AG is evil personified in one person.
Awesomelyglorious wrote:
The question is in the subject line, are there good people and bad people?
well, based on some criteria of morality, some would be bad and some would be good, but based on a different criteria, some who would be considered good in the former case could be considered bad in the latter and viceversa.
The question is essentially whether there are people who generally make good/bad choices given their set of relevant constraints (relevant being up to the decider) and given information, or whether
well, it depends on which morality and also the circumstances, will a person making a bad choice be synonymous to being bad in every case? One perspective may perhaps say yes, some may say to not be always necessarily the case, also the issue is about establishing what is a bad choice and what is a good choice.
Additional question: if there are good and bad people, do you think of yourself as a good person and why? And why would you consider a bad person to be a bad person?(what things would they have to do, etc)
well, I suppose it can be a matter of security, protection, a defense mechanism and comfort, from my part at least, into assuming (which would be probably a fictionalization but I wouldn't much care to be honest) that a given person is "bad" or that they can be "bad" regarding their actions, because it would be "safe" and convenient to do so, not to his side but for my side. What things they should have to do? well, things like stealing, killing, assaulting, causing phyisical damage and probably psychological (even though that may seem questionable sometimes, I like the idea though :p), etc. Although some may justify those actions to not be considered bad but a justified action.
?Everything is perfect in the universe - even your desire to improve it.?
Last edited by greenblue on 02 Aug 2009, 12:28 am, edited 3 times in total.