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09 Mar 2011, 2:48 pm

Islam emerges as key issue for GOP
CNN - 1 hour ago
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich wants a federal ban on Sharia and opposes a proposed Islamic center near ground zero. (CNN) -- A conservative activist who served in George W. Bush's White House, Suhail Khan has lately found ...

How would Americans fare under Sharia law?
Paducah Sun - 13 hours ago
Anjem Choudary, a Muslim cleric, called for demostrations on March 3 in Washington, DC, to protest for Sharia law. As a free citizen and as a Christian you become a target under Sharia law. We are governed by the US Constitution and held accountable to ... - (Google)

- Politics, Philosophies, Religions

Should the GOP be able to investigate Islam without investigating the foreign Pope of Italy for hiding child crimes? Should the GOP simply set aside Islam and Italian Catholicism and replace them with Westboro Baptist Church of Kansas - the one true Church - as Westboro is endorsed by 8 out of 9 US Supreme Court judges (last week's decision)?


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09 Mar 2011, 2:51 pm


You're more than welcome to have these monstrosities dominating your towns and cities like we have. We're not best keen on it and Americans would be even less so.


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09 Mar 2011, 3:21 pm

Since when have Catholics been flying Passenger Airplanes into buildings?


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09 Mar 2011, 3:23 pm

Gods damn Islam and its phallic towers

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You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do


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09 Mar 2011, 5:46 pm

I don't see a huge problem with mosques being built. I despise Shiria Law though, and I've learned a surprising proportion of Muslims actually agree with is as being "moral".

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09 Mar 2011, 6:12 pm

ryan93 wrote:
I don't see a huge problem with mosques being built.

The Swiss voted 'yes' to banning the erection of minarets in a referendum (the phallic shaped structure on my photo above) as they see them as being triumphalist.


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09 Mar 2011, 6:47 pm

Tequila wrote:
ryan93 wrote:
I don't see a huge problem with mosques being built.

The Swiss voted 'yes' to banning the erection of minarets in a referendum (the phallic shaped structure on my photo above) as they see them as being triumphalist.

As opposed to a 200 meter tall cathedral being subtle?

The scientist only imposes two things, namely truth and sincerity, imposes them upon himself and upon other scientists - Erwin Schrodinger

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09 Mar 2011, 7:20 pm

I think Islam will eventually win out, they're much younger than Christians and are willing to kill everybody else to get their way. And I sorta admire their embrace of death, since that's something I embrace too. I don't really like the religion itself, it's very legalistic and you have to remember a zillion rules and if you break one silly little rule it's off with your head. I'd be constantly worried that somebody would catch me breaking some silly rule that has no bearing on anything but that the defenders of the faith feel is all encompassing. Also, wearing a long beard makes me uncomfortable. It gets scratchy after a while. But yeah, I don't like the idea that if I don't say hello in the proper way I get beheaded. To be honest, the flavor of Christianity that we have in the states is just as bad, if you pray to Jesus for forgiveness every so often you can do as you want the rest of the time, blech. I prefer Buddhism myself.


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09 Mar 2011, 7:56 pm

Okay, all of this is ridiculously racist. Although I strongly disagree with the policies of fundamentalist Muslims I do not think we can declare the entire Muslim community as being evil. They have every right to build their Mosques, and build them in any shape they want. Of course, they do not have a right to try to impose their ideals on the rest of the population, just as Christians do not have the right to impose their ideals on the rest of the population. I think we will get farther by trying to reach out to the Islamic community and come to an understanding than by branding them as "The Enemy."


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09 Mar 2011, 8:22 pm

Years ago there was this right wing talk show host here in Canada who used to attract the hard right crowd and they'd always go on about how they'd like Saudi-style criminal justice here complete with town square beheadings. Seems to me that Shari'a would do much for the family values crowd in the USA. They should be embracing it.


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09 Mar 2011, 8:33 pm

AstroGeek wrote:
Of course, they do not have a right to try to impose their ideals on the rest of the population, just as Christians do not have the right to impose their ideals on the rest of the population

What if there is a Muslim majority? Wouldn't the tenets of Democracy make it so they could impose whatever on whomever?

The scientist only imposes two things, namely truth and sincerity, imposes them upon himself and upon other scientists - Erwin Schrodinger

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09 Mar 2011, 8:54 pm

Well, there isn't a Muslim majority, but I would say no. I do not view Christians as having a right to impose their values on the rest of the population and they are in a majority in the USA. They do that anyway, of course, but I don't like it


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10 Mar 2011, 3:38 am

AstroGeek wrote:
Well, there isn't a Muslim majority, but I would say no. I do not view Christians as having a right to impose their values on the rest of the population and they are in a majority in the USA. They do that anyway, of course, but I don't like it

I know, and I personally don't believe there will be a majority. But rights aren't God-given, they are allotted legally by a respective country, and laws can change depending on public sentiment.There is no reason that minorities would be respected in a 90% KKK America.

The scientist only imposes two things, namely truth and sincerity, imposes them upon himself and upon other scientists - Erwin Schrodinger

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10 Mar 2011, 4:48 am

ryan93 wrote:
As opposed to a 200 meter tall cathedral being subtle?

You won't find many 200m-tall cathedrals in most Muslim nations.


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10 Mar 2011, 4:50 am

pezar wrote:
I don't really like the religion itself, it's very legalistic and you have to remember a zillion rules and if you break one silly little rule it's off with your head.

Not in the more liberal Muslim nations. Only in the nutjob fundamentalist ones… which is where most of our immigrants come from.


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10 Mar 2011, 6:24 am

I'm very uncomfortable targeting any American citizens because they happen to share the same religion or ethnicity as our current enemies. My family is very German on both sides, and I can still remember stories my Dad had told me that had been handed down to him from the first world war period. Back then, German Americans were suddenly equated with the enemy in Germany, after American entry into the war. Americans of German ancestry suddenly had found themselves often fired from their jobs, or were forbidden by law to publish German language periodicals - or even speak German on the phone. Public figures like President Woodrow Wilson, and former president, Theodore Roosevelt among others, openly questioned the patriotism of German Americans, and even suggested that they be required to take a loyalty oath. Very often, Lutheran churches were vandalized, and their pastors were sometimes arrested for conducting their services in the German language. German Americans were often threatened or physically attacked by angry mobs. In one extreme case, an angry mob had stripped a German American naked, wrapped him in a flag, then lynched him. The judge in the subsequent trial declared the homicide "a patriotic murder."
The fact of the matter is, despite the fact that it was Muslim fanatics who had murdered 3,000 innocent people on 9/11, that doesn't justify incriminating all Muslim Americans in this crime, no more than German Americans were guilty for the sinking of the Lusitania.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer