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31 Mar 2016, 6:09 pm

pcuser wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
Lukeda420 wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
It's a silly soundbite that Trump was goaded into by Chris Matthews. It's a weird and kind of loaded question; "if hypothetically abortion is murder and illegal, should women be punished somehow?" If hypothetically my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle. Do any of you people listen to anything than gotcha activist journalism? We never see the candidates talk about the real issues, always Trump this or Trump that. If these presidential candidates can't deal with Trump then maybe they shouldn't be president? Do they think Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping are any less tough? Let's see Hillary talk about these trade deals, these wars she started in the Middle East, her husband's entire record that she can't run far enough from. It's nonsense, none of the other candidates besides Bernie Sanders has any message or vision of their own.

The Democratic primary is even worse than the Republican one for pandering, they've gone off the deep end with minority issues. Bernie and Hillary have been fighting over who likes black people and Mexicans the mostest for months now, is it any wonder why White working class voters feel abandoned? Wages are stagnant, there is no job growth, almost 100% of the job growth of the last 15 years have been to foreign workers legal or illegal. Democrats are in for a big surprise come November, lot of Ivory towers skewing their vision. These are issues that matter to EVERYONE, not just black or white or gay or straight voters. Democrats have surrendered themselves to unthinking coalition of identity politics while abandoning their traditional base. It's kind of funny, I've been reading around the internet now and in some of the SJW circles they want to remove to G from LGBT because in their minds it is impossible for cis white male to discriminated against ever.

Punishing women for abortions is silly by the way, charge the doctor with murder and it won't be a problem. These women have to live with themselves, that is more punishment than a lot can take and I do believe at the end of their lives that most regret it. There are so many lost souls in this country, miserable people that can't stand to look at themselves in the mirror so they drink and do drugs and eat and smoke and all the self destructive things. People talk about these awful back alley abortions like they were so common but I'd venture to say that far more women have died since Roe v Wade getting the abortion procedure that they wouldn't otherwise, without Roe V Wade the amount of abortions in this country would be minuscule compared to the almost 60 million abortions we've had in the in the US since 1972. It's morally wrong and it is killing this country, we've murdered an entire generation.

This rant is virtually fact free. There are 7 billion people in this planet and 300 million in this country alone. I don't think we need to be worried about killing the country through abortion.

Please provide sources to show more women have died after Roe V. Wade.

She it comes to morals, I think it's morally wrong to throw a doctor in prison for facilitating a women's choice. And it is pie in the sky naivety to think that would solve any problems. It was not a loaded question to ask if women should be punished if we make abortion illegal.

Trump's campaign has been nothing but pandering. Remember "Two Corinthians"? Trump has virtually no idea what he's talking about on any political issue foreign or domestic. When pressed for details he either makes a gaffe like the one in front of Matthews or he just pivots and says what I do will be terrific. Ted Cruz has been playing dirty tricks this whole election and is being accused of cheating on his wife. Yet he is still trying to run as a family values candidate. So how has the democratic party pandered harder than Republicans?

You really need to step away from the right wing sites. It's really leading you astray when it comes to what's actually happening.

I think we'd be better off with those 60 million people here, I think our country would be a lot stronger and better off. 60 million speaks for itself, it's unfathomable. A genocide. A holocaust.

Trump gets interrogated every day by reporters, sometimes he makes a mistake or doesn't answer a way they like. I I don't care, I don't watch these interviews, I don't think any useful information comes out of them. Hillary very rarely makes these appearances and even rarer yet makes herself publicly available, what is her whole campaign about? I mean besides that victims of sexual assault deserved to be believed, I agree Paula Jones. I don't believe Trump is a socially conservative ideologue and really mostly cares about his core issues, I think most people know this. It doesn't matter if he's fluid on certain issues if he's right on the ones that matter. Why does Hillary want to be president? It may be to keep her and her husband out of prison.

