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22 Mar 2021, 11:07 am

I just watched a documentary about the Spanish Flu from 2018. In the beginning they say it's just a matter of time before we get another pandemic.

2 years later, we got the COVID-pandemic.

I remember in spring 2020 that our government told us "we haven't tried anything like this before".

In the documentary they quote people a hundred years ago saying the very same thing.

I say people lie when they say we haven't tried a deadly pandemic before and don't know what to do.

In the documentary the doctors a hundred years ago also fought against people's unwillingness to close schools and avoid large gatherings etc. Sounds familiar?

I know what's wrong, and it is far worse than the Spanish Flu and coronavirus pandemic combined: It is the evil people who have infected society. Infected and infiltrated both the government and opposition parties.

No matter how eager the government of any given country is to fight any virus - be it the Spanish Flu or Coronavirus or something else, they always have to fight against the common people who are unwilling to follow the orders and refuse to listen to Science.

This can only be explained by the fact that amongst us - not only in the government or amongst CEO's or the elite, but amongst us common people, there are EVIL people who want to destroy us.

We can do nothing about this, unless we take drastic action. We need to hunt down anti-science people (legally) and punish them severely. We must deprive them of their political rights.

Only through pro-Science Government Policy with _SEVERE_ punishment for evil Anti-Science can we eliminate crisis in the future.

We may survive this pandemic. But if we want to avoid another pandemic, we MUST impose strict measures to combat Anti-Science.

We must use any means possible. The means justify the ends. The ends is Science and Pro-Science amongst 100 % of the human population.

Last edited by thinkinginpictures on 22 Mar 2021, 12:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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22 Mar 2021, 11:20 am

thinkinginpictures wrote:
... I remember in spring 2020 that our government told us "we haven't tried anything like this before".

In the documentary they quote people a hundred years ago saying the very same thing.

I say people lie when they say we haven't tried a deadly pandemic before and don't know what to do...
They did not lie.  They were not practicing as medical providers during both the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918 and the coronavirus epidemic of 2020.


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22 Mar 2021, 11:40 am

Fnord wrote:
thinkinginpictures wrote:
... I remember in spring 2020 that our government told us "we haven't tried anything like this before".

In the documentary they quote people a hundred years ago saying the very same thing.

I say people lie when they say we haven't tried a deadly pandemic before and don't know what to do...
They did not lie.  They were not practicing as medical providers during both the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918 and the coronavirus epidemic of 2020.

The word "we" can mean different things. In this context, it is meant as society/nation as a whole. Not individuals.

We must always expect societies/nations to learn from experiences in the past. Otherwise there's not much point in having a society or nation. A Nation survives the death of its individuals. It can pass down memories and experiences from one generation to the next. That's why "we" have national archives.


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22 Mar 2021, 11:48 am

"We" is a slippery word.  Its meaning can change from one sentence to the next, and even from one telling of the same sentence to the next.

So, if by "We" they mean "None of us working in this laboratory right now", then they did not lie; but if by "We" they mean "All of humanity everywhere and throughout recorded history", then they lied.

Only they really know what they meant by their use of the pronoun "We".

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22 Mar 2021, 1:11 pm

thinkinginpictures wrote:
I just watched a documentary about the Spanish Flu from 2018. In the beginning they say it's just a matter of time before we get another pandemic.

2 years later, we got the COVID-pandemic.

I remember in spring 2020 that our government told us "we haven't tried anything like this before".

In the documentary they quote people a hundred years ago saying the very same thing.

I say people lie when they say we haven't tried a deadly pandemic before and don't know what to do.

In the documentary the doctors a hundred years ago also fought against people's unwillingness to close schools and avoid large gatherings etc. Sounds familiar?

I know what's wrong, and it is far worse than the Spanish Flu and coronavirus pandemic combined: It is the evil people who have infected society. Infected and infiltrated both the government and opposition parties.

No matter how eager the government of any given country is to fight any virus - be it the Spanish Flu or Coronavirus or something else, they always have to fight against the common people who are unwilling to follow the orders and refuse to listen to Science.

This can only be explained by the fact that amongst us - not only in the government or amongst CEO's or the elite, but amongst us common people, there are EVIL people who want to destroy us.

We can do nothing about this, unless we take drastic action. We need to hunt down anti-science people (legally) and punish them severely. We must deprive them of their political rights.

Only through pro-Science Government Policy with _SEVERE_ punishment for evil Anti-Science can we eliminate crisis in the future.

We may survive this pandemic. But if we want to avoid another pandemic, we MUST impose strict measures to combat Anti-Science.

We must use any means possible. The means justify the ends. The ends is Science and Pro-Science amongst 100 % of the human population.

When will we all learn that the Government knows best?


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22 Mar 2021, 2:45 pm

Please get back to me when the reproducibility crisis is over.

Sarcasm aside, how does someone decide what is evil? I was just reading in On Liberty by Mills, and he asked how someone so close to the Christian ethos could kill al those Christians that he did. Without context it appears he is right. What many don't realize is that according to the Romans, the Christians seemed like a death cult and were stirring up the polycentric society that Rome created and were asking to be martyrs. Bit of a pinch. Further you are confirming the fears , rightly or wrongly, that the government is out to get them. Finally, peons asking other people to do their dirty work for them (because they are weak in terms of power) is kind of sickening.

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22 Mar 2021, 2:56 pm

I can't tell if you are being serious or not in this post as it seems too over the top.


