I’ve noticed lately a lot of American white people on the internet talking about how they are afraid of “scary black people” in their neighbourhoods. Most of these people are obviously racist because they make no attempt not to look racist. Most black people obviously aren’t gangsters but these racists generally don’t imply that. They usually don’t say something like “...but of course most black people aren’t gangsters”. They aren’t interested in being sensitive that way because they are racist.
I know for a fact that there is a lot of racism in America. When George W Bush was in power my stepdad told me that there was a lot of racism in America. When I heard that I initially thought “Aw c’mon, America can’t be that racist.” However the reaction to Obama being president has proven to me that there is a lot of racism in America. I remember recently a guy (I forget his name but he was a white politician) photoshopped a picture of Barack Obama dressed as a “gangsta” and Michelle Obama dressed as his “ho.” He later showed the picture to his friends. Yes, a politician made that picture. That is despicable. I also recall that Paul Shanklin wrote a song called “Barack the magic n****”. (not sure if I can use that last word) That is disgusting.
I also hate it when these self-denying racists say that Barack Obama “hates white people”. HE’S HALF-WHITE YOU F***ING IDIOTS!! It’s also stupid when they compare Obama to Hitler. If that isn’t Freudian projection then there’s no such thing as Freudian projection.
And don’t any of you idiots dare tell me that there’s “no racism in America”.
“The people who say there’s no racism in America ... guess what? They’re racist!”
If gang violence is really a problem in America, maybe at least some of it is in response to the racism. Just a suggestion.
I think anyone who whines about “scary black people” deserves to live in actual fear. If you are a white person in America there are plenty of people in the world who live in more fear than you have ever known. Shut up, stop whining, and suck it the f*** up you coward.
Synthetic carbo-polymers got em through man. They got em through mouse. They got through, and we're gonna get out.
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Really? Where do you live? I happen to live in a town that, bless it all is number one again for violent crimes per capita. Go us! Yay! Heh. I do not find racism to be much of a problem where I live because my town is pretty balanced where races are concerned. The problems I find are with economic status. My town is clearly divided in two... those who make over 250k per year and people like me who live at the poverty level or beneath it. Here the rich are intimidated by the poor. Like we are less than human or will steal their purse or look at their kids or something... maybe give them our poor germs. I dunno. People are weird. In my world it is less the color of your skin and more the size of your wallet... here is is not racism, it is classism. Also, here gang violence is gang related. The only ones around here who get into crap with gangs are other gang members... they tend to deal with their own crap and as long as you are not a part of it you are generally not drawn into it. Granted, sometimes people get shot in crossfire, but there are some places in my town you just don't go at night and if your dumb ass ignores that, you kind of get what you have coming and we all know it... some people have no business in certain places is what I mean. And if you live in a town with gangs, you know what I mean. But gangs here are not exclusive to any skin color... my town is a melting pot and our gangs as our poverty problems are equal opportunity employers.
Sorry you have do deal with people like that though. I am lucky in that my weird little town is pretty diverse. My block is pretty diverse. My family and the people I know are pretty diverse. I would say I am the only white person in my house and I am not entirely white. I just happen to be the palest of them and so I am dubbed the unofficial spokesperson for wh***y in certain situations, where I get annoyed and just start barking stupid crap like "Down with wh***y! Down!" I joke... I have no issues with white people. Racism is not a part of my reality or understanding. How weird is it to be afraid of someone due to their skin? I sooooo do not understand. It always confuses me when people talk about this big problem that is racism just because it is not at all a part of my reality. I'm not saying I do not believe it exists, I just don't get it and I am glad for that.
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Oh good grief you strawman, nobody's afraid of people due to their skin color. I'm certain that imbeciles like you assume I'm a racist because lately I've been making posts concerning discrimination on the basis of not having enough melanin, or perhaps you think I'm a misogynist because I hate discrimination against people on the basis that they don't have mammary glands. Either way, it is not fear of red, brown, yellow, black, white, green, purple, indigo, or violet that concerns or bothers me, but that people are still whining about the past and complaining about white men oppressing them and other such blatant nonsense. People, especially employers, go out of their way to avoid being labeled as a racist or a chauvinist or any other pejorative appellation, even to the extent of purposefully making decisions of employment to the contrary so as to both avoid muddy labels and to get taxation benefits - especially during the term of a democrat president.