There's only one little problem with your genocide. Genocide, by definition is a systematic extermination of sentient beings. We aren't even sentient when we are born. We begin to become sentient only a few months after birth. That's science, another inconvenient truth. Since no sentient beings were harmed, no genocide...

So by that logic Aktion T4 wasn't necessarily entirely genocide?


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31 Mar 2016, 6:10 pm

Jacoby wrote:
kraftiekortie wrote:
If Trump is elected, there will be many nations laughing at us.

We'll be rich and they'll be poor, we'll be laughing our way to the bank.

There are going to be a lot of countries following the US's lead, look at the leaders coming up around the corner in Europe. People are sick and tired of the status quo, they're tired of the sovereignty of their nation and people coming under non-stop assault from globalism. Every country has a movement or one similar, there are going to be a lot of populist leaders in the next 10 years in the West.

How many ventures has Donald Trump led to bankruptcy now? Laughing at other countries is something you don't want to do. Trump seems the type to start a god damn war over nothing, plus he's a fan of the Soviets, so it wouldn't surprise me if he started World War 3 over a dumb incident.

Trump has shown nothing to do the degree that he is qualified to lead a country, let alone a company again. His policies are abysmal, his social views are insane and his belief in science is a god damned shame. You cannot have a man like this in power unless you want to run your country into the dirt.

So by that logic Aktion T4 wasn't necessarily entirely genocide?

Where the hell are you getting that logic? It was part of the Holocaust, it was genocide.


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31 Mar 2016, 6:14 pm

Jacoby wrote:
pcuser wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
Lukeda420 wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
It's a silly soundbite that Trump was goaded into by Chris Matthews. It's a weird and kind of loaded question; "if hypothetically abortion is murder and illegal, should women be punished somehow?" If hypothetically my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle. Do any of you people listen to anything than gotcha activist journalism? We never see the candidates talk about the real issues, always Trump this or Trump that. If these presidential candidates can't deal with Trump then maybe they shouldn't be president? Do they think Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping are any less tough? Let's see Hillary talk about these trade deals, these wars she started in the Middle East, her husband's entire record that she can't run far enough from. It's nonsense, none of the other candidates besides Bernie Sanders has any message or vision of their own.

The Democratic primary is even worse than the Republican one for pandering, they've gone off the deep end with minority issues. Bernie and Hillary have been fighting over who likes black people and Mexicans the mostest for months now, is it any wonder why White working class voters feel abandoned? Wages are stagnant, there is no job growth, almost 100% of the job growth of the last 15 years have been to foreign workers legal or illegal. Democrats are in for a big surprise come November, lot of Ivory towers skewing their vision. These are issues that matter to EVERYONE, not just black or white or gay or straight voters. Democrats have surrendered themselves to unthinking coalition of identity politics while abandoning their traditional base. It's kind of funny, I've been reading around the internet now and in some of the SJW circles they want to remove to G from LGBT because in their minds it is impossible for cis white male to discriminated against ever.

Punishing women for abortions is silly by the way, charge the doctor with murder and it won't be a problem. These women have to live with themselves, that is more punishment than a lot can take and I do believe at the end of their lives that most regret it. There are so many lost souls in this country, miserable people that can't stand to look at themselves in the mirror so they drink and do drugs and eat and smoke and all the self destructive things. People talk about these awful back alley abortions like they were so common but I'd venture to say that far more women have died since Roe v Wade getting the abortion procedure that they wouldn't otherwise, without Roe V Wade the amount of abortions in this country would be minuscule compared to the almost 60 million abortions we've had in the in the US since 1972. It's morally wrong and it is killing this country, we've murdered an entire generation.

This rant is virtually fact free. There are 7 billion people in this planet and 300 million in this country alone. I don't think we need to be worried about killing the country through abortion.

Please provide sources to show more women have died after Roe V. Wade.

She it comes to morals, I think it's morally wrong to throw a doctor in prison for facilitating a women's choice. And it is pie in the sky naivety to think that would solve any problems. It was not a loaded question to ask if women should be punished if we make abortion illegal.

