Scrapheap wrote:
I don't mind political satire, but attacks on Bush are simply old. He's beating a dead horse. We'll have someone new in 2 years anyways.
Yeah, true, and we all know your belief on beating dead horses after your reaction to emp. I know that it is beating a dead horse, I just tend to ignore these things, if I ignore it then I won't care and the other person will receive no attention. It is just like TV, if it sucks change the channel, if everyone else agrees with you that it sucks then often it will go away as it satisfies nobody in the end. Well, to each their own philosophy though really and given its a forum all that is necessary is that you satisfy your own interests and follow the rules.
We will have a new person in 2 years though and no matter what there will be plenty of satire about them too. I will admit that it would be really funny to see all of the super leftwing people if a republican gets elected then considering all of the conspiracy theories and stuff many of them see.
larsenjw92286 wrote:
Why would you write a poem like that?
Living in Texas is not bad!
Living in Texas isn't bad, I honestly like living here. Although, democrats often don't really like Texas because it is fiercely conservative in many areas. I think he did it mostly to attack Bush, I dunno, is this an original poem? There is so much stuff going around at various websites that it is hard to tell. If it is original than he did a good job with rhyming, I really suck at rhyming for the most part and would never bother writing a long poem.