Was Hitler trying to breed a race of super aspies?

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15 Aug 2009, 11:49 pm

There were people of the muslim faith who fought for Hitler. They were white, but it's interesting.


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16 Aug 2009, 12:00 pm

Entire nations of Muslims revolted against the Allies, and for the Axis. It's one reason Russia and England conquered Iran during the war. The Grand Mufti found a willing residence in Germany during the war, at least as long as he was useful...;)


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16 Aug 2009, 3:02 pm

Wow. I was talking about european muslims who wore nazi uniforms in the SS.
Apparently Mein Kampf has been translated to arabic lol


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16 Aug 2009, 3:16 pm

protest_the_hero wrote:
Wow. I was talking about european muslims who wore nazi uniforms in the SS.
Apparently Mein Kampf has been translated to arabic lol

It is a big seller along with -The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion-. Anti-Jewish material sells will in the Islamic domains.



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16 Aug 2009, 10:14 pm

ruveyn wrote:
protest_the_hero wrote:
Wow. I was talking about european muslims who wore nazi uniforms in the SS.
Apparently Mein Kampf has been translated to arabic lol

It is a big seller along with -The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion-. Anti-Jewish material sells will in the Islamic domains.


Is that free will or some sort of Calvinist stuff?


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17 Aug 2009, 2:00 pm

Maybe certain traits would've been seen as desirable, but no, not really.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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08 Oct 2015, 6:18 pm

I totally agree

Most people with Aspergers are Northern European - This is undeniable. Hitler would have noticed this too.

Nazi Germany was a society that many people with Aspergers would love, it had routine, orderliness, simplicity.

Nazi Germany is what happens when people with Aspergers get into power.

More specifically, people with aspergers have the Atlantid phenotype,

To be even more specific, Weston A Price who studied facial structure, said facial structure is based off vitamin d/k2


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08 Oct 2015, 7:11 pm

johnsmith543535 wrote:
I totally agree

Most people with Aspergers are Northern European - This is undeniable. Hitler would have noticed this too.

Nazi Germany was a society that many people with Aspergers would love, it had routine, orderliness, simplicity.

Nazi Germany is what happens when people with Aspergers get into power.

More specifically, people with aspergers have the Atlantid phenotype,

To be even more specific, Weston A Price who studied facial structure, said facial structure is based off vitamin d/k2

It's okay dude. Just sleep it off.

Whatever substance you're on- just lie down- it will wear off by morning. :)

Emu Egg
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08 Oct 2015, 9:13 pm

What bit did you disagree with ?

Like the OP said, the connection between Aspergers and race and Nazi Germany is concrete and definite.


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08 Oct 2015, 9:46 pm

Total garbage. The connection between Nazis and Aspergers is that Hitler, Kanner, and Aspergers had Austrian roots.
Since Aspergers clinic was in Vienna his patients were naturally Northern European. Kanner discovered Autism during the depression and World War Two. His patients were the well to do and at that time that meant exclusively European origin. I attended an Aspergers support group in New York City. And you had Jewish Aspies, Chinese Aspies, black Aspies. They did not get the memo that it's mostly a Northern European condition appearently.

People who stimmed, were anxious depressed or non athletic (moter coordination difficulties in most Aspies were noted by Aspergers and most experts working with Aspies since) or considered ret*d were not drafted into the master race they were killed.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman


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09 Oct 2015, 12:27 am

I don't see it.

The fact that most diagnosed autistics are white males doesn't prove that more autistics are white males; it just proves that white males are more likely to be diagnosed. This points to a white male bias within the study of autism.


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09 Oct 2015, 12:57 am

The connection is not through Asperger.

He does come in later with a quote that, exceptional work in the arts and sciences does seem to take a dash of Autism.

Eugenics does have to do with weeding out the weak, it also has to do with breeding the strong lines.

Back then, they did not even have words for DNA, but they did notice that not everyone did exceptional work in technology, aircraft, rockets, and they were on the trail of exceptional mental traits.

Usually called spiritual, expeditions were sent to Tibet, Northern India, and to study Mongolian Shamans.

The goal was to find and understand higher mental powers.

After the war the CIA continued the study.

Yogis can control their heartbeat, their temperature, on the physical plane, and claim remote viewing, and other skills. Germans, Russians and Americans continued the work.

A few years back I learned the largest DNA study of Autism was funded by The Department of Defense, and they did not just fund, they got DNA samples. Hospital Autism Clinics were just fronts, no word on what the DoD did with the largest ever collection of Autistic DNA.

Since then we find Neanderthal DNA, Denisovan, another in North Europe, and in South Africa, tribes have Erectus DNA. We really do have at least three sub species.

There is more, Shamans in Mongolia, Siberia, Alaska, Canada, and Native Americans all seem to report a common structure to the spiritual world they visit.

Invention has been studied, half are as expected, University and Corporate, the other half are people without much training who just see things others do not. Many are serial inventors. MIT and others have tried to teach the traits, the brightest and best were total failures at Patentable developments.

There are unusual human traits, some have perfect pitch, some can play back any song they heard once, there is that guy who can fly over a city once, go somewhere else, and draw it in high detail.

We are not all the same, we do not all live in the same reality.

The study of what we are born with, what we can learn, and odd traits that develop in some, goes on.

Super Aspies would be annoying, no need to create more, they were always around, documented as running one person shops that repaired clocks, cameras, microscopes, telescopes, and engraved printing plates. Also a fair number of painters, writers, and other creative works that take focus and persistence.

As for using them for world conquest, they have flaws, they have interests, and are excellent, or they have no interest at all, and are hopeless.

They also do not do uniforms well, and personal grooming. Computers were developed by sloppy geeks, progress slowed when educated suit and tie types were hired. Human Resources does not like the type.

People seventy years ago did not have the words or concepts to even discuss it. We still do not know how to use it.

The real breeding program has always been grandmothers discussing which of their grandchildren would make good couples in rural or small town situations.

Hitler was behind the curve in many things. He claimed the 1894 Mauser rifle was the perfect weapon. Bolt action, five shot. He blocked other development, and a likely Aspie developer of a short fully automatic assault rifle called it a pistol. It was small, light, thirty shot clips, smaller cartridge, and suited to the warfare of WWII.

Also his SS was over six foot. So they ate more, took larger vehicles, more material for tents and uniforms, and were bigger targets. They were not a large portion of the population. He could have had 50% more troops in the field for the same cost if he had chosen 5'6" to 5'8".


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09 Oct 2015, 6:31 am

I think it's time to close this necrobumped nonsense.