Political, Philosophical, and Religious views

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Pessimism that exhibits hope and grace towards individuals. In other words, expect the worse, hope for the best, give others the best chance to change and grow, and believe it is possible. I also believe that all humans are inherently terrible but can make choices to change that.
I am LCMS Lutheran.
I'm an LCMS Lutheran, too!
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Philosophy: empiricism, skepticism, Epicureanism, Stoicism, anti-Platonism, nominalism, compatibilism, hedonism, utilitarianism, logical positivism and logical atomism.
Religion: Atheism, agnosticism, deism, mysticism.
Why hedonism?
'Cause it's fun? hehehe
Why do you want to sacrifice morality.
You don't have to sacrifice morality to practice hedonism if you do it in moderation. Pleasure is OK in moderation, it's not immoral to enjoy pleasure and to seek pleasure.
But is hedonism at all compatible with moderation?
I thought the basic definition of hedonism is just the seeking of pleasure, but if it's meant to include "to excess" then I would still say I think seeking pleasure in moderation is not immoral. Enjoying good food, good sex, good music, whatever sensual experiences you like to enjoy that give you pleasure--I don't think it's immoral to indulge in such things in moderation for the sake of pleasure.
That's one aspect of some major religions that I've never personally understood, the concept of pleasure-seeking itself being sinful or immoral, makes no sense to me.
Couldn't a hedonistic society potentially be very rapey?
Why are you talking about rape now? What the hell?
I'm just saying that's what I always imagine hedonism to be about. All the taboo sexual things like rape and incest being tolerated in a society about seeking all forms of pleasure.
I seriously hope you aren't suggesting that I'm OK with rape. It was just a question.
With the dialogue the way it is right now in America surrounding sexual assault, I'm not interested in having any more conversations with men about rape, thanks. Just don't want to talk about the subject at all, I am so tired of hearing stupid offensive (and scary) s**t from men on the subject lately I am full up, so no thank you.
Philosophy: empiricism, skepticism, Epicureanism, Stoicism, anti-Platonism, nominalism, compatibilism, hedonism, utilitarianism, logical positivism and logical atomism.
Religion: Atheism, agnosticism, deism, mysticism.
Why hedonism?
'Cause it's fun? hehehe
Modern hedonistic behaviours are often those of decadence, regardless of how minute, they rely on the premise that the resources required will never run out (which they almost certainly will) and will often lead to addictions and other destructive behaviours.
It may sound fun in the short term, but eventually builds to heights that are unattainable in a practical sense.

Joined: 1 Jan 2018
Age: 21
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Location: Somewhere In A Boreal Forest
Philosophy: empiricism, skepticism, Epicureanism, Stoicism, anti-Platonism, nominalism, compatibilism, hedonism, utilitarianism, logical positivism and logical atomism.
Religion: Atheism, agnosticism, deism, mysticism.
Why hedonism?
'Cause it's fun? hehehe
Modern hedonistic behaviours are often those of decadence, regardless of how minute, they rely on the premise that the resources required will never run out (which they almost certainly will) and will often lead to addictions and other destructive behaviours.
It may sound fun in the short term, but eventually builds to heights that are unattainable in a practical sense.

Joined: 1 Jan 2018
Age: 21
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Location: Somewhere In A Boreal Forest
Political/Economic: Two parts social democracy, one part distributism
Philosophical: "The world exists and we can find out about it by means of careful investigation." (No doubt there's a name for that view, but I don't know what it is.)
Religious: Eastern Orthodox Christianity
Where are my legendary socks?
we hate the human nature and natural laws of this world.. not any specific individual or the humanity.
“I say that no human being will ever understand me, because I will never…my inner—Cemil—will never be open to anybody. No human will ever understand me. I always play. This is the truth."

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[quote="Iamaparakeet"]Just list what your actual views are here.
1980's Republican, like keet, but leaning a bit towards libertarian. I vote Repiblican because third parties are basically a throw-away vote. Make Republicans DO THEIR JOB!! !
Philosophical: Egoism/Objectivism. Rand should have been a theist, though.
Religious: Christian who happens to attend SBC churches. Pentecostals have the best music, though. I work for a Catholic school and play piano during mass. I don’t necessarily beef with Catholics, but their dogma is a bit much (transubstantiation, perpetual virginity/immaculate conception, etc.). Catholics frequently embody the worst of Christian faith, the fairy-tale-like/RPG-like approach that reduces Christianity to wishful thinking. God isn’t unicorns and pixie dust. God is REAL. Heaven and hell isn’t some kind of game to teach us to be good little boys and girls.
For me, egoism and faith are hand in hand. I want to be with God in the afterlife because it benefits ME. I benefit by doing good for others. It’s irrational to be a do-gooder without an immediate, tangible reward. And I don’t count it as arrogance to consider man the center of the universe for the purpose of temporal existence. God loves us enough to sacrifice Himself to save us. We are valuable beyond anything else in the material world. Therefore, mankind need not concern himself with guilt or living under any other person’s or group’s terms than his own. He may choose to give God the highest value (because God first gave us value) and live within God’s benefit eternally, or he may reject God as a value and exist eternally separated from God. I think that being made in God’s image is the root of selfishness (the act of creation itself satisfies a divine self-interest) and if it’s good enough for God, it’s good enough for me. The image of God also conveys rationality, which allows us to understand God as well as differentiating mere selfishness from envy and greed (evil).

