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22 Jan 2017, 4:47 pm

RetroGamer87 wrote:
I realise you're not going to respond to this. That's your prerogative. I'll respond anyway because I really enjoy these discussions.
Ganondox wrote:
No, it's not my source, again my actual source is a life time of involvement with this subject, I'm just giving you something because you asked for one
So you had a decent source and you gave me that instead?

Maybe your source is only available in a text book but you said your sources were "easily available".
Ganondox wrote:
and it is from an academic source, did you not see the edu?
I saw that it was intended for nursing students. Now I have a great deal of respect for nurses. I know many of them are specialists in their field but your source was not specialist knowladge. It breifly stated what but it didn't state why.
Ganondox wrote:
Of course it doesn't cite any studies, as studies are completely irrelevant to the question, that's what you don't seem to get.
Why are studies completely irrelevant to this question?

You keep on making baseless claims such as "studies are completely irrelevant to this question" without providing any reason for them.

You do realise in rhetoric you don't just make a statement out of the blue with no reason, don't you?
Ganondox wrote:
Your insistence there must be scientific difference between sex and gender is frankly a nonsensical concept because it's literally semantics
You want to go with semantics? That's fine. We can go with semantics if you want but I still think it's a little dissapointing that your proof gender exists as a separate thing is that there's a seperate word for it. There's a word for dragon and yes, it's in the dictionary but that doesn't prove dragons really exist, does it.

You can't prove everything using semantics because a million different things existed before language even developed. Those things were no less real just because they didn't have names.
Ganondox wrote:
You're so off the mark you can't even comprehend what the mark is.
There's no need for insults. Please be mature about this.
Ganondox wrote:
I'm not going to continue this conversation
That's fine by me.
Ganondox wrote:
you're just being stubborn and making a pedantic non-argument
I could say the same for you. Most of your so-called arguments were just "everyone just knows it so it must be true" and "sex is something totally different" without saying what it is and "it's pretty obvious that I'm right" and "you can't even comprehend what the mark is, therefor I'm right"
Ganondox wrote:
because you think you know more than you actually do
Please don't project your own problems on to me.

You speak as though you think you're a scientist and yet you don't know how to back up your claims or even how to describe the system of sex that you claim is the correct one.

I never said that your system of sex is the wrong one, I just said you hadn't actually described it.
Ganondox wrote:
and have *awful* reading comprehension
Where did I have aweful reading comprehension.
Ganondox wrote:
(maybe it would be better if you stopped taking every PHRASE out of context!).
Which phrases did I take out of context?
Ganondox wrote:
The information is all there and extremely easy to get
And yet you seem to have a hard time getting it. If it's so easy to get you could provide me with a link describing why sex and gender are different in a matter of seconds.

Remember that thing for nursing students said nothing about why they're different. It was little more than a glossary.
Ganondox wrote:
you're just wasting my time.
No one can waste your time but you.
Ganondox wrote:
I already answered most your questions anyway (I'll address the ones I didn't, for the rest just reread what I already wrote and try thinking about it a little harder), and the sources you brought up on your own actually confirmed what I was saying (for example the Oxford dictionary had the same definitions as the Merriam Webster dictionary, just phrased differently and in a different order, again there is literally no debate that gender is culture while sex is biology).
That's right. They both had the same definitions (plural) in a different order, including the biological definition of gender.
Ganondox wrote:
PS: Do you know what a layman even is?
Yes. It's a fairly common term. You must have quite a low opinion of me if you think I don't know common words.
Ganondox wrote:
It's someone who isn't an expert. By default, the definitions of words are for layman unless it's specialized terminology.
But gender isn't specialised terminolgy. It's also a common word.
Ganondox wrote:
PSS: There is several definitions of sex WITHIN the scientific community, but they all relate back to the gamete definition of sex in one way or another and relate to the problem that the gamete definition can't be extended beyond the cellular level.
When did I ever claim otherwise?
Ganondox wrote:
You can't just make up your own definition of sex
Of course I can't. I wasn't attempting to make up my own definition of sex. In fact at my point in my posts did I even define what sex is.
Ganondox wrote:
Again, the main problem is that you don't have the basic level of context to even be a part of this conversation, and I can't just give that to you here. Of course you're just going to say that's a non-argument, but that's because you're coming from the position of ignorance, you don't even know what you don't know. From where I stand, it's extremely obvious what's going on.
And of course you're going to say that I should simply major in biology but that's just not practical. I can't just quit my job to study full time in an unrelated field. I can't spend $50,000 to do that.

Sure I could Google all this stuff as you suggested but then you'd say it doesn't count because I'm not college educated.

The trouble with Googling stuff is that you can find stuff to support any position on Google. That's why I gave you the chance to provide sources, to make it fair for you.

Maybe you're right. Maybe I took on more than I could chew. Maybe I'm simply not smart enough to understand the science behind this. Not being smart enough is the story of my life.

