Raptor wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
For the time being, I'll cast my vote with Newt Gingrich, till he again fades into the woodwork. In his recent attempt to run for president, Gingrich has played up racist code words, as a known serial adulterer he has pretended to be a family values conservative, and he has flip flopped on everything from intervention in Libya to the Ryan plan. And now his disconnection to the common folk is made all the more apparent since his million dollar Tiffany bill has been exposed.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Read the OP agan. Thns thread is for nominating the worst (in the liberal mind) conservative that posts in this form.
That said, can I nominate myself??
I apologize for misreading the initial post.
But in the case of who's the worst in WP, I have to say that I'm just too uncomfortable with the whole premise of badmouthing someone else on this forum. I mean, while I disagree with those posters who have lurched to the loony right, I have to assume that they probably are okay in everyday life - - at least as okay as an Aspie can be.
Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer