I agree. I should add that my father was begging to die at that point when I had visions about the pillow. Of course I wouldn't do it, and I didn't seriously consider it, but I certainly wish there had been a more humane option than what he had to endure. That included us (my mother and me - no men) sliding him down a flight of stairs on a carpet to drag him to his radiation treatment in my car. He was paralysed from the bone cancer but ambulances didn't consider radiation appointments an emergency. He couldn't shut his mouth at the end so I had to swab his tongue. I also had to extricate constipation from his body, manually, because the nurses were too busy.
My dear friend recently died on home hospice from cancer. For his last month he was begging for MAID, and crying all day in the foetal position. I'm sure he would have been approved but he didn't have time to apply.
Until someone has walked in these shoes I don't think they have a clue how bad it is, not just for the loved ones but for the patient themselves.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.