Trump's campaign has been nothing but pandering. Remember "Two Corinthians"? Trump has virtually no idea what he's talking about on any political issue foreign or domestic. When pressed for details he either makes a gaffe like the one in front of Matthews or he just pivots and says what I do will be terrific. Ted Cruz has been playing dirty tricks this whole election and is being accused of cheating on his wife. Yet he is still trying to run as a family values candidate. So how has the democratic party pandered harder than Republicans?

You really need to step away from the right wing sites. It's really leading you astray when it comes to what's actually happening.

I think we'd be better off with those 60 million people here, I think our country would be a lot stronger and better off. 60 million speaks for itself, it's unfathomable. A genocide. A holocaust.

Trump gets interrogated every day by reporters, sometimes he makes a mistake or doesn't answer a way they like. I I don't care, I don't watch these interviews, I don't think any useful information comes out of them. Hillary very rarely makes these appearances and even rarer yet makes herself publicly available, what is her whole campaign about? I mean besides that victims of sexual assault deserved to be believed, I agree Paula Jones. I don't believe Trump is a socially conservative ideologue and really mostly cares about his core issues, I think most people know this. It doesn't matter if he's fluid on certain issues if he's right on the ones that matter. Why does Hillary want to be president? It may be to keep her and her husband out of prison.

There's only one little problem with your genocide. Genocide, by definition is a systematic extermination of sentient beings. We aren't even sentient when we are born. We begin to become sentient only a few months after birth. That's science, another inconvenient truth. Since no sentient beings were harmed, no genocide...

So by that logic Aktion T4 wasn't necessarily entirely genocide?

What part of sentient being are you having trouble with? Aktion T4 was about killing sentient beings...


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31 Mar 2016, 6:17 pm

Trump was asked a very simple question "if abortion is illegal should women be punished?" He tried to dodge the question and Mathews just pinned him down. It's how journalists are supposed to interview people.

Trumps responses to everything is either to shallow too mean anything, completely untenable, or just flat out wrong. That's nit the same as making an occasional mistake.

The many debates between Hillary and Bernie actually discussed nuanced policy differences. The Republicans just insulted each other and bragged about their anatomy.

The world is already overpopulated leading to massive problems all over the world. Also it's ludicrous to think every woman who had an abortion would have had a healthy child otherwise.

And how do you deal with women who are raped. Many women don't even go to the police for shame or fear of harassment or retaliation. And the majority that do don't lead to convictions. So should these women be forced to carry a rapists baby to term.

What about miscarriages? Do you want women to be interrogated because they had a miscarriage? What if a women had a jilted ex who accused her of having an abortion instead of a miscarriage? Should the cops do an examination on the woman to prove that she didn't have an abortion?

As I said, step away from the right wing sites.


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31 Mar 2016, 6:25 pm

Lukeda420 wrote:
Trump was asked a very simple question "if abortion is illegal should women be punished?" He tried to dodge the question and Mathews just pinned him down. It's how journalists are supposed to interview people.

Trumps responses to everything is either to shallow too mean anything, completely untenable, or just flat out wrong. That's nit the same as making an occasional mistake.

The many debates between Hillary and Bernie actually discussed nuanced policy differences. The Republicans just insulted each other and bragged about their anatomy.

The world is already overpopulated leading to massive problems all over the world. Also it's ludicrous to think every woman who had an abortion would have had a healthy child otherwise.

And how do you deal with women who are raped. Many women don't even go to the police for shame or fear of harassment or retaliation. And the majority that do don't lead to convictions. So should these women be forced to carry a rapists baby to term.

What about miscarriages? Do you want women to be interrogated because they had a miscarriage? What if a women had a jilted ex who accused her of having an abortion instead of a miscarriage? Should the cops do an examination on the woman to prove that she didn't have an abortion?

As I said, step away from the right wing sites.

Speaking of miscarriages, in some states, they are already prosecuting women who have them. And this while abortions are legal. Hopefully, the courts will step in and reverse this disgusting abuse of our rights...