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22 Mar 2021, 3:12 pm

Sounds a little bit extreme to me. I hate the science deniers as much as the next guy but 'going after them' sounds downright autocratic. It feeds into their narrative that they are the real victims of an eeeeeeeevil government and Jesus-hating scientists.

We need to not. The right is already convinced enough that the left is inherently authoritarian.

People are rarely just 'evil'. People are misguided. People are callous. People lie to themselves. People are ignorant. People are uninformed or misinformed. The vast majority of the people you're calling evil are just some of these things--not evil.

People not realizing that we've already dealt with pandemics before, and that the same nonsense conspiracy theories, and people complaining about anti-pandemic measures are a result of a poor education system and a society that increasingly turns to conspiracy theories to explain a hostile world that their subpar education did not properly prepare them to understand.

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23 Mar 2021, 6:31 am

I do not think most people are lying about not knowing the detail about what happened in 1918, they really do not know. The 1918-1920 pandemic either was not taught in school or just beiefly mentioned.

100 year old events are rarely mentioned in the news or in casual conversations.

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23 Mar 2021, 10:40 am

Thousands of years ago The prophet Jeremiah said that the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.


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23 Mar 2021, 11:33 am

The science in our governmental leaning societies is a double edged sword . Governments do not think in terms of humanity as a whole is a thing to be considered . It appears since science is also developing weapons of mass destruction . And building war machines . Where is the call for Governments to do the right thing .
Have read in the past , that bodies from the Spanish flu years have been exhumed to study ,the mechanisms
Of how it might be used in bio warfare experimentation . What minds during wartime situations come to the idea
That bio weapons , were ever justified in being developed . Am believing about the WuHan labs that were playing around with covid before the Pandemic , were working under the interests of the Chinese government .
People need to work together for the good of humanity . Not better methods to destroy ones fellow man.
Just my humble opinion .

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23 Mar 2021, 12:24 pm

'Give me Liberty or Death';

The Price of Freedom Ain't

Cheap; A Balance of Freedom And Safety, Indeed.

If Ya Wanna Have Best Decisions Made in Pandemics

Move to An Asian Country Or Live Here Where Freedom

of Expression, Doesn't Restrict Humans to Only Science As A Way of Life;

True, Some Folks

Create Fantasies


And Only

LiVE iN Heaven Now;

Other Do the Same With Hell;

Go Unmasked and Spread A Pandemic And Kill;

As They Say; Give Me Liberty or Death for Freedom;

And Considering it's a Democracy; Gonna Have to Do

That Together to Make A More Perfect Union of Freedom And Safety For All...

It's an Art;

Humans Aren't

Rational As Neuroscience

Shows Humans Basically

Hallucinate Their Realities

Based On What They Create

As Reality of Hallucinations

Basically Created Before

And Emotions


Most All Decisions

That We 'Think' Are Rational;

Yet May Make Absolutely No Sense at all;

Like Suggesting Humans Will Ever Live By Science Alone

When at Core They aren't even Rational; And That too is Ignorance, Indeed;

Yes, Obviously A Species That Creates Its Basic Reality through a process

That Reflects Hallucinations Ain't Gonna Live by The Same View All Together

That Anyone

Else Has

As They Literally

View their UniVerses

Different in Small and Huge Ways;

Simple Metaphor of Color Blind Indeed...

Humans are Basically Cooperating When Living

In Small Enough Groups Homogenous Working toward

Common Aims to Both Survive And Thrive; Go Figure;

Culturally in Empirical Fact We've Become a Deadly Pandemic

For the Rest of Nature Out of Balance; It's Not Human that is Evil;

It is just

A Species


Living Way out of

Balance With Tools

(All Culture From Words
To Homes to Nuclear Bombs)

That Are Basically Gonna Potentially

Lead to Their Ultimate Extinction

As The 'Tools Continue to Develop

More Intelligence' than Most Humans Develop Now...

Hehe, Perhaps not in all Cases, where Technology is Still Catching Up For 'Singularity', Hehe..;)

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23 Dec 2021, 10:28 am

If 'science' trump morality, we're all gonna die. Science is evolutionary and can change in an instance. I like to think I can take care of myself. As far as I know thinking is still legal isn't? Although that's getting pretty sketchy as we speak. If something is mandated at the call of science, EvERYTHING science says has to follow.
Science been warning of global warming ever since I can remember. For some reason or another money seems to govern while leaving my pocket the same time


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23 Dec 2021, 1:47 pm

This might help: ... on-moloch/

The trouble is what one would call Darwinian game theory. This is what evolution looks like in motion. Notice for example in the wild that everything's trying to get food, not get eaten, mate, and improve it's position? Extrapolate that same logic to human beings, particularly when incentive structures go to weeds. What you end up with is 'this'.

The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.


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23 Dec 2021, 3:59 pm

roronoa79 wrote:
People are rarely just 'evil'. People are misguided. People are callous. People lie to themselves. People are ignorant. People are uninformed or misinformed. The vast majority of the people you're calling evil are just some of these things--not evil.

I agree with that, in fact I often wonder whether there's any such thing as evil, or whether the nearest you can get to it is when most people on the planet feel outraged about some or other kind of behaviour. I suppose that makes me a moral relativist. I do know that personally I strongly dislike the fact that there isn't more co-operation and compassion in the world. Which might be just another way of saying what the OP said.