kraftiekortie wrote:
Socialism does not take into account human nature---at all. Karl Marx had some cockamamie ideas about the "masses." As if the "masses" were an amorphous mass of humanity.
Karl Marx was one of the first to try his hand at psychohistory - the prediction of future events by examination of human behavior. He also believed that, given an ideal society, humans would evolve away from crime, selfishness, and greed within just a few generations. He was wrong -- look at what became of the former Soviet Union (a.k.a., "The Workers' Paradise").
Now here we are today, with people praising Socialism and making the same mistakes regarding human nature, classless societies, and government regulation of wealth. People will not change just because you make life easier for them; all you're doing is making it easier for them to be non-productive. Why work when "Big
Brother Government" gives you everything you need?