What is your own personal philosophy regarding life?

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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15 Apr 2012, 1:11 am

Y'know, all of the morality questions, and ethics regarding life amongst human beings.
I'm an Atheist, but my values are mostly derived from the Chrisitan and Catholic religions, as my parents were raised that way.
I don't believe in any god, but believe that we as people, can make our world a beautiful place to live in, free of fear and oppression. It's an idealist viewpoint, but it's nice to have some hope.

What about you? Any hopes for the future? How you choose to treat people you like and respect? How you treat disrespectful people? Or maybe how you feel about all people?

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15 Apr 2012, 1:18 am

"f**k it, s**t happens and it's gonna keep happening no matter what I do."

A shot gun blast into the face of deceit
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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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15 Apr 2012, 1:27 am

You sir, have earned 10 internets, free of charge.


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15 Apr 2012, 1:29 am

Here is what I think life needs diversity it makes like fun and interesting I have a religon and am a christian but the whole world would suck if everyone was religious it would be a constant never ending war. Their needs to be Atheists in the world Theists and Non Theists to me represents Yin and Yang one can not existice with out the other.


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15 Apr 2012, 1:50 am

I am an idealist also.
I think all is one but time and space are the way our minds process things.
I think that ultimately everything makes sense, but not in a boring way, and everything is great, but also not in a boring way. Not in an anxiety-provoking way either.
I don't think evil exists.
I think people have so much of a desire for good things that they don't know when or how to end their search for what is good. If they did know how to end it, life would be over.
I started out trusting people more and now I'm not sure who to trust.
I think that in order to reach the state of understanding you have to go through every suffering there is. Which sounds really unpleasant. But it's all the same suffering. Scientifically even. You can think of it as the same presence or absence of certain molecules like serotonin or you can think of it in more abstract terms (although molecular science is pretty abstract if you ask me). All the same.
I don't think I will ever experience death, As far as I'm concerned even though I feel I'm a 25-year-old who took a long path to this day or waking up for 25 years in a row being me, there's nothing to prove that "yesterday" I wasn't someone else. This is the time and space being an illusion thing.
I think unconditional love exists but it always looks conditional because life on earth is defined by conditions. No escaping that. You must believe that what appears to be hatred and war and all that is being watched over and ready to be soothed by a loving spirit though, that is what makes it unconditional, it is there even when everything would say it's not. Already being soothed in the no-space/time concept. I don't actually like talking in time travel-esque terms but want to cover all bases here.


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15 Apr 2012, 1:55 am

SSDD, contempt for and/or mistrust of most philosophy and people claiming to have all the answers

Opportunities multiply as they are seized. -Sun Tzu
Nature creates few men brave, industry and training makes many -Machiavelli
You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do


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15 Apr 2012, 3:02 am

EveryPersonEver wrote:
Y'know, all of the morality questions, and ethics regarding life amongst human beings.
I'm an Atheist, but my values are mostly derived from the Chrisitan and Catholic religions, as my parents were raised that way.
I don't believe in any god, but believe that we as people, can make our world a beautiful place to live in, free of fear and oppression. It's an idealist viewpoint, but it's nice to have some hope.

What about you? Any hopes for the future? How you choose to treat people you like and respect? How you treat disrespectful people? Or maybe how you feel about all people?

Leave a comment.

Hi EveryPersonEver,

I'm an epileptic iurodivyi, as in Dostoevsky's character Prince Myshkin in "The Idiot". Besides neurological sensations of divine ecstasy, dire fear, and bland synesthesia, I also experience intense deja vu, which leads to the contrary belief of strict predestination.

Digital technology helps me record most everything now, so I can blame as much as possible on coincidences, while having a better record of epileptic events. I hope the "future" is mainly misinterpreted pieces of the past, as, for instance today, I was searching for the postal address for this website to post a formal initial complaint of discrimination & retaliation involving the phrase "clubbing baby seals" applied to me for my strong stance against dangerous SYG laws in reference to the Trayvon Martin homicide threads (with disputes between "metaphor" & "non-metaphor"), and instead of the postal address, I landed on "William Freund" and the intense deja vu that I hope is just a false memory involving pages of postings including ones involving dangerous gun usages like:
ljbouchard wrote:

As it is, we are worried about a witch hunt with WP. We are not going to do a witch hunt ourselves.