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31 Mar 2016, 6:36 pm

Chris Matthews has a style and an entertaining one at that but him leading Trump into his rhetorical "trap" isn't my idea of journalism. No one else gets put on the spot like this, Hillary certainly doesn't. I like Chris Matthews but his whole shtick is talking over people and trying to make them look like a fool, people don't want off the cuff answers but they don't want politician answers so there really is no way to win most of the time.

Trump has taken the same position as me on abortion(which I arrived at well before fwiw), he says he's anti-abortion with exceptions for rape and the health of the mother. Trump says this was the same position Reagan took on the issue. Good enough for me.

We don't have an overpopulation in the West, we have an overpopulation problem in Asia and Africa while we have a demographic collapse in the West. That's why we need massive unmitigated immigration because we've killed off the children that were suppose to take care of us.


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31 Mar 2016, 6:42 pm

Jacoby wrote:
pcuser wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
It's a silly soundbite that Trump was goaded into by Chris Matthews. It's a weird and kind of loaded question; "if hypothetically abortion is murder and illegal, should women be punished somehow?" If hypothetically my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle. Do any of you people listen to anything than gotcha activist journalism? We never see the candidates talk about the real issues, always Trump this or Trump that. If these presidential candidates can't deal with Trump then maybe they shouldn't be president? Do they think Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping are any less tough? Let's see Hillary talk about these trade deals, these wars she started in the Middle East, her husband's entire record that she can't run far enough from. It's nonsense, none of the other candidates besides Bernie Sanders has any message or vision of their own.

The Democratic primary is even worse than the Republican one for pandering, they've gone off the deep end with minority issues. Bernie and Hillary have been fighting over who likes black people and Mexicans the mostest for months now, is it any wonder why White working class voters feel abandoned? Wages are stagnant, there is no job growth, almost 100% of the job growth of the last 15 years have been to foreign workers legal or illegal. Democrats are in for a big surprise come November, lot of Ivory towers skewing their vision. These are issues that matter to EVERYONE, not just black or white or gay or straight voters. Democrats have surrendered themselves to unthinking coalition of identity politics while abandoning their traditional base. It's kind of funny, I've been reading around the internet now and in some of the SJW circles they want to remove to G from LGBT because in their minds it is impossible for cis white male to discriminated against ever.

Punishing women for abortions is silly by the way, charge the doctor with murder and it won't be a problem. These women have to live with themselves, that is more punishment than a lot can take and I do believe at the end of their lives that most regret it. There are so many lost souls in this country, miserable people that can't stand to look at themselves in the mirror so they drink and do drugs and eat and smoke and all the self destructive things. People talk about these awful back alley abortions like they were so common but I'd venture to say that far more women have died since Roe v Wade getting the abortion procedure that they wouldn't otherwise, without Roe V Wade the amount of abortions in this country would be minuscule compared to the almost 60 million abortions we've had in the in the US since 1972. It's morally wrong and it is killing this country, we've murdered an entire generation.

I actually watched the whole interview and it was just one of many issues. When Trump was asked about anything besides his deal making or building a fence, he couldn't or wouldn't answer the questions. Even with this one, he tried to slide past it, even attacking the hosts religious beliefs. Furthermore, for the pro-life crowd, they need to be consistent. If abortion is murder as they claim and if the woman freely participates, how is she not guilty of at least conspiracy to commit that murder?

It's gotcha journalism, Chris Matthews was leading Trump worse than the Branden Dassey to get an answer he wanted. It's just nonsense, are you seriously deciding who should be president based on who responds the Chris Matthews pestering? Trump wins on the real issues, I do not care about soundbites.

If he can not handle GOTCHA journalists how is he going to handle Putin or the Iranians trying to get him on the finer details of nukes?

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31 Mar 2016, 6:48 pm

Jacoby, you are just so far from the facts here.

And Jacoby, you didn't answer the question I asked. You just pulled a Trump. I asked should the women who are unable to prove they were raped (which is the majority of cases) be forced to carry a rapist's baby to term?


