Possible deep state/shadow govt drama later today orchestrat

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18 Mar 2018, 6:58 pm

Subject: Possible deep state/shadow govt drama later today orchestrated from Majestic Theater Dallas or rehearsed for March 22???

The following brought to you by someone who isn't Trump's terrier or Obama's otterhound.

According to Ole Dammegård there will be a drill simulating a partial building collapse at 0800 (I assume 8 am) at the Majestic Theater in Dallas and concludes that the false flag will happen there (or later on the 22nd). Since according to the web site (Majestic Dallas) nothing is scheduled my guess is that if it goes live it will happen elsewhere. There are numerous sites just within about a mile radius that are excellent choices for a deep state or shadow government drama that puts TNT to shame (or probably for that matter the real thing). It looks to me like there are many theaters, concert halls, and performing arts centers, apparently many of which have seating capacities of at least 600. Some are flexible and can handle between hundreds and thousands depending on the setup for a particular event.

I thing the crazies (Zionist neoconservatives and social justice warrior "left" that seems to be concerned about a few wedge issues like tranny bathrooms (and I don't really think they actually care about that, granted something constructive should have been done a long time ago and over sufficient time (but that is another matter), what they care about being a mystery)) have completely lost there manure considering various events and the bellicose rhetoric , especially the recent obvious false flagging and rush to irresponsible allegations and judgment of a nuclear power. No, I'm not a fan of the alt-right either, which seems to generally for the most part believe too much of the nonsense the Ziocons believe and perhaps half or more of them have there own problems that perhaps make them deplorables as Killary says. Granted what she left out is that 99.5% of supporters of herself and the competing Repugnant Party candidates are also deplorables, or something like that. Obviously I have a low opinion of a vast majority of most of my "fellow" "Americans". Most Americans fall for simplistic, reactionary solutions of one form or another whether it is for example "gun control", "gun control", "gun control" at one end of the swing of the pendulum or the "Baker Act", "Baker Act", "Baker Act" antithesis at the other. Actually they say "mental health" not "Baker Act" but I'm making what they really mean more clear, especially for the average "American" at this point I don't even think actually ever even existed. There is almost no thought that is creative and actually constructive. Compare this article to what is discussed in lamestream media about school shootings: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2018/02/fre ... n-and-now/ Granted, he has some views we aren't too keen on, but if you can stomach those it is still worth a read. For one thing I think he is right on a few important things such as that lack of good jobs is a problem, reduction and even elimination of recess is a problem. His views on feminism is more of a complicated problem, suffice it to say I don't think feminism is really about equality. We need to allow people to be themselves without rigid gender roles or actively trying to push an agenda and change boys and men the way feminists are doing so I only partially agree there. On some other issues I think even he is too simplistic (and right wing). I'll leave it at that.

As a side note I generally agree attacking groups is generally not a good idea but when a country is overwhelmingly filled with people who are in fact demonstrably not that bright compared to most other first world nations (go look it up, compare educational systems, etc.), lacking in common sense and wisdom, and support dangerous reactionary politicians that have been lying there way into one war of aggression after another for decades, have nuclear weapons that can destroy the Earth several times over and are now a clear imminent and immediate threat to the planet what needs to be said needs to be said needs to be said. It is like not pointing out the faults of SS jack-booted thugs in the 1930s, only far worse by orders of magnitude.

Besides I consider corporations to be state-charted bureaucracies, in other words governments whether for profit or not (for profit being even more dangerous and deserving of scrutiny) and an honest judge whose first lie wasn't his/her/31 other unwieldy, impractical Baskin-Robbins flavors of gender pronouns oath of office would agree that an Internet Bill of Rights is unnecessary because it already exists. Free speech is more important than somebody's feelings, and that includes the Zionist neocon hypocrites who overwhelmingly call everyone else snowflakes but I am sure would fume and want to wire my jaw shut for my disagreements with their beliefs in America as a functioning constitutional republic and a constitution that never existed where the NDAA, torture, etc. is somehow constitutional but Social Security isn't, ad nauseam, even if I manage to "avoid personal attacks." Of course, Zionist neocons cry like babies when social justice warriors say something they don't like. My problem with the SJWs is that there views are in fact extreme. It is one thing to promote tolerance, but when you go as far as most of those on what passes for the left do tolerance becomes intolerance. When whiteness becomes the oppressor and not thugs like Soros and the Koch brothers I (a sour cream guy) start to have a problem.

