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22 Jul 2014, 6:20 am

I like guns, my mom is against it, in the know that if Poland had liberal laws regarding the weapons that my mom would not let that keep it in the house..

I once watched our Polish docudrama "W-11" about "criminal police" section of polish police dealing with serious crime like homicide, mafia, extortion, and so on. In the last episode two boys from State boarding school, two boys was murdered with a gun. The Polish State build dormitory, at vicinity of some prestigious co-ed state school, to allow children from rural community and even other cities study here.

Poland has the most restrictive law to hold throughout Europe.

Some particularly ex-Americans, Polish origin, who decided to go back to the old country, after the fall of communism, lobbying in parliament for the introduction of the Polish Constitution, legal provisions on the model of the U.S. 2 nd amendment which would provide all not punished for an offense Poles' right to bear arms ".

Many Pole including me like this idea, though without knowing why my mother is a fanatical opponent of gun ownership by private individuals.

Although in my opinion would make criminals more polite, if they knew that their their sick perverted criminal brain may end up splattered on the wall because of their potential victim is not as helpless as used they think :D

Back to beginning, to W-11 the docudrama i write at the beginning two boys was killed by gunshot.

Ballistic tests conducted by the CBŚ or Central Bureau of Investigation special unit of the Polish police state (sometimes called the Polish FBI) they would be doing this because the victims were minors and in such cases the CBŚ comes into play. These studies and data from the state register of arms showed the guilty, the school principal, he had a gun permit, a former police officer who believed in strict discipline with respect to both boys and girls, both murdered boys were killed shot in the backs of their heads, so-called. "Katyn shot" like us in Poland used to be called the method of execution. The police arrested the director of the school, which as I said was a retired police officer, investigator shouted at him that abhor the fact that he once was once a cop, that brings discredit to all Polish police officers and teachers, and it's still cowardly "Katyn shot" if he could not look the victim in eyes. He replied that he could not hurt any of those children because for him they are closer to him than his own, which does not have. He said that a month before he lost his weapon, he suspected that someone stole it, but as a retired police officer knew the procedure. in such cases, he feared it might lose a gun permit and a job (although this last in his case it was not that terrible, because he had retired, because in Poland until recently police man could go on retired, already 40 years old when he/she was 20 years service)

The headmaster said he was a policeman but I always wanted to be a teacher, but he had already qualified, finished the police academy and had graduated from the Law, but he wanted to be a teacher, in the meantime the police service, he graduated in absentia studies of pedagogy. And after reaching the retirement age has left the police.
He was forty-some years. (Currently, was the 60 ties,) said that he could not have children of their own, through his work in the police and childlessness caused that broke up his own marriage, rejected the more profitable job at the police headquarters to be a teacher (but idiots are everywhere:D )

Then it turned out that the real culprit was another student, moreover, the victim is not sacred., There were school bullies who bully other children. The perpetrator was a 16 year old boy but very poor with very good results at school. These boys bully him, cup of bitterness overflowed it that he burned his only pair of shoes, teased him that he is the headmaster lover (although that guy was not a pedophile, because this topic was examined by the police) because this often stayed in the room the director of the school. with whom he played chess, he also had some money from the school principal for cleaning his office, for that he knew where he holds the weapon, which it headmaster himself showed him)

Then when the police interrogated heard (on the radio: Shots fired! Shots fired! Almost like in american movie:D ) Chial someone to kill another student at the school, because the victims were killed successively, one by one) this time escaped and identified the culprit, it was the tormented boy, that came after this both "victims" including one intended victim of murder, in a very mean way tormented the boy (who like me think sohad AS) who wanted revenge for the humiliation, wanted justice. The school principal, asked the police to let him to go with them, in the climactic scene asked the boy that he gave the gun and the pddał, but this wskocył to the elevator, and a moment later a shot was heard the boy committed suicide, was 16 years old.

His intended victim gets 5 years reformatory for bullying.

Director lost his job and was sentenced under the law on firearms and ammunition, for failing to weapon (Glock) did not get in unauthorized hands, got two years in prison, suspended for two years, and of course, lost the right to owning a gun.

(All cases presented in the W-11! They are based on real cases conducted by the Polish police, only the surnames and the names of the perpetrators and the victims have been changed to protect the welfare of their families, I know this is true because I once read about a similar case in the newspaper)

Although I think so that universal access to weapons is good,

if a crime with a firearm occur even in a country like Poland that has the most restrictive laws in this range is just as good, you can opt out of these provisions, at least the potential victims will have paradoxically increased protection)

It's like the MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) doctrine, the world is safer when the U.S. and Russia have nuclear weapons (although it would be best if the two superpowers abandoned this barbarous weapon)

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27 Jul 2014, 12:29 am

I like firearms, as well. Here in America there are probably more firearms than people. It's difficult to gauge how many of us own rifles, shotguns, and handguns. There is a large sporting goods store, Gander Mountain, near my home that sells enough weaponry and ammunition to arm a small country.
Restricting guns in America will probably never happen and would be impossible to enforce. I advocate education and safety classes. Not only should gun owners know how to operate their firearms, they also need to learn safety, how to to fire them, and how to properly store them. Accidents happen because some individuals carelessly leave a round in the chamber, or unsecured guns are found by inquisitive children. If you can, come here to the US and experiece the gun culture. Be prepared to be shocked.


