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18 Aug 2017, 2:52 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
I made the statement that the killing-by-car was a premeditated act, which has drawn the ire of certain conservative WP members.

"Ire" from "Conservatives"?

Let's examine this narrative.

The only person who directly challenged your claim that you know the intentions of strangers was myself, i.e. not a conservative. You also claimed intimate knowledge of the mind of a guy who killed someone. When given a choice between responding to arguments being made and engaging in infantile identity politics, you chose the latter.

So it turns out you're fake news, Bill.

Considering that the white nationalists had agreed to leave their vehicles several blocks away, so as to avoid the risk of vandalism, it must be asked why this stupid a$$hole instead parked his car near the demonstration.

Just how involved were you in this event? Are you a secret neo-Nazi, Bill? You seem to have insight into the protest which transcends anything I've read or watched.

I think this waste of working organs had been fantasizing and fantasizing over and over about showing those leftist race mixers the fury of a true white man by driving his car through their ranks - and so he did.

Wait. You "think"? The narrative changes! From the certitude of a man who believes himself able to discern intent from outcome to an admission of fallibility, and within a single paragraph! Yet you can't help but crank up the identity politics in the same sentiment, whilst simultaneously revealing a worrying amount of empathy for the type of person you're describing.

And yes, Bill, I'm well aware that you have repeatedly demonstrated a crippling desire to simplify the world into black and white, good and evil, virtuous left vs contemptible right, but just as reality isn't going to conform to your demands, I'm not going to quietly sit in the box you've constructed in order to mollify your infantile narrative.


I'm not your straw-conservative. Go bark up another tree.

EzraS wrote:
I've heard so much about them lately, I'm starting to take a really keen interest it. I think I'll go visit that website I've been hearing so much about. Maybe I should see if they have a discussion forum or subreddit and get into some conversations with them! - Thoughts that might be running through the head of a teen.

- Know your enemies and know yourself.


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18 Aug 2017, 6:28 am

rick sanchez wrote:
Drake wrote:
The nazis are playing by the rules. Their opponents are not. They think they're above the law.

Really, whos rules? They came prepared for violence with sticks, shields, milk to treat pepper spray. What rules were being followed wheb the nazi drove into the crowd?

The law is the rules I'm talking about.

They have the right to come with weapons, and I can't be annoyed at them for doing so when they know antifa and co. are going to steam into them with weapons. The guys with the guns didn't shoot anyone, the guys with the torches didn't burn anything. The one in the car was most certainly not within the law, and he will be dealt with by the law.


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18 Aug 2017, 6:38 am

KagamineLen wrote:
Now that I have calmed down and actually read what people are saying, I believe I owe an apology to all in this forum.

f**k it. Blind frustration and internet access combined has not done any favors to anybody. I own my foolish behavior, and I should not go online when I am so full of rage that it leaves me without the ability to reason things out.

With that said, I return to my vacation from the internet.

Well I for one accept your apology. Well done. I would suggest checking to see if your mind is open before you begin posting in future and try to keep your mind open.


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18 Aug 2017, 6:42 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
Drake wrote:
KagamineLen wrote:
Drake wrote:
OP, are you going to listen to what people are saying, or just keep putting out rhetoric?

The last time Americans insisted upon appeasing Nazis, we had a Holocaust.

There already was one attempted mass murder, and even after that, some of you are crying out for Nazi rights.

You honestly do not see anything wrong with that?

Universal rights. That includes everyone. That's what makes it work.

One murderer, one arrest. He will be brought to justice. The rest didn't kill anyone. Or try to.

Yes, universal rights are a must for the survival of a free society. Just the same, when racists demonstrate to promote their views, anti-racists have every right to counter them with their own demonstrations. That's how universal rights work.

Indeed. The problem with the antifa is they come to fight, riot, loot, burn and destroy.


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18 Aug 2017, 6:47 am

rick sanchez wrote:
EzraS wrote:
The less attention they're given and the less of a voice they have, the better.

I have heard this arguement a lot with no proof if it works.

The proof is when we paid little or no attention to the likes of neo-nazis and the KKK. They were utterly insignificant and tiny. They still are quite small, but the hard left is helping them grow with their actions and the media is by putting a spotlight on them.


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18 Aug 2017, 6:51 am

Misslizard wrote:
rick sanchez wrote:
EzraS wrote:
The less attention they're given and the less of a voice they have, the better.

I have heard this arguement a lot with no proof if it works.

It doesn't work with bullies.

Depends on your bully. An attention seeker bully who wants a reaction will hate it, a bully who enjoys inflicting pain and beating people up won't care. Same for a bully who is bullying you because they don't like you as opposed to one who wants to get some fun out of you by getting a rise out of you.