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31 Mar 2016, 7:06 pm

The questions facing us in this election are not who are laughing, but who laughs last.

The Banks and Brokers are making war on the wealth of the planet, wealth the People own.

Someone is going to win, and someone is going to burn atop their paper empire.

The people have the wealth, the votes, the guns, and Soros has $15 an hour shills on the internet.

Soros is another who has to win to get pardoned, as Russia has an International Arrest Warrant for him.

Banks, Brokers, the Clintons, Soros, the manure pile is trying to take over the farm.


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31 Mar 2016, 7:34 pm

Lukeda420 wrote:
Jacoby, you are just so far from the facts here.

And Jacoby, you didn't answer the question I asked. You just pulled a Trump. I asked should the women who are unable to prove they were raped (which is the majority of cases) be forced to carry a rapist's baby to term?

Start naming these facts, I don't like you repeating that.

This wouldn't be my decision to make, I think once we've established that abortion on demand is morally and legally wrong then you can start hashing out the ins and outs of the exceptions. That's the overwhelming majority of abortions right there.


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31 Mar 2016, 8:26 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
If Trump is elected, there will be many nations laughing at us.

I think 99% would be appalled rather than amused, because Trump is a loose cannon who cannot be trusted to stick to any agreement, and is led by his ego and duplicity; they know already that his definition of a fact is anything he wants it to be, and that may be the end of any meaningful and effective international co-operation between the Five Eyes and could endanger the security of the USA, because countries like New Zealand collect and supply intelligence from other countries on a large scale to the USA everyday. I know that Americans seem to believe that the US collects all its own security information, but that's not how it works. This is no laughing matter. Trump's espoused contempt for international agreements wouldn't make the USA safer, quite the reverse.


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31 Mar 2016, 9:26 pm

Jacoby wrote:
Lukeda420 wrote:
Jacoby, you are just so far from the facts here.

And Jacoby, you didn't answer the question I asked. You just pulled a Trump. I asked should the women who are unable to prove they were raped (which is the majority of cases) be forced to carry a rapist's baby to term?

Start naming these facts, I don't like you repeating that.

This wouldn't be my decision to make, I think once we've established that abortion on demand is morally and legally wrong then you can start hashing out the ins and outs of the exceptions. That's the overwhelming majority of abortions right there.

Side stepped the question again. If you are going to make the argument that abortion should be illegal than you should be able to answer questions about enforcement. I mean it's not your choice on whether or not abortion is legal but you still have an opinion about it.


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31 Mar 2016, 10:47 pm

Lukeda420 wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
Lukeda420 wrote:
Jacoby, you are just so far from the facts here.

And Jacoby, you didn't answer the question I asked. You just pulled a Trump. I asked should the women who are unable to prove they were raped (which is the majority of cases) be forced to carry a rapist's baby to term?

Start naming these facts, I don't like you repeating that.

This wouldn't be my decision to make, I think once we've established that abortion on demand is morally and legally wrong then you can start hashing out the ins and outs of the exceptions. That's the overwhelming majority of abortions right there.

Side stepped the question again. If you are going to make the argument that abortion should be illegal than you should be able to answer questions about enforcement. I mean it's not your choice on whether or not abortion is legal but you still have an opinion about it.

Evidently women weren't prosecuted before so they most likely won't be if abortion become illegal again. It looks like the doctors were prosecuted. ... oe-v-wade/

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01 Apr 2016, 12:53 am

i'm reading news reports of women suffering miscarriages in the south, getting prosecuted. so that tells me that if they can get away with banning abortion down there, those women getting illegal abortions will also be prosecuted in the same way.


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01 Apr 2016, 12:57 am

auntblabby wrote:
i'm reading news reports of women suffering miscarriages in the south, getting prosecuted. so that tells me that if they can get away with banning abortion down there, those women getting illegal abortions will also be prosecuted in the same way.

Well post what you're reading, dude.

Me grumpy?
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