I didn't even disagree with your claims, simply the way you presented them without proof. I'm sorry if I annoyed you. That was not my intention.
Ganondox wrote:
PSSSSS: With the "requires no more than two" thing, the issue was parsing, giving it the opposite meaning that you intended, especially with all the unneeded qualifiers like "still". What you should have written was "it doesn't require more than two sexes".
Well that clears that up.

I'm saying dude, use freaking google! I'm not going to waste my time googling stuff for you, it's not any sort of specialized knowledge that's hard to acquire because you need an advanced textbook or anything. You tell me to provide a explanation of the difference between sex and gender, I provided you SEVERAL, yet you rejected them all for some asinine reason. If you go to any reputable source it's going to say basically the same thing. Anyway, most my sources are people, not books, so I can't just give them to you, but you'll find it in books as well. And I'm not going to point out every place where your reading comprehension failed or your took a phrase of context, because that applies to MOST of your comments, and it's simply not worth my time to explain each case, especially when I already explained it once.

The why gender and sex are different is simple: they never were the same thing. The use of gender to refer to sex is an EXTREMELY recent use of the term, like 70's recently. Prior is was just an obscure term used in feminist theory (and some other anthropological disciplines that took the term from feminist theory), and linguistics. The concept of differentiating them using studies is nonsensical because it's an entirely realm of semantics, it's like demanding a study to prove there is a difference between a rock and a sphere. What you're actually asking me to do is explain the difference between a biological concept and a cultural concept, which is more complicated than can be done in a forum post as it requires a foundational understanding of anthropology. They are used synonymously in common speech because the difference is very technical and in most cases it doesn't matter, but when you're getting into an in-depth discussion the nature of sex, or even a general discussion of LBGT culture, it does. The only reason I pointed out the distinction in the first place is because you were talking about how SJWs were wrong for saying sex isn't biological, which is correct, but it misses the ACTUAL argument.

PS: Pointing out your ignorance is not an insult. It's pretty clear the problem is that you have an idea in your mind about what the framework for the definition of sex and gender are supposed to be, but the reality doesn't match your framework at all, and until you get out of the box you put yourself in we can't have this conversation. Like, there isn't an single agreed upon definition for sex, there is several, but there is a general concept of what sex is even if some of the details are fuzzy, and I'm not endorsing any specific definition, just trying to explain the general concept. Meanwhile, YOU have been extremely insulting with your sarcastic attacks, so that just makes you a hypocrite.

PSS: THERE IS NO BIOLOGICAL DEFINITION OF GENDER! The dictionary definition you gave explicitly stated that gender is NOT biological. Why is that so hard for you to understand? It's not biologists who use gender to refer to sex, it's average people. Once you start talking about gender, you leave the realm of biology, and enter the realm of anthropology as the concept of gender can only be applied to people.

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22 Jan 2017, 4:50 pm

OK, you win. I give up.

Yes I was being sarcastic but that was only because I thought one good turn deserves another. But you're right. It's still hypocritical for me to do something I condemn even if someone else did it first.

Ok, I'll Google it. I was just afraid you'd say whatever sites I found on Google weren't proper academic sources, particularly after you said I should take an anthropology class. I misinterpreted that to mean a class is the only valid source. To be honest I doubt they'd let me in.

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22 Jan 2017, 5:43 pm

I cannot stand the SJW kids. I don't feel like going into every reason why unless I was writing a thesis paper on SJWs. Look up how they have disrespected the trans community, saying they "feel 5% trans" or whatever. It's beyond frustrating when you are trying to explain something to tbe general population that is a minority related issue and these ppl come along and ***t all over everything. They can pretend to be autistic all they want but no one will take them seriously. Then they will graduate college and go on to succeed in tbe world as average punks with no disability to overcome...except for their obvious mental illness. Whereas I still have my autism as I always have and don't know life without it. :P

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22 Jan 2017, 5:45 pm

4chan did a cringe page on these ppl btw and it is hilarious. Youtube has some funny videos if you search epic cringe sjws...

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22 Jan 2017, 5:56 pm

Used to think that SJWs were mythical creatures, like bigfoot, because you dont encounter them in real offline life. In fact you never even hear folks utter the term "SJW" in real offline life.

But if you are online and look hard enough you do find them.

The red flag that someone has gone to far and crossed into the pathological extreme is when they worry about somethng called "cultural appropriation" which is a totally nonsensical concept.


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22 Jan 2017, 6:12 pm

dinetahrisingsun wrote:
I cannot stand the SJW kids. I don't feel like going into every reason why unless I was writing a thesis paper on SJWs. Look up how they have disrespected the trans community, saying they "feel 5% trans" or whatever.
The ironic thing is they think they're respectful to everyone.

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22 Jan 2017, 6:54 pm

RetroGamer87 wrote:
dinetahrisingsun wrote:
I cannot stand the SJW kids. I don't feel like going into every reason why unless I was writing a thesis paper on SJWs. Look up how they have disrespected the trans community, saying they "feel 5% trans" or whatever.
The ironic thing is they think they're respectful to everyone.

