps relative to the universal time outside itself, periods of unconsciousness, it just can never have an end point. In every period of unconsciousness its unbreakable flow from one moment into its successor is being drawn out, like a delayed bounce or a wave, so that the successor moment is a time gap later as compared to universal time. This establishes life after death.
* If particle whose properties include conscious experience of time, a spirit, shares this property with time itself, then this is less likely to be a conicidence than to indicate they are the same thing. That spirits, ourselves, actually are time at its particle level.
* In which case, it may only be as an inevitable consequence of spirits' existence, driven by us, that a universal time and progress of events exists at all. An emergent property of spirits in a system. After all, it's a mystery in physics what else drives time.