in terms of spectral visitations, they take many forms, a good book about it is "hello from heaven." as for me, several times in my life I have been visited by the departed, in terms of my late mom and dad, and at least one stranger danger spirit that I unwittingly elicited when I used [inadvisably] an electronic Ouija board. I turned the unit on, with the expectation that i'd hear a ghost, and within a few minutes I heard a loud "DROP DEAD! !!" at which point I hastily shut the unit off, removed the batteries and chucked it into a drawer. I then went outside for some fresh air, and encountered a nasty coarsely particulate-appearing dark gray cloud in my driveway, hugging the ground. I exclaimed aloud, "OMG!" and it disappeared. when my dad died, my sister and the hospice nurses in his room say him suddenly open his eyes and stare with ecstasy at a spot on the wall nobody else could see, with an ear-to-ear grin that fades slowly away as the life force left him. they then saw a filmy off-white cloud materialize above his dead body, which eventually faded away. a day afterwards both me and my surviving mom were simultaneously awoken with me hearing "hey [my name]" and my mother hearing "hey [her name]." carrying my mother's cremains to the veteran's cemetery office, I felt an inexpressible enveloping palpable warmth imbued with a loving emotion, it hung around for about 20 minutes until I deposited the cremains with the office personnel. a few more times over the years since [2008] I was again visited with the same palpably enveloping warmth. my mother also appeared to me many times in my dreams, sometimes showing me around her new stomping grounds in the bright world above, to tell me she was alright. she looked many decades younger. my dad also appeared to me in dreams though he usually was visiting me as though he were still alive [but looking as he did when he was in his 30s].