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04 Aug 2021, 7:00 pm

Redd_Kross wrote:
I generally find your way of presenting posts hurts my brain, but I have to agree with the sentiments here.

Hehe, Thanks, And if my Communication Hurts Your Brain, Imagine What it Does to my Wife,
Also Retired, Who Is Exposed to me 24/7; She's Developed A Unique Term for The Condition, 'Fredaches'...

Anyway, Suffering the Last Leg of 'Autistic Burn-Out' At Your Age of 46, An 11-Year Slow

Chronic to Acute, Flight or Fight Stress, Last Two years of that Experience; All Work-Related,

Surely Associated With Being on the Autism Spectrum, Wearing A 'Zillion' Hats or So Managing,
Supervising, Administrating, A Military Station Athletics Department As really just a Side

Duty of the Other Collateral Duties the Government Folks in the Military Assigned to
me in Terms of Financial Management Duties, And Information Technology Duties,

i Really, Really Needed Health Insurance For Life That The Golden-Handcuffs of
Federal Employment Would Provide For my Wife, With Epilepsy, Then Through
Retirement; Before 'the Golden Age of Obama' And That Health Care Even

Existed then...

i've Seen The

DarKNess, i've Seen

The LiGHT; Leaders Without

Empathy Don't Deserve to Lead
As Even Alpha Male as Chimps; As Chimps

Are Frigging Smart Enough to Get Rid of
Alphas That Are Truly Omegas With No Soul
of Empathy and Compassion For The Whole Ape Tribe...

Hey, At Least Democrats

Show They Give a Crap

About the Kinda Folks i used
to Be, Who otherwise Would Have
Fallen through the Cracks of Suffering
And Misery; Anything is Better than A Trump;
Anything on this Side of 'DeSataNiS too; Anything,

Even A Devil Incarnate on
Earth; Every Thing That Spells
Matt Gaetz, Trump, And DeSataNiS

Is Real Evil Incarnate on Earth in Terms of 'Florida Men'; i Don't

Have to Go to Church to Understand the Difference Between
An Obama And A Trump; One Afforded my Sister Health Care
So She Could Retire Early With Asperger's Syndrome, Before She

Lost 66 Months of Her Life to A Life-Threatening Synergy of 19 Medical
Disorders; True, i Didn't Come out of that Normal; And No One Will Ever

Make me Normal

Again, hehe,


It Almost

Killed me before;

i Ain't Enough of A Fool to Go Back to HeLL ON EartH
With SMiLes, Other than that Again, There is no Way i
Could Read or Dance What i Do Now at 46; i couldn't Even
Watch Color TV, It Hurt So Bad; And Any Imagination
And Any Poetry Was Out of the Question then; Things


At Least

For the Better
For What i See in Life;

i Surely Understand Why
i Am Too Much for Many
Brains, Yet, Never the less,

i come here to Freely Express Who
i am; Same i Do Every Other Place i Go Now...

You May Do that When You Are Not a Slave...

So Far, i Am Welcome here Again; i Realize
Not All the 'Chimps' Like me Here and that's okay...

i am not here

to Be Anyone's

Leader; Just
here to freely be me..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !

Mr Reynholm

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13 Aug 2021, 8:06 am

Pepe wrote:
VegetableMan wrote:
Pepe wrote:
VegetableMan wrote:
It looks like President Biden is not going to lift a finger to help families, during a major global pandemic, to stay in their homes. The moratorium on evictions is due to expire on Sunday.

What a piece of s**t!

Politics is full of hypocrisy, on either side of the political divide.
The main thing I like about the Biden administration is their stance against china.
For Australia, it is better than what the orange man did. 8)

If things keep going as they are now, there may not be a U.S. to protect you from China much longer.

Or weakened substantially to the point of not being a deterrent to china's jingoistic aggression.

This is why I would like Trump to retire from politics.
He has been a massive destabiliser, in America.
Getting a more moderate Republican leader would help heal the binary political attitude, on either side.

America is destroying itself, and putting the entire world at risk of a 3rd WW.

china is a totalitarian state with global domination, economically and militarily in mind.
You'd have to have your head up your arse in the sand not to see this. :mrgreen:

America is also quickly moving towards totalitarianism.
Trumps election was the last gasp of a dying republic as those Americans naive enough to believe that the will of the people is still a factor, rose up one last time.

Harry Haller
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13 Aug 2021, 2:04 pm

Mr Reynholm wrote:
America is also quickly moving towards totalitarianism.


- It will be 100% there 2025, don't worry


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13 Aug 2021, 2:08 pm

I love how 35% of the population not being able to impose their preferences on the rest of the country is somehow proof that totalitarianism is coming.

The real totalitarians are the ones who believe 35% of the country are entitled to control the rest.

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas, this is part of our strategy” —Netanyahu
"Many of us like to ask ourselves, What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?' The answer is, you're doing it. Right now." —Former U.S. Airman (Air Force) Aaron Bushnell

Harry Haller
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13 Aug 2021, 2:09 pm

Mr Reynholm wrote:
Trumps election was the last gasp of a dying republic as those Americans naive enough to believe that the will of the people is still a factor, rose up one last time.

