I just did speculation. Hey, I could be wrong. It is not the first time. We are talking about time here though and the mechanics of it.
Couldn't this type of secnario be possible? It is a paradox of time travel and time itself.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E2%80%94A ... s%E2%80%94
Why can't this be a predestination paradox?
1) To create something, an entity has to exist first.
This is true and this secnario fits this premise.
2) If an entity already exists, then it does not have to be created.
Not necessarily so, if we're dealing in a time paradox such as this.
3) God creates himself.
4) This is impossible because in order for God to create, he must exist, and so God cannot create himself. (1 & 3)
He does exist and it is not impossible for this to be because of the paradox and mechanics of time itself and time travel.
5) This is absurd because if God already exists, then he does not need to create himself. (2 & 3)
The absurdedness breaks down because of the time paradox we have here.
6) Because of this, the idea "God creates himself" must be rejected. (4 & 5)
I disagree.