Just next door to Majestic is Medusa which is having a Karol G performance. Some sources say at 8 pm, others 9 pm. I'll go by the web site of Medusa Dallas and assume 9 pm central. There is an Insame Clown Posse concert about 10 miles away at 7 pm. That was easy to find . I don't know about Meyerson Symphony Center and many other places, but I am mentioning just two of probably many possibilities.

Russia openly accuses the U.S. and its nonexistent Free Syrian Army and bogus rescue workers who wear magical white helmets of planning yet another false flag chemical attack in Syria

There were NATO drills in the Mediterranean the first half of March, a massive drill near North Korea last December. It looks to me like the Ziocon drama kings in charge of the NATO war machine is getting very desperate and they are probably as ready as they ever will be since the U.S. and the West is in rapid decline. They love to do something stupid when Russia is distracted. Today and tonight they will be distracted with the elections and the aftermath (no doubt concession speeches, parties).

One of two big problems I see is that these events are about 12 hours after the drill is scheduled to begin. The other problem with the Dallas scenario is that ideally something happens so it is around 3:00 am or 4:00 am wherever the U.S. strikes, so if we give the sock puppet in chief and the military just two hours to respond to an event, the event has to take place around 8:00 pm eastern or 7:00 pm central if it involves Syria. The third is that we still don't have Pompeo as Secretary of State and "Bloody Gina" as CIA Director who apparently according to multiple allegations by multiple sources did in facto oversee torture and destroy evidence, a few bizarre mistakes and retraction by John Kiriakou of all people notwithstanding.

A lot of terror attacks have occurred on March 22 so perhaps it will happen then, or if Field McConnell is right 7:11 am EST on March 27th. I definitely expect a major false flag and WWIII within the next few months, since it is obvious the desperate deep state (deep is probably redundant) and shadow government have co-opted TNT's slogan: boom.

If that doesn't work, my guess is that they'll do something really desperate, like nuke a city and claim North Korea did it or perhaps they will (or already have) convinced North Korea that they might as well strike while they still have the capability. The "negotiations" North Korea "agreed" was likely a tactic to buy time since I cannot imagine any state or leader in 2018 doing what got Gaddafi and Hussein killed and Iraq and Libya destroyed.

I believe that should the U.S. or Israel do any of the following: 1) attack Syria again, 2) supply Ukraine with lethal weapons that are subsequently used in the "eastern part of the country," 3) attack North Korea, 4) attack Iran or 5) attack Lebanon (attacking Hezbollah is attacking Lebanon and what Russia considers a legitimate sociopolitical organization) we will quickly see war on multiple fronts and with Turkey now on Russia's side and the Kurds on Syria's side things will not go well for the U.S. in what will essentially be a war between the U.S. and several other countries. Other countries such as Israel, the Ukraine, South Korea, Japan, and various NATO countries may join if they are suicidal -- Israel definitely will (and most likely the Ukraine). I say quickly on multiple fronts because I cannot imagine these countries (Syria, Lebanon, North Korea, Russia, and China) letting themselves get picked off one at a time. For one thing, Russia is starting to "Just say no" at the UN Security Council.

Odds are very good WWIII will happen this month, given the rhetoric and the fact that the U.S. likes to start its wars of choice in March for some reason. Since Vietnam all major US-NATO led military operations except two -- the Gulf War and the invasion of Afghanistan have started in March.

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18 Mar 2018, 7:28 pm

I tend to be a fan of the concept that sunlight is the best disinfectant with this sort of thing.

If you're able to provide enough evidence to start the ball legally rolling on the actors involved I'll be happy to listen to updates on your civil case as you take them to task on the ground level stuff that doesn't involve their larger crimes but makes them visible to anyone who can see what they're up to. After all if they're a hydra that has its fingers in just about everything under the sun to where they've got reality by the balls no one will ever believe it unless the preponderance of circumstantial evidence makes the conclusion inescapable.

