Deus_ex_machina wrote:
JoeCapricorn wrote:
greenblue wrote:
But some of them love the sinner, but hate the sin.
If the sin is a part of ones being - just like say... skin color - it's the same thing as hating the sinner.
So basically anyone who says "Hate the sin, love the sinner" is still saying, "I hate gays."
The sin is sex with their own sex, not actually being gay.
In that case, hating the act of homosexual sex isn't the same as hating the sexual orientation, (the latter of which is like hating someone's skin color)...
But with all of these hate groups trying to change sexual orientation (The ex-gay movement...) it seems to hint that hating the sin of homosexuality entails hating the feelings of homosexuality, not the act of homosexual sex.
There are a lot of homosexual couples that wait until marriage to engage in sex - not legal marriage, religious marriage, as many do get married in churches, but the government will hatefully discriminate against them by not denying them a marriage license. Does that mean they are no longer sinning because they waited until marriage to engage in sex?