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27 Jul 2014, 12:34 am

By the way, the Second Amendment to the US Constitution guarantees the right of citizens to bear arms. The first ten amendments are called the Bill of Rights. Thomas Jefferson believed them necessary to protect the rights of citizens against the tyranny of government. An amendment is difficult to add to the Constitution. A proposed amendment must be passed by 75% of both houses of Congress and three quarters of the states.


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27 Jul 2014, 1:35 am

Danimal wrote:
If you can, come here to the US and experiece the gun culture. Be prepared to be shocked.

I've always wanted to visit Knob Creek.


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27 Jul 2014, 3:58 am

I am not familiar with Knob Creek.


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27 Jul 2014, 4:12 am

I would think Poland of all places would understand guarding one's self against tyranny.


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27 Jul 2014, 4:18 am

Danimal wrote:
I am not familiar with Knob Creek.

Sounds like a gay bar. :lol:

I've left WP indefinitely.


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27 Jul 2014, 5:37 am

Nothing wrong with gun ownership. But some people are not suited for it and yet not bright enough to know it. Suicides, domestic violence murders, accidental discharges and theft of the weapon are more likely outcomes than a heroic stand against the Dalton gang. But as long as people are legally entitled and make some effort to be responsible I don't really care.

Thomas Jefferson believed them necessary to protect the rights of citizens against the tyranny of government

Jefferson also was a big fan of amendments. Saying that one generation shouldnt be enslaved to the views of another. His views on insurrection is usually misunderstood as well. He wasnt sympathetic to rebels but implied that ignorant s**t kickers would always be with us. Let them revolt now and again and after their asses are beat we can try to educate them again. He understood that the willfully ignorant are eternal. So they are.


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27 Jul 2014, 6:22 am

Well said.


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27 Jul 2014, 5:02 pm

Danimal wrote:
I advocate education and safety classes. Not only should gun owners know how to operate their firearms, they also need to learn safety, how to to fire them, and how to properly store them.
I'd be all for teaching a gun safety class once a year throughout K-12 schooling. That way you'd catch just about everyone eventually.

Accidents happen because some individuals carelessly leave a round in the chamber, or unsecured guns are found by inquisitive children.
People need to know the risks and benefits of both. It's not always practical to keep all the guns unloaded but they need to weigh the risks.

If you can, come here to the US and experiece the gun culture. Be prepared to be shocked.
Chances are they'd never notice unless they went looking for it.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson


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27 Jul 2014, 9:57 pm

Well said. We had extensive classes on the M16 in Army basic training before we ever went to the firing range. That's why I think it's critical to clear rounds from the chamber.


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28 Jul 2014, 6:19 am

Danimal wrote:
If you can, come here to the US and experiece the gun culture. Be prepared to be shocked.

If I went, I'd probably never leave lol.


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28 Jul 2014, 12:18 pm

Danimal wrote:
I like firearms, as well. Here in America there are probably more firearms than people. It's difficult to gauge how many of us own rifles, shotguns, and handguns. There is a large sporting goods store, Gander Mountain, near my home that sells enough weaponry and ammunition to arm a small country.
Restricting guns in America will probably never happen and would be impossible to enforce. I advocate education and safety classes. Not only should gun owners know how to operate their firearms, they also need to learn safety, how to to fire them, and how to properly store them. Accidents happen because some individuals carelessly leave a round in the chamber, or unsecured guns are found by inquisitive children. If you can, come here to the US and experiece the gun culture. Be prepared to be shocked.

"Restricting guns in America will probably never happen and would be impossible to enforce."

There are many thousands of ex-gun owners, many in England and Australia, who once thought the same thing.

But they soon found that if everyone could be forced or tricked into registering their guns then confiscation would soon follow. And it did.

This is exactly the plan anti-gunners (no not you intelligent moderate people) have for elimination of gun ownership in the U.S. and why savvy gun owners are not fooled by the false drive to registration.

And when Obama says: If you like your gun (s) you can keep it/them....DON'T BELIEVE HIM!


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28 Jul 2014, 1:16 pm

Guns are fascinating, but I have mixed feelings about their availability in the UK.

While I'd like to be able to own and shoot firearms recreationally, I also know a bunch of people who I have judged irredeemable. If I had access to such a convenient method of murder, the confrontations in my life thus far could have easily ended quite differently, and with a lengthy jail sentence.

I used to envy America for their approach to gun ownership, then G Bush was elected for a second term as President and was allowed to serve it's entirety without being killed or ousted at gunpoint, and I thought; what's the point?

Such a waste of such a celebrated freedom. It wouldn't be so horrifying if there wasn't a weekly school shooting.

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28 Jul 2014, 2:12 pm

Jacoby wrote:
I would think Poland of all places would understand guarding one's self against tyranny.

I never get this sort of argument. No doubt 200+ years ago it would have made a lot of sense - my musket or single shot pistol that I might have kept at home would have been roughly equal to what a soldier in the army would be armed with. If the need ever arose where the state decided to do something tyrannical and have the army enforce it, me and my neighbors could have gotten together, resisted, and with some smart tactics at least have stood a fighting chance.

Today, we have a situation where the array of weaponry available to the army makes any weapons I might be able to reasonably keep at home seem pretty insignificant. Even if we eliminated restrictions in the law on the types of weapons that people might be able to legally own, for the most part the military would always be better equipped by orders of magnitude, simply due to the lack of affordability of advanced weaponry versus the economic means of the typical citizen. If, say, we were allowed to own F-16's, how many people could actually afford to do so? The military would always have vast numerical superiority. So just doesn't make much sense.