The nazis are seeking attention, validation, legitimacy. Deny it them.


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18 Aug 2017, 7:07 am

DarthMetaKnight wrote:
EzraS wrote:
I would think more people with autism would be centrist, neutral, objectively detached. Rather than so emotionally caught up in one political party. That seems like such an NT thing to do.

We usually lean to the left because reality has a liberal bias.

A "centrist" is someone who is trying to appease the oppressor and the oppressed at the same time.

I find it annoying when people living in a bubble believe left-leaning is synonymous to being a fan of the US Democratic party. Nobody is being "emotionally caught up" in a f-ing political party. That's NOT what this is about.


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18 Aug 2017, 11:41 am

Are our only options anarcho-communism or fascism? No middle ground?

Who’s better at math than a robot? They’re made of math!

rick sanchez
Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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18 Aug 2017, 12:21 pm

sly279 wrote:
rick sanchez wrote:
Raptor wrote:
When we start banning things we don't like or are icky where does it stop?

Well , lets see most freedom party conservatives want to ban abortion, keep most drug use illegal and ban the free practice of religion

Where will you guys stop?

Think before you talk s**t.

Liberals want to ban, free speech, guns, unhealthy foods, hoodies, brown paper bags, etc.

Why throw your lot in with any freedom hating side

Oh my goodness what ever will you do without brown paper bags? How will you survive? Your other points are BS.

Peace among worlds!


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18 Aug 2017, 1:12 pm

Tim_Tex wrote:
Are our only options anarcho-communism or fascism? No middle ground?

That's what they want you to think. Both should be firmly rejected.


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18 Aug 2017, 4:33 pm

Drake wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Drake wrote:
KagamineLen wrote:
Drake wrote:
OP, are you going to listen to what people are saying, or just keep putting out rhetoric?

The last time Americans insisted upon appeasing Nazis, we had a Holocaust.

There already was one attempted mass murder, and even after that, some of you are crying out for Nazi rights.

You honestly do not see anything wrong with that?

Universal rights. That includes everyone. That's what makes it work.

One murderer, one arrest. He will be brought to justice. The rest didn't kill anyone. Or try to.

Yes, universal rights are a must for the survival of a free society. Just the same, when racists demonstrate to promote their views, anti-racists have every right to counter them with their own demonstrations. That's how universal rights work.

Indeed. The problem with the antifa is they come to fight, riot, loot, burn and destroy.

I didn't see Antifa doing any of that countering the Unite the Right demonstration.
Just as easily, one could say that the Alt Right comes to inflict pain and humiliation, till they provoke a response.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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18 Aug 2017, 4:35 pm

adifferentname wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
I made the statement that the killing-by-car was a premeditated act, which has drawn the ire of certain conservative WP members.

"Ire" from "Conservatives"?

Let's examine this narrative.

The only person who directly challenged your claim that you know the intentions of strangers was myself, i.e. not a conservative. You also claimed intimate knowledge of the mind of a guy who killed someone. When given a choice between responding to arguments being made and engaging in infantile identity politics, you chose the latter.

So it turns out you're fake news, Bill.

Considering that the white nationalists had agreed to leave their vehicles several blocks away, so as to avoid the risk of vandalism, it must be asked why this stupid a$$hole instead parked his car near the demonstration.

Just how involved were you in this event? Are you a secret neo-Nazi, Bill? You seem to have insight into the protest which transcends anything I've read or watched.

I think this waste of working organs had been fantasizing and fantasizing over and over about showing those leftist race mixers the fury of a true white man by driving his car through their ranks - and so he did.

Wait. You "think"? The narrative changes! From the certitude of a man who believes himself able to discern intent from outcome to an admission of fallibility, and within a single paragraph! Yet you can't help but crank up the identity politics in the same sentiment, whilst simultaneously revealing a worrying amount of empathy for the type of person you're describing.

And yes, Bill, I'm well aware that you have repeatedly demonstrated a crippling desire to simplify the world into black and white, good and evil, virtuous left vs contemptible right, but just as reality isn't going to conform to your demands, I'm not going to quietly sit in the box you've constructed in order to mollify your infantile narrative.


I'm not your straw-conservative. Go bark up another tree.

EzraS wrote:
I've heard so much about them lately, I'm starting to take a really keen interest it. I think I'll go visit that website I've been hearing so much about. Maybe I should see if they have a discussion forum or subreddit and get into some conversations with them! - Thoughts that might be running through the head of a teen.

- Know your enemies and know yourself.

I'll take the designation of being "Fake News" as a compliment, as that conservative insult is applied to those news sources that are just the exact opposite of real fake news.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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18 Aug 2017, 5:06 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
I'll take the designation of being "Fake News" as a compliment, as that conservative insult is applied to those news sources that are just the exact opposite of real fake news.