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18 Mar 2018, 8:10 pm

There is plenty of sunlight. Even when people talk it makes no difference, like Alexa Miednik who says she was next to the suspect Nicholas Cruz when she heard shots being fired. When she referred to Nicholas Cruz as the suspect she used her hands and fingers to make it clear that suspect belongs in quotes. At least one student interviewed by KPRC said there were multiple shooters.

A few years ago Paul Schrade testified at Sirhan Sirhan's parole hearing that he should be granted parole. The following is some of what he said:

The evidence clearly shows you were not the gunman who shot Robert Kennedy. There is clear evidence of a second gunman in that kitchen pantry who shot Robert Kennedy. One of the bullets -- the fatal bullet -- struck Bob in the back of the head. Two bullets struck Bob literally in his back. A fourth bullet struck the back of his coat's upper right seam and passed harmlessly through his coat. I believe all four of those bullets were fired from a second gunman standing behind Bob. You were never behind Bob, nor was Bob's back ever exposed to you.

Indeed, Sirhan, the evidence not only shows that you did not shoot Robert Kennedy but it shows that you could not have shot Robert Kennedy.

Gentlemen, the evidence clearly shows that Sirhan Sirhan could not and did not shoot Senator Bob Kennedy.

There is just a few of many examples. Truth never seems to make a difference even when it comes out.

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18 Mar 2018, 8:25 pm

Furthermore the official stories are almost always about as absurd as the worst of the "conspiracy theories" in the alternative media. When it comes to some things like 9/11, the very nature of the event means it has to be a conspiracy theory, unless you come up with something like Osama bin Laden used remote viewing to control multiple pilots at the same time. That is about the only way it would not be a conspiracy.

How is it that someone who supposedly "had Aspergers and ADD" like Nicholas Cruz have the executive function to last more than five minutes in the ROTC training program? Are they that desperate? How is it that we know he "had Aspergers and ADD" if that really is in fact his "medical" diagnosis? Isn't that info confidential? When they use patsies of false flag operations or nonexistent perpetrators of hoaxed events that are behaviorally Neanderthal and demonize us I take it very personally.

As I see it almost all of the most tragic events in the U.S. and Europe follow certain patterns with little deviation and make little sense except as a hoaxes or false flag operations.

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18 Mar 2018, 11:39 pm

I had my own brief look into the conspiracy world sort of thrust upon me during a point in my life where I was sorting through different doctrinal issues in new age and theosophy, came across guys like Tom Horn and Steve Quayle (along with Hagman and Hagman), things were that strange back then that it seemed utterly bizarre but for a minute somewhat credible. I think that's about where, after listening to Steve Quayle and V for several months I noticed they weren't just saying great things about what a man they thought Putin was, it got weirder, enough where I started to wonder if there was a reason why Steve's end-times tribulation version of Skycaptain and the World of Tomorrow sounded a lot like Ringing Cedars of Russia and other metaphysical pulp from that region.

Conspiracies clearly do happen, I like that Bret and Eric Weinstein have brought that up often in interviews and in the same sentence they offer that we as a culture do really bad with handling it. I think largely because most of what people believe is about in-group allegiance rather than truth, outsiders and strays are easy targets, so the very art of sense making for its own sake is a 'freaks and geeks' activity where even when done with clinical professionalism and saying nothing extraordinary about the state of reality it still hardly makes any sort of dent.

That's sort of why I was saying that if you find yourself looking at these sorts of things and pretty sure that you've identified a sort of in-bread good ol boys network that's not only acting against public interest but acting illegally it's best to bring the ground level details of that to light because its something people can act on without having the 'Oh - nevermind, he's crazy' button pushed. To have certainty that these things are happening sort of flips the script of responsibility from rolling it all off the top of your head on a blog radio station or something like that (which will only find the most niche of niche crowds) to really staying more quiet about it, for the sake of not getting the 'hatter' label, and pushing for investigations where they can get zapped on the merits of what they're clearly doing.

