To me, it all sounds like a load of theological penis envy. For a start, we have a so-called God of Love (Ragtime's God) who would bestow all of the bounties of heaven if only people would take Jesus as their saviour, then we have a callous and jealous God who would punish mankind for their sins (still the same God, perhaps); what a load of crap!
If God so loved the world blah-de-blah, then being a so-called god of love, all the things that happened to Job wouldn't have happened because he wouldn't have had that that stupid bet with Satan in the first place. Also, he was supposed to have given man the choice whether to believe and follow him or not (he told Adam and Eve everything would be hunky-dory til Eve ate the apple and then said 'go forth and multiply' or in other words get stuffed) and then said 'you can believe, but if you don't you are rooted'. Now why would a so-called omnipotent and omniscient god do these things if he truly loved mankind? Or are we really his toys that he can play with and discard whenever he pleases?
Then we have the Islamic god who is supposed to be better than the Christian god, and the Buddhist god whom the Christians say is Satanic blah-de-blah. Now I say I'm pagan, and I suppose Ragtime and the other Christians will say I'm going to hell. Ha, because to a Pagan, Satan and Hell don't exist. Sure we believe in gods and reincarnation etc, but our gods aren't as contrary and contradictory as the Judeo-Christian or the Ameri-Christian god.
And finally, the bible isn't meant to be taken literally today; it is only a book of old stories and legends that was written in a time when people were more susceptible to supernatural explanations about natural events, and the threat of God's wrath had more power over the populace. An earthquake cause the fall of the walls of Jericho and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the flood was what is now the Black Sea after the end of the ice age. As I said, natural events. Emperor Constantine ordered the bible to be put together out of at least 100 books in 312 CE, and only 66 mad the final edit, because the rest wouldn't have fit in with the theological, idiological and political landscape of the time. Also, Jesus, was a great teacher/philosopher/healer (doctor), but as for him being the supernatural son of a spiritual deity, I very much doubt it.
And as for the antichrist, he has been and gone. Mark said Jesus would return soon, what he meant was within 30-40 years of Jesus' death. The antichrist was actually Nero, and John wasn't predicting the apocalyse, he was reporting on it 20 years later for posterity as a warning for it not to happen again.
So you see, a lot of what people has been taught has been taken out of context, and has been taken far too literally.
Now, consider the bible like a newspaper, a hard-covered newspaper. Do you believe everything written in the newspaper, because afterall, the paper is only a bunch of stories written by a bunch of reporters giving their slant on a bunch of events that may or may not have happened. And if you are willing to question your own existence, then obviously you can't trust what you are reading in the paper as fact, and therefore the bible can't be trusted either.
I, however do exist, because I can look at myself, slap my arm and say OUCH. If I didn't exist, could I do this? Could I be actually writing in this forum if I didn't exist? Hmmmmm? Case closed.
Pagans are people too, not just victims of a religious cleansing program. Universal harmony for all!!
Karma decides what must happen, and that includes everyone.