kraftiekortie wrote:
Trump is somebody who wants to expand the power of the Executive Branch to the point where I doubt he would mind it if he were declared "President for Life."
Obama expanded it giving trump all the powers he’s using right no, kings Obama , where was your anger then? Where was it when Clinton expanded it?
You do realize expanding the Powers’s illegally started with fdr, and every democrat and republican since has expanded the power. Most of what they do now isn’t constitutional legal and presidents before fdr couldn’t do it. So yet another thing to thank Democrats for, another is robbing social security so it’s doomed to run out in 2020.
I find it annoying that people b***h about things trump did but he got them all from Obama no one cared then. Well as I and others told you all, there won’t alway be a Democrat in office and payback will be a b***h.
Do I care now? No why should I? Did I expect trump to be different no. Why would I?
I’m glad he used the same illegal powers to roll back many things Obama put into to
Place with said Ilegal powers, as Obama said how Needs congress I have a pen and paper.
Dare you to go a week without mentioning trump once.
You try to act unbiased but posts like this show how biased you are and how caught up in the Democrats anti trump paranoia you are.
As far as illegal powers trump isn’t near as bad as Obama
There is no place for me in the world. I'm going into the wilderness, probably to die