I get that even the last move may not seem particularly gratifying at an individual level, and it's just as possible that the power structures are so entrenched that no one feels like it's in their career interests to do anything. In a lot of ways humanity, for all it's tribal instincts, could be incorrigible and there's nothing any awake or aware person can do about the depth to which the genetic programming of the people around them dominates common sense or reasoning to the point that it just becomes a social justification machine for their primal-motivated actions. If that's the case, then all you can really do is just try inventing - going 'Game B' on them, finding small Pandora's boxes of technology or new ideas that can pull any capacity back from them (whoever it is) to be able to dominate the flow of things.

I think one thing that is clear, from the constant firings we keep hearing about in the FBI and the like, is that the political shenanigans we have is headed toward second or third world levels of complexity. Not sure what we'd do if the whole onion is rotten and even to clean house we might end up just ushering in more of the same.

Other than the signal-to-noise ratio being atrocious in the conspiracy community the other reason I got away from it as fast as I could was I realized that about the only way we really do have any power is to affect societal norms and thinking ourselves - ie. set good examples, try to put the best ideas we can out into the sphere of ideas, and hope that enough intelligent people can reach principled decisions on critical issues. If that's not possible we have to chop away at it technologically. It's a pretty damn cold universe though and, like anything subject to laws of physics, it seems like a lot of things could be fused to our future irrevocably that we won't find pleasant or could be the end of humanity.

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19 Mar 2018, 8:46 am

It looks to me like one of four things is going to happen very soon:

1) The states of the West becomes like Somalia or some other failed state.

2) The states of the West find that Russia and China won't capitulate and end up getting taken over .

3) WWIII goes nuclear, a more intelligent species takes over -- cockroaches.

4) Russia and China capitulates, the system collapses of its own weight and the entire world is run by corporations through drug lords and religious extremists of every conceivable strip.

Yes, the signal-to-noise ratio in the alternative media is as high as such lamestream CIA proxies as Faux Business and More Stupid Newscasters Broadcasting Crap.

The problem is that it seems to only take a third of the population to either create a Constitutional Republic (or at least try to with rather limited success) or create a Third or Fourth Reich such as "National" "Socialist" Germany or "Capitalist" "Exceptional" America. Both are in fact imperialist and the worst form of Socialism -- Corporatism. There is so much manipulation of interest rates, gold, silver, nonexistent assets such as volatility, etc through derivatives, purchases of assets by central banks that are the economic equivalent of sarin gas, etc that I think we'd be better off with a modern Gus Hall and input tables. As for the so-called "cultural Marxism" supposedly of the Frankfort School, I don't know what is going on with today's "left," my guess is that there isn't much real Marxism of any form that can reasonably be called Marxism, unless they want to create mayhem and get it in through the back door. They have gone so far as to alienate a large swath of the gentile gringos. Is it really worth any extra minority votes they are getting?

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19 Mar 2018, 10:09 pm

DemocraticSocialistHun wrote:
As for the so-called "cultural Marxism" supposedly of the Frankfort School, I don't know what is going on with today's "left," my guess is that there isn't much real Marxism of any form that can reasonably be called Marxism, unless they want to create mayhem and get it in through the back door. They have gone so far as to alienate a large swath of the gentile gringos. Is it really worth any extra minority votes they are getting?

Human psychology and development are really fragile, or should I say anti-fragile, things apparently. On one hand we have the problem of people's sense of touch with natural consequence, in that if they never really come to grips with a physical world in the usual sense and a world of nonhuman consequences it has the effect of causing people to believe in a way that reality itself is a social construct and that everything is mutable - I think this is a large part of how authoritarian left-wing biology denialism works. What made matters worse was the helicopter-parenting of the late 80's and 90's as well as so many other changes like recess being cancelled, anti-bullying education seeming to turn into anti-friendship (anti-exclusion) training as well. If you give bureaucrats an inch they take a mile and it tends to be the most imperceptive people who are the most passionate about changing things, making one thing or another 'perfectly safe', and because they're zealots - by extension bullies - people generally tend to back down figuring they're more trouble than they're worth.