Joined: 4 Jan 2008
Age: 46
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Location: The Landmass between N.O. and Mobile
Philosophy: empiricism, skepticism, Epicureanism, Stoicism, anti-Platonism, nominalism, compatibilism, hedonism, utilitarianism, logical positivism and logical atomism.
Religion: Atheism, agnosticism, deism, mysticism.
Why hedonism?
'Cause it's fun? hehehe
Why do you want to sacrifice morality.
You don't have to sacrifice morality to practice hedonism if you do it in moderation. Pleasure is OK in moderation, it's not immoral to enjoy pleasure and to seek pleasure.
But is hedonism at all compatible with moderation?
I thought the basic definition of hedonism is just the seeking of pleasure, but if it's meant to include "to excess" then I would still say I think seeking pleasure in moderation is not immoral. Enjoying good food, good sex, good music, whatever sensual experiences you like to enjoy that give you pleasure--I don't think it's immoral to indulge in such things in moderation for the sake of pleasure.
That's one aspect of some major religions that I've never personally understood, the concept of pleasure-seeking itself being sinful or immoral, makes no sense to me.
Major religions I think have corrupted the purpose of human existence. Why would God place Adam in the garden naked if He didn’t intend for Adam to take pleasure from creation?
I think Christians ought to be pleasure-seekers. The difference between rational pleasure-seeking and hedonism the way most people understand it is that hedonism is mindless. Moderation isn’t a feature of hedonism (only seeking pleasure in the strictest sense), but rather asking whether a form of pleasure is actually beneficial or harmful. Reducing human reasoning to pure instinct and reward makes us unthinking animals with no independent agency (animals can’t choose self-harm, for instance, or when to mate, or how many times they mate). Humans can choose whether we give in to animal urges, get drunk, get high, become addicted to drugs, f$&@ prostitutes and get diseases, or commit suicide. Opiates give me pleasure. Reason and agency tell me “that ain’t the way to have fun, son.”

Joined: 1 Jan 2018
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Politics... Oh, politics. I still don't know quite where I lie in things. I don't feel particularly fond of the two-party system, so I guess I'll just call myself an independent. Economically, I value opportunity for individuals, however, I do think the government needs to step in somewhere to keep things at least somewhat balanced. But I don't feel educated enough on the subject to make any claims on exactly how. Socially I would be far on the progressive side of things. Although I refuse to step into language-police territory. We should have access to free healthcare and education at least on a basic level.
Philosophy- In life I just want to learn. And to make the best of what we have. If I could, I would love if I could make a difference. But I feel helpless to do so on most fronts. Becoming more environmentally friendly as a society is such a mammoth of a project, I wouldn't know where to start with what little voice I have, and means. I'm not exactly in a rush, but I don't want to wait around, either. We have one life to learn and explore as much as we possibly can. I don't want to waste it. But I am also not going to chase endless goals. The journey is just as, if not more important than the "objective".
Religion- Atheist, just atheist. I don't reject or hate religion in of itself, I just do not believe in it. Although I think there's bits of valuable philosophy to be found in most religions, and I think it's valuable to have at least a basic knowledge of most religions. Being well informed is always good. Especially on people who take up a majority of the global population. It is also valuable to know what dangers come with certain ideologies, while taking into account individuality.
I feel like this all came out as a muddled mess! But I promised myself I'd start posting more because I always feel better when I do.
politics: the ultimate aim of a country should be to become a utopia for the common person who lives there. I believe that the smaller a nation is, the better.
philosophy: Learning is the most noble pursuit and everyone is learning every day and never stops learning.
Also, I think that "good", "bad" and most other descriptors associated with morality are too vague and subjective to be useful, while pretending to be objective and obvious to everyone. I think its more valuable to pay attention to who is being harmed and who is being benefited.
religion: irish celtic pagan.
Try. Even if you fail, you will improve. Little by little.
Politics: 66% Democratic, 33% Republican. (I took an online quiz to find this out).
https://www.gotoquiz.com/political_quiz ... republican
Philosophy: Pragmatism, Platonism - a deeply rational School of Thought. (I took this online quiz to find that out).
https://www.playbuzz.com/julianr12/what ... are-you-in
Religion: Jainism
One Day At A Time.
His first book: http://www.amazon.com/Wetland-Other-Sto ... B00E0NVTL2
His second book: https://www.amazon.com/COMMONER-VAGABON ... oks&sr=1-2
His blog: http://seattlewordsmith.wordpress.com/

Joined: 12 Feb 2010
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Took the test thingy.
R vs D. You are 24% Republican, which makes you:
Pretty Liberal (Democrat): you are a supporter of the Democratic Party. Your political beliefs are Democratic.
Some of the questions were a pain because I felt like both could be applicable. ESPECIALLY the one about global warming being natural or human induced. It's both to some extent.