Avoiding giving straight answers again, Bill?

It's rather telling that, when confronted with anything that contradicts your binary world view, your responses are invariably the textual equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and chanting "LA LA LA I'M NOT LISTENING!".

If you lack the fortitude to defend your flimsy rhetoric, I suggest you discontinue the petty attempts at pigeon-holing and, likewise, desist from peddling your Identitarian drivel.


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18 Aug 2017, 5:21 pm

KagamineLen wrote:
Why are so many people refusing to recognize that?

We had a World War about it.

Many people laid down their lives to rid the world of the Nazi scourge.

Now we have people willing to disrespect the memory of all who have fought and died to protect the planet from ethnic cleansing by stating that National Socialism is a legitimate political platform. And that anybody who makes a stand against it is an monster.

This is not what the Allied soldiers fought for at all.

Nazis deserve no quarter. Nazis deserve no legitimacy. Nazis deserve no complacency in the face of their marches.

Why is that really so hard for some people to understand?

Antifa and BLM are not Allied soldiers. Antifascishtiche Aktion was created in the 1930s, as a Communist opposition to Nazism; Black Lives Matter was founded by Alicia Garza, an avowed Communist. The only reason you are not being told this, is because the US Mainstream Media is the corporate lapdog of the Globalist "Progressive" Left, and will never say anything that portrays Marxist Socialists in a negative light.

Nazis (National SOCIALISTS) murdered over 6 Million people during WWII. Over the past century, Communists have slaughtered more than 200 Million, enforcing their worldview on others.

There are no "good guys" in this conflict. Neither of these groups of people want a United States governed under it's founding principles of individualism and liberty. Both want to impose their hateful tyranny on those around them, and kill or oppress anyone who argues.

When another group has a legal permit to exercise their right to Free Speech, and you show up without any permit, baseball bat in hand, to silence them, you can only expect a fight. If you are injured or killed in that violence, you have no one but yourself to blame. All these people were thugs. the only good end that could have come from it would have been if they had all killed each other.

"I don't mean to sound bitter, cynical or cruel - but I am, so that's how it comes out." - Bill Hicks


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18 Aug 2017, 8:23 pm

adifferentname wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
I'll take the designation of being "Fake News" as a compliment, as that conservative insult is applied to those news sources that are just the exact opposite of real fake news.

Avoiding giving straight answers again, Bill?

It's rather telling that, when confronted with anything that contradicts your binary world view, your responses are invariably the textual equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and chanting "LA LA LA I'M NOT LISTENING!".

If you lack the fortitude to defend your flimsy rhetoric, I suggest you discontinue the petty attempts at pigeon-holing and, likewise, desist from peddling your Identitarian drivel.

I've decided giving answer to you, straight or otherwise, hardly is worth my time. You're the one who accused me of "identity politics," when I fail to recall how I wrote anything in defense of a particular ethnicity I might belong to. Or in other words, your accusations are specious, as I did no such thing.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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18 Aug 2017, 8:28 pm

will@rd wrote:
KagamineLen wrote:
Why are so many people refusing to recognize that?

We had a World War about it.

Many people laid down their lives to rid the world of the Nazi scourge.

Now we have people willing to disrespect the memory of all who have fought and died to protect the planet from ethnic cleansing by stating that National Socialism is a legitimate political platform. And that anybody who makes a stand against it is an monster.

This is not what the Allied soldiers fought for at all.

Nazis deserve no quarter. Nazis deserve no legitimacy. Nazis deserve no complacency in the face of their marches.

Why is that really so hard for some people to understand?

Antifa and BLM are not Allied soldiers. Antifascishtiche Aktion was created in the 1930s, as a Communist opposition to Nazism; Black Lives Matter was founded by Alicia Garza, an avowed Communist. The only reason you are not being told this, is because the US Mainstream Media is the corporate lapdog of the Globalist "Progressive" Left, and will never say anything that portrays Marxist Socialists in a negative light.

Nazis (National SOCIALISTS) murdered over 6 Million people during WWII. Over the past century, Communists have slaughtered more than 200 Million, enforcing their worldview on others.

There are no "good guys" in this conflict. Neither of these groups of people want a United States governed under it's founding principles of individualism and liberty. Both want to impose their hateful tyranny on those around them, and kill or oppress anyone who argues.

When another group has a legal permit to exercise their right to Free Speech, and you show up without any permit, baseball bat in hand, to silence them, you can only expect a fight. If you are injured or killed in that violence, you have no one but yourself to blame. All these people were thugs. the only good end that could have come from it would have been if they had all killed each other.

American communists had never murdered anyone. In fact, they've been the victims of violence and government action in the past. Contrast that with the racist right which has plenty of blood on their hands.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer