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09 Nov 2019, 8:57 pm


I used to have an account on here but apparently Alex lost my details in the site upgrade :D . Regardless, I need to get something off my chest and even the IRC on here did not seem to help.

Long story short I feel marginalized in every way. It is not even "Oh I am a teenager with aspergers so I don't fit in", but more like WTF where the hell did I disconnect with my generation. I am in my mid 20s and after struggling in a small town moved to a larger city. Income wise I am doing fine and met a woman, so all should be good? Not quite. Since I was 16 I have felt I don't fit in the US and something is just "off". Perhaps it is the culture, the politics, or all of the above, but when I talk to family members they just say Trump will save the day (very creepy, but that is not what my post is about). So in the mean time I try to improve myself and perhaps move out of the US after building up enough assets. But then plan B has fallen through, in that I am starting to wonder if Chile is not going to do the exact same thing the US is doing and tilt towards Marxism. I really don't get it. I went to college, now have a decent job, and yet all I hear is basically people can't take care of themselves, when I came from worse circumstances and yet I am doing relatively well.

Basically I have felt totally disconnected from US culture since 2015 and started to feel it starting in 2008/2009 in that things that I used to like have been appropriated by simpletons that don't know what the hell they are talking about. Take video games. It started out as something you did in your basement to keep content from people. Now it is all multi-player BS. Or programming. It used to be about creating new ideas and connecting people around the world, now it is BS. Or even Utopians like Hackernews just want the government to regulate the hell out of everything instead of solving it through open solutions. Basically I feel like any domain I felt like I could be part of has gone under. Even computing and programming has started to be ruined by an as*hole that has no right dictating s**t. I just want to be able to have my hobbies, money, ambitions without simpletons that don't care about creating but gossip and pick at each other like school girls. I used to feel bad about being snobby, but after trying to be open minded it has brought me to these conclusions.

But then you add in the politics of clueless conservatives and Marxists, and after a certain point I wonder whether a good ol' war wouldn't be such a bad idea. Conservatives elected a f*ing socialist (Trump wanted universal health) and liberals want to bankrupt the country (or break the stock market as that is where most wealth is). I am just unimpressed with voting with the ballot or my feet and it is f*ing frustrating. I am not saying we need to privatize every damn thing, but can we at least have opportunity conservatives that want things like the clear skies act or come up with something more sustainable for SSN and not go to war like it is a game of Civilization?

Basically to summarize as I am rambling at this point: why can't conservatives grasp the issues and offer viable alternatives (like abolishing the HMO act and allowing more drug imports and immigrant doctors), and why are all the solutions to things either lining the pockets of the rich or breaking down the NYSE? Further why has US culture gone to s**t? It seems like any solitary activity that could be shared with other liked minded people has been ruined.

Basically I feel like both political and non-political avenues for venting my frustration have been closed off and all I get is "it is you". Really don't know what to do at this point.


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09 Nov 2019, 9:13 pm

I relate to everything you said. Seriously, I don't know what else to say. The USA has gone to s**t lately and if another war breaks out I'll be royally f****d because I can't get away even if I wanted to.

If it's a civil war I can see conservatives putting me to death as a traitor to the red state i live in and the liberals killing me just for being from a red state and assuming we're all the same.

Oh well. I hope it's at least quick and painless and I don't end up tortured like those poor guys in Abu Ghraib. :skull:


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09 Nov 2019, 9:19 pm

As much as I hate to say this, I feel like saying eat and drink for tomorrow we die. While I would not go to that extent and I am not even that old, I am at the point of enjoying eat little squeak of enjoyment, as it seems like it is becoming less and less of an occurrence. I look at my third party options and they are no good. Further the only viable option I see is Colombia, but there may be some unrest there as well, but the resurgence of FARC may delay that a bit, which sounds bad, but compared to the alternative, I would rather conflict create an opportunity than destroy it. I hope that makes sense. Hopefully the future will be brighter.


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09 Nov 2019, 9:32 pm

I cant eat and drink and live how I want because mommie dearest wants me to be an absolutely perfect robot slave of a child before I die and she gets psycho if I resist her need to control me.


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10 Nov 2019, 6:08 am

I have usually felt disconnected. While the last few years have been particularly frustrating noticing us building up to this point was frustrating also.

The rest of the country are losing it, but you don’t have to. I am not going to lie and say through sheer willpower you can avoid being harmed by all the toxicity that surrounds us but you can keep a significant amount at bay.

Even if other people are stupid politically they can be good in other ways so you can deal with those good parts.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman


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10 Nov 2019, 2:41 pm

I get what you are saying. While they may suck on X on Y they may be a super genius. I also try to put myself in their shoes, but honestly it is hard when they are trying to destroy (intentionally or not) something you care about. I suppose I will continue to thing on this. At least travel is something that has not totally been damaged yet! :D