calandale wrote:
frankwah wrote:
I don't see any point in a relationship with a girl if there's no sex.
How about with a guy?
Do you just think that you could never
be friends with anyone who happens
to be female?
I've found that sex adds something
really special to that love.
Of course. I can understand having a platonic relationship with a girl, just as I would a guy. Sorry for that miscommunication. I could have worded that better. As for romantic love... I've never had that before. I've enjoyed relationships with girls, but while they always develop attachment to me, those strong feelings of "love" and attachment were never reciprocated by me. I've tried, but I never develop strong feelings that I could describe as "love" with girls. I usually think of them as friends with whom I have sex, but I have to act like we have something special and sacred. This lack of loving them back has always been the bane of my romantic relationships. Now I'm only interested in physical relationships with "friends." Of course, I'm always careful to explicate this to them and not give them the wrong idea that I care about them in the typical boy/girl romantic relationship sense.