Not to worry
Today is 13 August 2021, Mr. Trump is supposed to be inaugurated today


Harry Haller
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13 Aug 2021, 2:11 pm

funeralxempire wrote:
The real totalitarians are the ones who believe 35% of the country are entitled to control the rest.



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13 Aug 2021, 3:05 pm

What's funny to me about Biden is that in so many ways he's Trump lite, but cookie cutter blue anon Democrats will fight you to the death over that, even though it's glaringly obvious that he's a serial lying mediocrity who failed upwards his entire career, and was only elected because the alternative was so much worse. It's actually amazing how far you can extend the comparison, he's even got the shady relatives cashing in on his name, the history of questionable behavior around women (and the sexual assault accusation to go with it), the weird bluster and bravado ("listen here, fat!"), but hey, at least he doesn't Tweet.

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13 Aug 2021, 3:19 pm

^All we've done by electing Biden is rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic. (And maybe added some nice ferns.)

What do you call a hot dog in a gangster suit?

Oscar Meyer Lansky

Harry Haller
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13 Aug 2021, 3:22 pm

Dox47 wrote:
but hey, at least he doesn't Tweet.

Have enjoyed it so far

But not to worry, Mr. Trump is being inaugurated t o d a y.
100% guaranteed


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13 Aug 2021, 3:23 pm

Dox47 wrote:
... The history of questionable behavior around GIRLS and women (and the sexual assault accusation to go with it) ....


I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.


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13 Aug 2021, 7:22 pm

Mr Reynholm wrote:
Pepe wrote:
VegetableMan wrote:
Pepe wrote:
VegetableMan wrote:
It looks like President Biden is not going to lift a finger to help families, during a major global pandemic, to stay in their homes. The moratorium on evictions is due to expire on Sunday.

What a piece of s**t!

Politics is full of hypocrisy, on either side of the political divide.
The main thing I like about the Biden administration is their stance against china.
For Australia, it is better than what the orange man did. 8)

If things keep going as they are now, there may not be a U.S. to protect you from China much longer.

Or weakened substantially to the point of not being a deterrent to china's jingoistic aggression.

This is why I would like Trump to retire from politics.
He has been a massive destabiliser, in America.
Getting a more moderate Republican leader would help heal the binary political attitude, on either side.

America is destroying itself, and putting the entire world at risk of a 3rd WW.

china is a totalitarian state with global domination, economically and militarily in mind.
You'd have to have your head up your arse in the sand not to see this. :mrgreen:

America is also quickly moving towards totalitarianism.
Trumps election was the last gasp of a dying republic as those Americans naive enough to believe that the will of the people is still a factor, rose up one last time.

Oh, Ok.
So you are saying the Democrats are totalitarian also? :scratch:


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13 Aug 2021, 7:23 pm

Harry Haller wrote:
Mr Reynholm wrote:
America is also quickly moving towards totalitarianism.


- It will be 100% there 2025, don't worry

And in what form?
Marxism, communism?


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13 Aug 2021, 7:35 pm

Dox47 wrote:
What's funny to me about Biden is that in so many ways he's Trump lite, but cookie cutter blue anon Democrats will fight you to the death over that, even though it's glaringly obvious that he's a serial lying mediocrity who failed upwards his entire career, and was only elected because the alternative was so much worse.

The presidency was the "anyone but Trump" electoral win, yes.
And yes, his political career hasn't been inspiring, from what I have seen.

Regarding "lying".
Any politician worth his pepper needs to be a master.
It is a requirement of the job.
Don't be so naive to think otherwise. 8)

But I still like Uncle Joe better than the orange man, especially in terms of greater security for Australia. :mrgreen:

Dox47 wrote:
It's actually amazing how far you can extend the comparison, he's even got the shady relatives cashing in on his name, the history of questionable behavior around women (and the sexual assault accusation to go with it), the weird bluster and bravado ("listen here, fat!"), but hey, at least he doesn't Tweet.

Mikah has provided some disturbing videos which makes one wonder. 8O

Harry Haller
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13 Aug 2021, 7:37 pm

Pepe wrote:
And in what form?
Marxism, communism?


C'mon, you can figure it out! :D


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13 Aug 2021, 7:38 pm

VegetableMan wrote:
^All we've done by electing Biden is rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic. (And maybe added some nice ferns.)

That is how Trump got in.
People were fed up with the corrupt, self-serving political aristocracy on both sides. 8O


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13 Aug 2021, 9:00 pm

Pepe wrote:
Regarding "lying".
Any politician worth his pepper needs to be a master.
It is a requirement of the job.
Don't be so naive to think otherwise. 8)

Say what you will about Donald Trump, he never lifted the speech and life story of Neil Kinnock, British Labor Party leader and delivered at as if it were his own, including his imaginary family history of coal mining, or claimed to have graduated at the top of his lawschool class (he was near the bottom), claimed to have been arrested trying to visit Nelson Mandela, or told tales of Corn Pop at the community pool...

I'm not saying Biden is just as bad, I'm saying that the difference between him and Trump is more one of degree than of substance, and Democrats need to be a whole lot less smug about voting for him as the lesser evil (the same dilemma facing many Republicans in 2016 with HRC on the ballot).

Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.

- Rick Sanchez