I was also thinking about something else while I was on lunch break today at work. It really seems that one of the most disfiguring forces in our culture right now is fear of lawsuit. That pulls the lever of various company's legal teams, their risk management teams, and worse - their insurers. Apparently there aren't enough penalties for frivolous law suits, certain kinds of unscrupulous (or unscrupulous and ideologically possessed) people take advantage of the realization that all they have to do is create a climate where the threat of lawsuit always looms and they can wrap the corporate world around their fingers as these entities are trying to make money and they can be destroyed in the snap of a finger by the news media, by the right ex-employee making the right claims, and it's gotten to be a really toxic place to try to do business let alone get through a work day without either saying something, or worse - saying something through omission, that gets you tagged in the witch hunt.

I do worry if people keep trampling their own liberties we will have a dictator in the US. Trump virtue signals a lot, I don't think he's it regardless of how grandiose some of his sounds are. Regardless I do think we're desensitizing pretty badly and a lot of things seem to be normalizing right now that really tell us we're on a bad trajectory.

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20 Mar 2018, 7:44 am

DemocraticSocialistHun wrote:
tranny bathrooms

Speaking as a mod now: please don't use this sort of language. It's considered very offensive.

They are trans people.


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20 Mar 2018, 8:54 am

“Fresh air” sounds like a fine antidote for all this.....

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21 Mar 2018, 10:16 am

The_Walrus wrote:
DemocraticSocialistHun wrote:
tranny bathrooms

Speaking as a mod now: please don't use this sort of language. It's considered very offensive.

They are trans people.

The way I used it in the context was a dig at SJWs who go overboard and aren't really liberals and Democrats, at least on class issues which matter most. Yes, there are transgendered people, and the issues have been ignored for thousands of years. However, my point is that they are being used to further some sort of an agenda, which should be obvious by now -- as to what I'm still trying to figure out.

If I were you I'd be more concerned about a prison planet or nuclear annihilation (it looks more like nine seconds to midnight, not 90) where almost everyone is treated worse than trangendered people and bisexuals who aren't really part of a LGBTQ+ community that I don't really believe exists are treated now.

Don't believe it? I'll put it this way: which do you think is more danger? A transgendered female in a lesbian bar or a Trump supporter (or someone like me who was lukewarm on Trump to begin with) in a Portland bar full of SJWs? Enough said.

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21 Mar 2018, 10:27 am

techstepgenr8tion wrote:

I was also thinking about something else while I was on lunch break today at work. It really seems that one of the most disfiguring forces in our culture right now is fear of lawsuit. That pulls the lever of various company's legal teams, their risk management teams, and worse - their insurers. Apparently there aren't enough penalties for frivolous law suits, certain kinds of unscrupulous (or unscrupulous and ideologically possessed) people take advantage of the realization that all they have to do is create a climate where the threat of lawsuit always looms and they can wrap the corporate world around their fingers as these entities are trying to make money and they can be destroyed in the snap of a finger by the news media, by the right ex-employee making the right claims, and it's gotten to be a really toxic place to try to do business let alone get through a work day without either saying something, or worse - saying something through omission, that gets you tagged in the witch hunt.

All I see is the opposite problem. I think the witch hunt is primarily used to deny SSI and SSD, claiming fraud based on every possible pretext. If these people do so much as breath the accusations of fraud fly. Try getting justice when the cops maim or kill using ridiculous justifications that would put you or me in prison or a nitrogen-filled room. If you shoot an intruder in your home 15 times try explaining that to a judge.

Dirty Oddie by Eric Peters

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21 Mar 2018, 11:04 am

Where was the tolerance of the Ziocons and fake alt-right when the war in Afghanistan happened? Or when Al Gore was being forced to concede when he clearly won? The likes of Stuart Blarney Faux Business are worse because they are hypocrites. I am starting to get really pissed with the Alt-Right. It is becoming clear these people are mostly shills too. No word from Pat Buchanan that the official story on Parkland Florida makes no sense. He buys and even promotes propaganda, not sure about Whitehead. As for the Maryland shooting, we only have the official story from the police department and zero evidence of anything, but the fake alt-right buys the story because it wants to believe and promote its agenda that armed teachers, Dirty Oddie cops and veterans with PTSD are the way to go. What could possibly go wrong???

