AspE wrote:
1. That's not segregation, that's a room or floor where black people can hang out together.

This isn't segregation, it's just a park where white people can hang out together, right?
I would call taking an entire floor of a building that is currently used by everyone, and proclaiming that from now on only people of X skin colour are allowed there to be a rather textbook case of segregation.
2. How does this make them SJWs? Are all black people SJWs?
On the first point, the langauge they use has the distinct odour of third wave intersectional feminism, their use of guilt and attempts at shaming as tactics in order to get what they want, as well as their profound lack of evidence for the various stripes of bigoted -isms that are supposedly rampant. I've seen a picture of the poop swastika, so I believe that's a thing that happened in some form. I'd like to see some pics of the white supremacist cult that was apparently operating out in the open, but which no one except BLM people saw. So rampant is all this racism, that the leader fo the Black Student Union at Kean Uni was caught sending racist threats to her fellow students from the Uni library herself , so she could incite some racial tensions where they must have been rather lacking before.
Oh, and there's also that bit in the list of demands:
VIII. We demand that the University of Missouri increases funding, resources, and personnel for the social justices centers on campus for the purpose of hiring additional professionals, particularly those of color, boosting outreach and programming across campus, and increasing campus-wide awareness and visibility.
(this particular bit was from Missou, but many demands occour multiple times.)
And from where did you get the notion that all black people are SJWs? Certainly not from me. Heck, plenty of black people are actively calling calling them on their s**t.
I'm bored out of my skull, let's play a different game. Let's pay a visit down below and cast the world in flame.