azaam wrote:
I am 100% certain that Islam is the right religion of God and that the solution to all of our problems is in the Quran.
beady wrote:
sounds like a sales pitch
azaam wrote:
That is your arrogance speaking. I am only conveying my way of coping with things and the results. I said you can take it or leave it. The atheists always have the highest level of arrogance and that will lead you to destruction.
You (azaam) would do well to honestly reflect upon this and any similar exchanges you've had with other people. What do you think your behavior here suggests about your religious opinions and your attitude toward people who don't share those opinions? If your opinions, attitudes, and behavior reflect "the right religion of God", then what do you think that implies about the God in which you believe?
Note especially:
1. You're unequivocally professing
absolute certainty in something that billions of people - many of whom are exceptionally honest, informed, intelligent, and sensitive - do not believe; and in terms of offering rational reasons for this belief, you're making an effort that is less than minimal - you seem barely concerned with this, content instead to offer vague, flimsy, anecdotal evidence ("I believe this, and it helps me").
2. You're making vicious, sweeping generalizations about a large number of people (atheists) who hold a perspective opposed to yours.
3. You're speaking in a way that, while not perfectly clear, nevertheless could easily be interpreted as indicating a favorable attitude toward the
destruction of those people (atheists).
Now is all this actually commendable from the standpoint of the God in which you believe? And would a person's utter revulsion toward the concept of such a God be a sign of