kraftiekortie wrote:
>>>Free verser myself.
If you haven't already done so, I encourage you to start a blog with your poetry, as there is almost unlimited potential on the Internet now to publish and share poetry with others with similar and MUCH DIFFERENT diverse minds.
It's fascinating to me to connect with people around the world like this.
What I find is there are many people like me, but who are undiagnosed somewhere on the AUTISM spectrum OR broader AUTISM phenotype, per 10 to 15 percent of the general population, writing poetry, and yes very out of the box poetry per free verse style.
And for me, if it were not for a total breakdown of humanity, both physically and mentally, in mid-life, I would still be churning away in the grind of the 9 to 5 lifestyle, administrating programs and supervising folks, with no Autism Spectrum diagnosis, with no poetry and truly No REAL life to SPEAK OF.
And no, I would have likely gone to my dying bed, never dancing again like I did in my teens and 20's and more than ever before NOW, as my major special interest is free style interpretive dance, done in a ballet/martial arts LIKE style now over 2600 miles in a little over 14 months by measure of Nike GPS Sports watch THAT no one CAN duplicate, not even me as dance leads me, now, always now, to new frontiers.
I do not lead the dance of life, anymore; again, the dance of life leads me.
And not only that, I can leg press 810 LBS now, but not cause I'm a tough guy; moreover, INSTEAD, as I learn THE True Power of human being is in the Divine Feminine in Grace of flow of movement in 360 degrees of all body parts moving in tandem, and Sacred Unconditional Love with no Illusory Fears.
Of course I'm not the first Philosopher/Sophist, to come to that conclusion, by far, and on COURSE, convincing people that IT WORKS in REAL life, per action, and JUST DOING IT, IS truly the job of 'JOB' or maybe NIKE, ha-ha! :)
I cannot even convince my wife of almost 25 years, that her life is in HER HANDS, IN A RELATIVE FREE WILL WAY, and not some imaginary sky GOD, alone, created by a tribe wanting to hold on to land and food AND THE REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS OF WOMEN AND MAN ALIKE.
The mind CAN be like a steel trap and existence in A LITERAL HUMAN HELL, for those who REFUSE TO OPEN IT, and live in what CAN BE A LITERAL HUMAN HEAVEN.
I've truly lived in both places, and I don't think it takes a rocket scientist, to live in heaven, in fact, standard MEASURED intelligence may be a road block, and religion can certainly be the biggest of road blocks, to truly seeing the GOD of Mother Nature TRUE, i to EYE AS ONE LIVING FORCE OF LIFE. :)
So I continue to write epic poetry here, but in disguise as when I remove the standard intelligence punctuation, grammar, and form, it becomes organic; YES, alive, in shaped form as well, per the Universal patterns of the fractals of the Universe in Golden Mean Spiral of 1.618.
Yes, the Golden Mean Spiral of the pyramid, the vase, the chalice, the bell, the wave and the word BECOME ONE, with human being as well as phallic and fertility symbols inherent as such, and last but not least Galaxies, Hurricanes, Tornados, and Nautilus shells that have been around so much longer than human being.
So YES, the word is born of flesh AND the flesh is born of word, 'ABOVE so BELOW'.
For me this is literal truth of life NOW as well as metaphorical truth.
But no, it's nothing new, at ALL aka GOD.
There is nothing sadder to me in this world, than Lost Fractals, and humans are apparently one of the few if any animals that can attain this separation from Mother Nature True aka GOD.
Seriously, it makes me cry, as the answers NOW seem so simple to me but so far away for most people, for sure, who walk as Zombies in a life, BOTH LITERALLY AND METAPHORICALLY that IS EVOLVED TO BE FREE 'VERSE' AS 'UNI VERSE' in DANCE, SONG, AND POETRY OF LIFE. :)
First tHere IS dark, then light, then movement or dance, then sound or song to energize movement or dance in infinite loop, and then some humans invented poetry to attempt to describe emotions that power human beings the same, in fractal way.
And then thEre IS science NOW that continues to be the scribe of GOD.
To suggest that any of this is separate from GOD is at LEAST in PART, evidence of lost fractals of life, as far as I see now.
This perhaps, brings a whole new LIGHT to the words lost and savior, huh, per Abrahamic religious reference. ;)
It's both science and COMMON SENSE.