Scrapheap wrote:
God WANTED me to have Autisim?? WHAT A G*D D*#,MNED MOTHER F#*KING CHODE!! !! !! !
Well, actually, in a strange sort of way, yes ... There is a reason why we aspies exist, I think. Of course, I think it may have more to do with natural selection or something than with God, per se, but think about it for a minute.
Where would the world be without aspies? Or at least people without high-functioning learning disabilities? Where would the world be without Einstein?
It's probably the lack of aspies as the reason the world's such a mess. We have gifts that are probably unexplored. Many of us are high-functioning, but we are set back because of standards set forth by the overwhelmingly NT world. Apparently, the systems NTs have created were not geared for people like us, and we tend to have trouble putting our gifts to practical uses.
See, NTs are far more social. We are not. We either focus on the little details or the whole big picture. NTs focus more on how it all relates to people. We focus on the systematic and technical side of things. I am not just talking about aspies, however. There are a variety of learning difficulties, from ADHD to whatever, whom have this hidden intelligence. And there are probably some NTs who have a different brain chemistry who go ignored as well. Most genius types are said to be a biological anomaly. I'm not saying that we are all genius, or that we should consider ourselves as such, but that it is a known fact that we aspies are technically efficient. What are we doing stocking shelves all day long? Or working in a mailroom all day long? Makes absolutely no sense to me.
It's not that we're special, but that our gifts tend to go ignored. It's up to us to make ourselves known.
- Ray M -