No one will be banned because they did not believe the WillFreund was going to commit such a brutal act. We need to calm down and collective breath. The site mods are working to make sure that those on the site did all they could have to prevent this (which I think we have as some members ever tried to find out where he lived to contact close relatives).

All this finger pointing and blaming ourselves and everyone else will not do us any good.

RobertN wrote:
I think the owner of WP should alert the relevent authorities of any information we know about Will Freund.

I hope all my talk about the Revolution over the last couple of months didn't put any ideas into his head!! ! :cry: . Then again I did say that if it were to occur, it would be a democratic consensus of the people, rather than a bloody killing spree.

You just don't know, though!! !! ! :?


So, is this better exemplified in Fyodor Dostoevsky or Kurt Vonnegut, Jr......???



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15 Apr 2012, 11:51 am

EveryPersonEver wrote:
I'm an Atheist, but my values are mostly derived from the Chrisitan and Catholic religions, as my parents were raised that way.

I'm also an atheist, and my morality comes largely from my Jewish upbringing. I was always taught - above all else - "V'Ahafta Lareacha Kamocha." Translation: "Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself." Sound familiar? Jesus was a fan of this saying, so I've heard...

Unfortunately, I've found that people of faith too often forget this. Or perhaps it gets long among the many, many other tenets of faith... So, while I do agree with the underlying principles of Judeo-Christian morality, I am not sure either faith is communicating them clearly enough.


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15 Apr 2012, 12:07 pm

Edited simply because I can only take so much stress.

Last edited by CloudLayer on 15 Apr 2012, 2:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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15 Apr 2012, 12:51 pm

I'm not much of an idealist. I just take it a day at a time and not try to tackle everything at once. My philosophy is generally about being self-reliant and going after what I want. I stopped looking for a one stop shop philosophy a long time ago.

Tadzio wrote:
Digital technology helps me record most everything now, so I can blame as much as possible on coincidences, while having a better record of epileptic events. I hope the "future" is mainly misinterpreted pieces of the past, as, for instance today, I was searching for the postal address for this website to post a formal initial complaint of discrimination & retaliation involving the phrase "clubbing baby seals" applied to me for my strong stance against dangerous SYG laws in reference to the Trayvon Martin homicide threads (with disputes between "metaphor" & "non-metaphor"), and instead of the postal address, I landed on "William Freund" and the intense deja vu that I hope is just a false memory involving pages of postings including ones involving dangerous gun usages like:
You're still on his ass over that baby seals comment? This is beyond pathetic. Get a life already.


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15 Apr 2012, 1:03 pm

I believe in the Golden Rule, screw over others before they have a chance to screw you over.


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15 Apr 2012, 1:42 pm

TM wrote:
I believe in the Golden Rule, screw over others before they have a chance to screw you over.

"Do unto others before they do unto you."

A shot gun blast into the face of deceit
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15 Apr 2012, 2:07 pm

scubasteve wrote:

I'm also an atheist, and my morality comes largely from my Jewish upbringing. I was always taught - above all else - "V'Ahafta Lareacha Kamocha." Translation: "Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself." Sound familiar? Jesus was a fan of this saying, so I've heard...


That is the only part of TNKH worth remembering.



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15 Apr 2012, 2:12 pm

I believe in democracy, equality, and human welfare. I believe that humans are deeply flawed but that we also have potential for great kindness. The golden rule (Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself) is also a great guide for how to live life, I think. Basically my philosophy is a mixture of secular Humanism and socialist thoughts. I'd be the first to admit that I'm a hopeless idealist.


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15 Apr 2012, 4:34 pm

abacacus wrote:
TM wrote:
I believe in the Golden Rule, screw over others before they have a chance to screw you over.

"Do unto others before they do unto you."

Hobbes addressed this point. It is this rule that will guarantee life will be nasty, brutish and short.



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15 Apr 2012, 4:41 pm

ruveyn wrote:
abacacus wrote:
TM wrote:
I believe in the Golden Rule, screw over others before they have a chance to screw you over.

"Do unto others before they do unto you."

Hobbes addressed this point. It is this rule that will guarantee life will be nasty, brutish and short.


I know, hence why I live by it and count on most people not doing so.