Christian Discussion: The Meaning of Sacrifice
Here’s a thought for you guys . . .
Because we were condemned to sin (and I know I’m going off on a tangent now, but I’ll tie it in later), how do we have the option of cleansing we as the people of God? This will test your knowledge of the Christian Faith and I already know the answer. I’m just wondering what you guys think.
Because we were condemned to sin (and I know I’m going off on a tangent now, but I’ll tie it in later), how do we have the option of cleansing we as the people of God? This will test your knowledge of the Christian Faith and I already know the answer. I’m just wondering what you guys think.
I think it's truly sad if 'someone', LIKELY PSYCHOPATHIC LEANING CLERGY,
has convinced you, you are condemned to sin.
I have no sin.
And I challenge anyone to prove I do.
So far, i AM LITERALLY successful in refuting every effort to DO JUST that.
God is everything.
God is good.
There is NO SIN.
ThERE IS ONLY Idols of words to stray Humans
from LIGHT, TRUTH, AND WISDOM without the words.....
But if ya wanna heAR the 'real words' of wisdom from reported 'Jesus',
here is A way here to hear 'em.
WITH all due respect, of course.
And by the way, I am not questioned, whether I sin or not, in real life,
as people have always viewed me, overall, as the quintessential 'perfect Christian'.
Not my words, theirs; even when I did not walk in the doors of a church for decades on end.
And I've also been compared to Buddha and Yoda and even GOD TOO, on this very website, with
links and quotes, available on request.
Human being lived naturally reflects that without any words at all....Truth, Light, and Wisdom, is just
that without any man of other to speak them, in complex written language.
In other words, it in inborn; AN innate gift for those who learn their instincts of GOD through the intuitive mind,
BS OF SIN USED FOR CENTURIES ON END, by psychopathic leaning folks to oppress, repress GOD given human nature, and to subjugate others, particularly over reproductive freedoms, through illusory fears, for psychopathic gain in material and monetary gain, and EVEN ILLUSORY SELFISH GENE WAY.
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
We are all "condemned to commit sins", but we are supposed 'accept Jesus' . So when the person accepts Jesus that causes the person to be forgiven regardless of how many sins they have racked up. And then you are "in like Flynn" as far as going to Heaven. You could be Jeffry Daumer, or Mr. Bagdaddy (head of ISIS). But if you find Jesus- you are home free.
I think that that is how it works.
But wait a minute... even if you are the rare person who doesnt commit your own sins- you are still screwed because way back in 4000 BC Adam and Eve committed the "Original Sin". So yeah- you need Jesus to save you from both your own sins, AND to save you from being punished for that fruit eating felony way back in the day that wasn't even your fault, that you didnt even have anything to do with! Jeeze!
So...have I got the theology sorta right?
I'm sorry... are we here for you to teach and correct us?
I'm not blind to your facial expression - but it may take me a few minutes to comprehend it.
A smile is not always a smile.
A frown is not always a frown.
And a blank look rarely means a blank mind.
Because we were condemned to sin (and I know I’m going off on a tangent now, but I’ll tie it in later), how do we have the option of cleansing we as the people of God? This will test your knowledge of the Christian Faith and I already know the answer. I’m just wondering what you guys think.
The statement "how do we have the option of cleansing we as the people of God?" does not make any sense.
Please correct it.

Joined: 6 May 2014
Age: 63
Gender: Female
Posts: 25,953
Location: Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.
We are all "condemned to commit sins", but we are supposed 'accept Jesus' . So when the person accepts Jesus that causes the person to be forgiven regardless of how many sins they have racked up. And then you are "in like Flynn" as far as going to Heaven. You could be Jeffry Daumer, or Mr. Bagdaddy (head of ISIS). But if you find Jesus- you are home free.
I think that that is how it works.
But wait a minute... even if you are the rare person who doesnt commit your own sins- you are still screwed because way back in 4000 BC Adam and Eve committed the "Original Sin". So yeah- you need Jesus to save you from both your own sins, AND to save you from being punished for that fruit eating felony way back in the day that wasn't even your fault, that you didnt even have anything to do with! Jeeze!
So...have I got the theology sorta right?
LOLOLOL You are TOO FUNNY, naturalplastic (funny in the "amusing / entertaining" sense----NOT "funny", in the "wrong" sense). Yep, I'm gonna have to declare it----I'm a fan of your posts! You seem to always be dancing on the precipice of irreverence, but you don't fall-in!! I think that takes skill----and, I appreciate it!!
As for the OP.....
Because we were condemned to sin (and I know I’m going off on a tangent now, but I’ll tie it in later), how do we have the option of cleansing we as the people of God? This will test your knowledge of the Christian Faith and I already know the answer. I’m just wondering what you guys think.
Firstly, I'm wondering if English is your first language----or, maybe you're just really young and hyper----or, excited about your new-found faith, and having the success that you've had, in getting people to respond, to your threads----because your posts are really difficult to decipher, somtimes.....
Secondly, I don't think that ANYONE "knows the answer"----THEE answer!! Everyone interprets the Bible differently----everybody interprets ANYTHING by what they have learned, experienced, etc., and therefore brings different ideas to the table, and so-forth. You may know the answer that you're looking for, from people's posts, but that's not THEE answer.
Thirdly, I'm thinking you're asking "What do we, as people of God, have as options, for cleansing?" I believe the Bible tells us that we will be cleansed by the Holy Spirit----that He will inspire us..... I believe that that means we need to pray to God, and to ask for His forgiveness, and He will send the Holy Spirit to encourage us, and to make us strong in our convictions, to love / follow God.
If you mean: "Why did God give us the option, to cleanse ourselves?" I would say that it's because God loves us, and wants to ensure that we return to him----and, we do this by obeying Him.
If neither of those are what you are asking, then you REALLY need to take more time to focus on writing your posts, more clearly.
White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)
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