Oh good grief you strawman, nobody's afraid of people due to their skin color. I'm certain that imbeciles like you assume I'm a racist because lately I've been making posts concerning discrimination on the basis of not having enough melanin, or perhaps you think I'm a misogynist because I hate discrimination against people on the basis that they don't have mammary glands. Either way, it is not fear of red, brown, yellow, black, white, green, purple, indigo, or violet that concerns or bothers me, but that people are still whining about the past and complaining about white men oppressing them and other such blatant nonsense. People, especially employers, go out of their way to avoid being labeled as a racist or a chauvinist or any other pejorative appellation, even to the extent of purposefully making decisions of employment to the contrary so as to both avoid muddy labels and to get taxation benefits - especially during the term of a democrat president.
Are you sure they aren't skeered of the skeery negros comin ta rape their white wimmen? There are a couple of posters in the PPR who certainly appear to be.
"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart,
that you can't take part" [Mario Savo, 1964]
FIGHT THE POWER ! !! !! !! !
You're the one who made me finally snap and make this thread. People on this site have been calling you racist and do you know what? I agree.
By the way, yes I do respect people who fight the power. I respect them a lot. I am an anarchist and I am proud of it.
Synthetic carbo-polymers got em through man. They got em through mouse. They got through, and we're gonna get out.
READ THIS -> https://represent.us/
Oh good grief you strawman, nobody's afraid of people due to their skin color.
That's not a strawman. Hanotaux has posted on this forum about how he crosses the street to avoid having to walk near a black man whenver he sees one.
Oh good grief you strawman, nobody's afraid of people due to their skin color. I'm certain that imbeciles like you assume I'm a racist because lately I've been making posts concerning discrimination on the basis of not having enough melanin, or perhaps you think I'm a misogynist because I hate discrimination against people on the basis that they don't have mammary glands. Either way, it is not fear of red, brown, yellow, black, white, green, purple, indigo, or violet that concerns or bothers me, but that people are still whining about the past and complaining about white men oppressing them and other such blatant nonsense. People, especially employers, go out of their way to avoid being labeled as a racist or a chauvinist or any other pejorative appellation, even to the extent of purposefully making decisions of employment to the contrary so as to both avoid muddy labels and to get taxation benefits - especially during the term of a democrat president.
You are calling him an imbecile?
"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door," he used to say. "You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to.
"How can it not know what it is?"
Its not a matter of fear............ I just get tired of hearing, "You got a dolla for da bus?"
I always wondered............
- Do the guys who ask for a dollar for the bus have a pit-boss? Do they have to pay him a commission? Do they have precincts drawn up and their own prearranged hustling turf?
- Do they fight if 2 or more of them hustle for bus-money at the same place. I mean, if 2 of them decide to hustle outside of McDonalds at the same day, does one go walk over to Wendy's and hustle there?
- Does the .001% that actually need bus money get upset over all of this?
- Whenever one approaches me, I always ask him first "hey man, can I get a dollar for the bus," before he can ask me. This disarms them.
- Why would they even get on the bus in the first place and go miles out into the suburbs, without even saving a dollar to use as their fare back? You would think that they would have thought this through.
Its not a matter of fear............ I just get tired of hearing, "You got a dolla for da bus?"
I always wondered............
- Do the guys who ask for a dollar for the bus have a pit-boss? Do they have to pay him a commission? Do they have precincts drawn up and their own prearranged hustling turf?
- Do they fight if 2 or more of them hustle for bus-money at the same place. I mean, if 2 of them decide to hustle outside of McDonalds at the same day, does one go walk over to Wendy's and hustle there?
- Does the .001% that actually need bus money get upset over all of this?
- Whenever one approaches me, I always ask him first "hey man, can I get a dollar for the bus," before he can ask me. This disarms them.
- Why would they even get on the bus in the first place and go miles out into the suburbs, without even saving a dollar to use as their fare back? You would think that they would have thought this through.
That happens here, except its usually twenty pence for the bus, and its almost exclusively white smack-heads.
"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart,
that you can't take part" [Mario Savo, 1964]
Also, the fact that Obama is not 100% black would not preclude him at all from hating white people. Even a good number of white people hate white people these days.
Besides that, the rest of your post came off as poorly-written naive nonsense.