Unless you're white. Or straight. Or cis. Or male. Or Christian. Or own a gun. >.<


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22 Jan 2017, 7:10 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
Used to think that SJWs were mythical creatures, like bigfoot, because you dont encounter them in real offline life. In fact you never even hear folks utter the term "SJW" in real offline life.

But if you are online and look hard enough you do find them.

The red flag that someone has gone to far and crossed into the pathological extreme is when they worry about somethng called "cultural appropriation" which is a totally nonsensical concept.

Cultural appropriation is very much a real concept, there is just nothing inherently wrong with it. It's just a natural thing people do. The problem only really comes when people are turning something sacred into something profane because they don't understand the original implications, and then you solve the problem by talking about why what you are doing is offensive rather than just defaulting to "cultural appropriation". The funniest thing is the SJWs are extremely guilty of cultural appropriation as well.

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22 Jan 2017, 8:53 pm

Autism isn't even a priority for most SJWs. They claim to care about us but if we appear to be creepy to women who don't understand us, they'll label us as rapists as soon as they can.


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23 Jan 2017, 3:01 am

naturalplastic wrote:
Used to think that SJWs were mythical creatures, like bigfoot, because you dont encounter them in real offline life. In fact you never even hear folks utter the term "SJW" in real offline life.

But if you are online and look hard enough you do find them.

The red flag that someone has gone to far and crossed into the pathological extreme is when they worry about somethng called "cultural appropriation" which is a totally nonsensical concept.

This. I read The Guardian a bit, and this kind of people sometimes write opinion pieces there, usually along the lines of "we should all start worrying about this thing". And then I ask myself, is this really a problem? Compared to global warming, housing crisis, high school dropouts. And the answer is almost always that these people have too much time on their hands.

This is one of the most sprawling threads I've read in a while. It seems some people are discussing SJWs that are into autism, and some are discussing SJWs in general. Generally, what I find toxic is the idea that if you don't agree with them, you're evil. And that attitude is something we all have to watch out for in ourselves.

I sometimes leave conversations and return after a long time. I am sorry about it, but I need a lot of time to think about it when I am not sure how I feel.


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23 Jan 2017, 9:38 am

I find it impossible to take anyone who uses the acronym SJW unironically with any amount of seriousness. It just proves that they've swallowed the alt-right crazy pill and aren't worth bothering with.

Seeing so many autistic people declaring themselves opposed to social justice and declaring advocates of equality to be the enemy is quite sad....... :cry:

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23 Jan 2017, 9:49 am

Geekonychus wrote:
I find it impossible to take anyone who uses the acronym SJW unironically with any amount of seriousness. It just proves that they've swallowed the alt-right crazy pill and aren't worth bothering with.

Seeing so many autistic people declaring themselves opposed to social justice and declaring advocates of equality to be the enemy is quite sad....... :cry:

I find that ironic.

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23 Jan 2017, 3:26 pm

Geekonychus wrote:
I find it impossible to take anyone who uses the acronym SJW unironically with any amount of seriousness. It just proves that they've swallowed the alt-right crazy pill and aren't worth bothering with.

Seeing so many autistic people declaring themselves opposed to social justice and declaring advocates of equality to be the enemy is quite sad....... :cry:

Pretty much no one uses the term unironically though.

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23 Jan 2017, 3:51 pm

Ganondox wrote:
Geekonychus wrote:
I find it impossible to take anyone who uses the acronym SJW unironically with any amount of seriousness. It just proves that they've swallowed the alt-right crazy pill and aren't worth bothering with.

Seeing so many autistic people declaring themselves opposed to social justice and declaring advocates of equality to be the enemy is quite sad....... :cry:

Pretty much no one uses the term unironically though.

Not true. I'm pretty sure most people are fairly serious when they use the term. It seems to be the go to insult for sad douchebags online.

There are ironic ways to use the term though. Some of my liberal friends and I like to tease each other all the time with the terms as a way to mock sad rightwingers and their fragile masculinity. I called my wife and SJW cuck just yesterday!

I don't think most people have a clue how ridiculous the term is when it's said out loud. :lol:


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23 Jan 2017, 4:04 pm

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.

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23 Jan 2017, 4:34 pm

Geekonychus wrote:
I find it impossible to take anyone who uses the acronym SJW unironically with any amount of seriousness. It just proves that they've swallowed the alt-right crazy pill and aren't worth bothering with.

SJW's do not equate to social justice advocates. SJW's are a sub catagory of Social Justice Activists who bully others through language policing, language redefinition and trying to ban viewpoints they do not like. They assume all those who who are born a certain way are racist, sexists and a whole bunch of other "ists". They often find offense when none was intended. They often assume offense for other groups (SJWsplaining?). They like to yell "check your privilege" while often quite privilaged in the old sense of the word themselves.

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