That is So Male!
Where do you live? All these posts about shaming men, stark raving mad feminists, shaming caucasians, etc.. I have never seen or experienced these things first hand in my life.
If someone said to me "that's so male", I would probably sincerely say thank you. I was born a guy and I make no apologies about who I am.
Yep. Around the greater metro area where I live, "social justice warriors" like the people who fight for the equality of women, POC, LGBT people, etc. are very clear that they are fighting for just that - *equality*. It's a bit of a false meme meant to discredit them and avoid criticism. When that same group claims any move toward removing an inequality grants "special rights" it shows that what they really fear is the loss of an unfair advantage.
“For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.”
―Carl Sagan
^ So its perfectly acceptable to Generalize males as chauvanistic pigs?
Your Aspie score is 193 of 200
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No matter where I go I will always be a Gaijin even at home. Like Anime?
Majority of terrorists - Male
Majority of murderers - Male
Majority of wars started by - Males
More likely to be aggressive - Males
Less likely to show emotions or feelings - Males
More likely to commit domestic violence - Males
More likely to sexually harass females - Males
More likely to be dangerous to women - Males
Would not let women vote for decades - Males
Makes more money for doing the same or less amount of work - Males
Majority of Homeless- Males
Majority to commit suicide- Males
Least likely to get help from Domestic Violence if the Perpetrator is Female- Males
Most likely to be prone to suffering depression and anxiety- Males
Shorter life span-Males
Most likely to suffer genital mutilation at birth in first world countries-Males
Least likely to get help when raped out of fear of being ridiculed by society both women and men alike-Males
Victims ignored the most-Males
Most likeley vilified and blamed for the worlds problems-- Males
Most likely to die protecting females- Males
Your Aspie score is 193 of 200
Your neurotypical score is 40 of 200
You are very likely an aspie
No matter where I go I will always be a Gaijin even at home. Like Anime?
Forced to fight in wars - Males
More prone to die of Heart Problems--Males
Deaths due to prostate cancer--Males
Largest number of casualties at war-Males!
Most prone to hernias-Males
Most work related injuries-Males
Most Work related Deaths-Males
Most prone to working the worlds most dangerous jobs-Males
Sentenced for longer terms in prisons for the same crimes as females-Males
Paid less in the adult industry for the same position as females-Males
Your Aspie score is 193 of 200
Your neurotypical score is 40 of 200
You are very likely an aspie
No matter where I go I will always be a Gaijin even at home. Like Anime?
Sexism against men is ignored, the feminists esspecially radical feminists dont care and support sexism against men, like saying oh that is so male of you, you are acting so male in a negative stance. So yeah the term "that is so male" its like saying how typical males are stupid sexcraved dogs and are all chauvinistic pigs! It is a Generalzation as a means for empowerment, remember men dont matter, they have no value they are worthless and useless and women are superior in every way and women are smart and all men are stupid! I am sorry but thats sexist against men but it is encouraged and if I said the same way about women the thread would get locked immediatelly but if the same was said about men it would go on! Society does not care about men, men dont matter only women, women are more important than men, men have no feelings so its ok to be sexist against men, remember all men are bad and all women are good. In todays society no matter how the feminist movement perceives it to be we men are scum we are subhuman and all bad and in a way inferior to women and women are smart and we are all dumb incapable of doing anything! Regardless of the many inventions and scientific breakthroughs men have done but it does not matter, all men are stupid useles and worthless and if we dissagree its being oh so male and we are sexist for it! So we have to suck it up feel worthless and useless and women are better than men in every way and superior for this is woman empowerment and I should keep my mouth shut and not stick up for myself! If I was to stick up for myself then I would be the bad guy and villified so I have no voice and stay silent and allow women to be sexist against men and belittle men and emasculate men because we males are worthless, we are the bad guys no matter what and accept that! If was was to try and stick up for myself then the thread will be locked so I have to remain silent and remain being the punching bag because I am a strait white male, its okay for women to beat me abuse me, mentally abuse me and even rape me, I dont matter, I deserve it all because I am male! I am useless and worthless and nothing more than to be used as a sperm donar, I have no purpose and if I fight it and dissagree I am the bad guy and will get sent a warning via pms and thread locked! So sexism agains males is ok as a means to encourage female empowerment! I have been a rather submissive male and deserved to be abused regardless of todays views that the politically correct way for men to be is being submissive to women! If I am not submissive then I am sexist but at the same time being submissive I am hated and ridicled by other men and seen as weak! If I chose to stick up for myself then I would be told "oh that is so male" and accused of being a chauvanist!
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No matter where I go I will always be a Gaijin even at home. Like Anime?
Really? I just thought I heard a statistic once that said they did. Oh well, my point still stands.
In the U.S. most thugs are actually brown not black(usually Hispanic).
What I am saying is that there is a rise in female chauvanism and if I speak out against that I am laughed at, but yet here is a video of a Feminist saying there is a rise in female chauvinism, so they only listen to feminists or women who notice it as opposed to men noticing it and ridicule men when men notice it, myself included and I am sick of it! The Irony for once I actually agree with a feminist now the world is going to an end and a paradox!
Your Aspie score is 193 of 200
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No matter where I go I will always be a Gaijin even at home. Like Anime?
I've never heard the phrase "that's so male," but I'm sure it will start appearing considering how much feminists hate men nowadays. Feminists in Canada are objecting to International Men's Day which is one of the few times when suicide, workplace deaths, homelessness, and other male issues are addressed. Most of the feminists I see all have tons of friends and are well liked, and yet they constantly complain that men have "social privilege." I have zero friends and find it nearly impossible to communicate with people, and yet they say it is worse somehow to be a woman with many friends who has to deal with manspreading.
Your Aspie score is 193 of 200
Your neurotypical score is 40 of 200
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No matter where I go I will always be a Gaijin even at home. Like Anime?
Really? I just thought I heard a statistic once that said they did. Oh well, my point still stands.
Which group gets arrested the most isn't necessarily the same group that committs the most crime. For instance the survey's I have read indicate that more whites per percentage smoke illegal pot. However, more blacks get arrested for smoking illegal plot.
While it may be easy to track whose getting arrested. It isn't so easy to track who is actually committing more crime.
Your Aspie score is 193 of 200
Your neurotypical score is 40 of 200
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No matter where I go I will always be a Gaijin even at home. Like Anime?
To AspieOtaku:
I think you are justified in feeling the way that you do. I speak with authority when I talk to self-proclaimed female feminists who badmouth men. I do so because I because I against sexism in any form. Of course these women don't usually like what I have to say but that's okay. Female supremacy is not the answer for patriarchy. Equality is the answer.
In a similar situation, there are black supremacists and black people who justify their hatred of whites because of historic oppression. I'm black. I hate racist whites with a passion. But it makes no sense to me to exemplify the same racism I can't stand by hating white people in general. People are to be judged by their character not group membership. A history of oppression does not justify hating every member of the group that was guilty of oppression.