As I see it, the Zionist neoconservatives and the Alt-right are hypocritical snowflakes. Look at the way they go ballistic when social justice warriors talk. Look at the way all three go ballistic when the few people who talk like me talks. At least SJWs want safe spaces (like those who crafted Wrong Planet and Above Top Secret forum rules) and don't go around accusing others of being snowflakes. In contrast Zionist neoconservatives and most of the Alt-right want everywhere to be their safe space, and they cloak their own attempts at censorship hypocritically it in the First Amendment and free speech. When was the last time you heard Paul Craig Roberts or Catherine Austin Fitts or someone else outside the lamestream on Faux Business? You get incompetent (in both senses of the word) people like John Bolton. If his head explodes while on the air I wouldn't be surprised. How does someone who doesn't meet basic requirements like being likable become a diplomat/ambassador?

My guess is that an easy 30% of the U.S. population is sucked up in SJW nonsense, an easy 30% in the Ziocon nonsense, and an easy half of the Alt-Right (probably even in excess of 90%) for another 15-27% (at least) of the population believes in nonsense. A very solid majority of Americans believe some form of nonsense as the "Deep State Duke-It-Out" (Cynthia McKinney came up with that one) deplorable saga continues.

Update: As far as John W. Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute is concerned, he is very much against Trump's reactionary policies that are ostensibly to make schools safe.

Say No to “Hardening” the Schools with Zero Tolerance Policies and Gun-Toting Cops by By John W. Whitehead March 13, 2018 https://www.rutherford.org/publications ... _and_gun_t

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21 Mar 2018, 11:56 am

kraftiekortie wrote:
“Fresh air” sounds like a fine antidote for all this.....

Already addressed this: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=361694&p=7855517#p7853663

and also note that when it comes to the shooting in Maryland all we apparently will get is the official story of the police department, which I've addressed too. What I haven't mentioned is Google's new algorithm and Youtube's policies of removing videos on all sorts of pretexts and even apparently based on keywords/tags.

Very dangerous precedents are being set. I suggest allowing people to choose the algorithm(s) of there choice and filter out material they deem objectionable. Perhaps have filtered searches, posts, etc. as the default and require that people check a box when posting something that they think might offend. Require that people explicitly choose unfiltered searches results, posts, and threads in order to get them. Some forums probably have to at least do this the way things are today, unfortunately.

When it comes to forums one can argue there are always other forums like 4chan and other rather extreme examples, but when it comes to Youtube and Google's essential monopoly it is definitely time for an Internet Bill of Rights (IBOR) and regulate them like utilities. Now that Google is providing the AI for military drones there are no excuses. Yes, I do believe we need net neutrality, but this is more important.

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21 Mar 2018, 4:46 pm

DemocraticSocialistHun wrote:
When it comes to forums one can argue there are always other forums like 4chan and other rather extreme examples, but when it comes to Youtube and Google's essential monopoly it is definitely time for an Internet Bill of Rights (IBOR) and regulate them like utilities. Now that Google is providing the AI for military drones there are no excuses. Yes, I do believe we need net neutrality, but this is more important.

I don't really think an Internet Bill of Rights and being concerned about net neutrality is a great solution to those problems you described, and may lead to the problem getting even worse.

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22 Mar 2018, 2:18 am

An IBOR will make sure that at least people outside the three-way duke-out can still speak. The alt-right will also benefit. Unfortunately, even most people outside the three-way duke-out let alone the Alt-Right have a rather 1950s right-wing-centric views. Still, they are more likely to notice some of the dangerous shortcomings of the other two groups. The Ziocons and SJWs have little to worry about, at least until one faction completely overruns the other or WWIII. My bet is on the WWIII.

As for net neutrality, that probably can benefit the SJWs and probably even those outside the three-way duke-out most, but a lot depends on implementation. If Soros funded groups have their way I have serous doubts it will actually enforce neutrality.

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22 Mar 2018, 7:06 pm

Does your username suggest you are really a democratic socialist?