I can't be bothered to even respond as it seems that you have already made up your mind about me and what I'm all about, so I'll just leave you to vent.
Also, the fact that Obama is not 100% black would not preclude him at all from hating white people. Even a good number of white people hate white people these days.
Besides that, the rest of your post came off as poorly-written naive nonsense.
I can't be bothered to even respond as it seems that you have already made up your mind about me and what I'm all about, so I'll just leave you to vent.
Whatever, you just keep using the internet to be a racist and I'll just keep using it to call you a racist coward and a scumbag because that's what you are.
I am standing up against you. I'm not taking your racist BS any longer. If you post racism in this forum I may or may not call you an a$$hole. It depends on whether or not I feel like it at the time.
I bet one of these days you're going to come back to this forum in tears saying sorry for all the racist things you said you pile of human sludge.
Synthetic carbo-polymers got em through man. They got em through mouse. They got through, and we're gonna get out.
READ THIS -> https://represent.us/
I really doubt that anyone, except for exponentially-naive individuals like yourself, would ever suggest that there is "no racism in America," or any other country for that matter....... (except mabye North Korea?)
I don't think any white 'closet-racists'(of which there are many,) would ever even try to conceal themselves in a public conversation by suggesting that America is disinfected of racism. Due to social pressures and consequences, many whites with 'racist' feelings present a public PC image of themselves, but even then I doubt the majority of them would ever state something so naive.
You seemed to suggest yourself though that you had a utopian idealized image of an America that was "free of racism" until Obama got elected. Then it seemed you got clued in.
You aren't American as well, correct? I know it seems a virtual certainty from your post but I'm just getting confirmation.
Besides that, you seem to be an incredulously clueless Quiet-Dovvian-type individual. So welcome to the big-boy world ! ! Happy 19th.
A new study from the School of Science at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis looks at how much African Americans and whites favor or prefer their own racial group over the other, how much they identify with their own racial group, and how positively they feel about themselves.
The work, by Leslie Ashburn-Nardo, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology in the School of Science at IUPUI, looked at both consciously controllable sentiments and gut feelings about social stigma and found a significant difference in both groups between what people say they feel and their less controllable "gut feelings."
"The Importance of Implicit and Explicit Measures for Understanding Social Stigma" appears in the current (September 2010) issue of the Journal of Social Issues.
Many studies of stigma have been conducted since the end of World War II but until recently they have looked primarily at explicit (recently learned) attitudes and did not include implicit measures of deep seated feelings acquired earlier in life and not consciously accessible.
To explain the difference between explicit and implicit measures, Ashburn-Nardo uses an illustration from everyday life. "You may be asked how you feel and you respond, "I'm okay," yet your body is showing signs of distress (e.g., high blood pressure or fast pulse rate). You're not necessarily lying when you say 'I'm okay.' It's more likely that you just may not realize how stress is affecting you. Explicit measures are much like your 'I'm okay' response to how you are whereas implicit measures are like the blood pressure cuff or stethoscope findings. It's important that we don't rely exclusively on the asking and neglect the less easy to access information if we hope to increase our understanding of stigma and be in a position to help people."
In her study Ashburn-Nardo found that African Americans consciously reported that they favored their own race, identified with their own race and felt very good about themselves at a rate much higher than whites. However when tested on non-conscious feelings, that was not the case. African Americans favored their race less and less strongly identified with their own race than whites.
Both African Americans and whites had positive gut feelings about themselves.
"This study provides a greater understanding of how stigma affects people in ways in which they are unwilling or unable to report explicitly. For over half a century social psychologists have asked members of stigmatized groups how they feel about themselves and about the group to which they belong. But they have only been learning part of the story -- the perceptions individuals realize they have, not the ones they may have internalized over a long period of time. That is, people might suffer more from experiences with prejudice than they are able to report via questionnaires," said Ashburn-Nardo.
The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues and the University of Kentucky supported this work.
http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/20 ... 111504.htm
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You should work for the administration Darth.
There is nothing racist about wanting to live in a safe neighborhood. It's hard for more sheltered people from the suburbs and elsewhere to understand this frustration.
As for the Paladino thing, not that it makes much of a difference, but he didn't make those pictures. Most of those I've seen floating around the internet for quite awhile now.