Agnostic here. I just figure I'll find out what happens when a person dies when I die....
And I would actually disagree with Tallyman, in part at least. I have found there to be alot of christians (If only in name, and not in specific practice), on this board. Though admittedly Ive only been here for about 6? Months or so? So I may not have the experience Tallyman does with this board.... ... ted_States
The majority of Americans (76% to 80%) identify themselves as Christians
About 1 in 88 children has been identified with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) according to estimates from CDC's Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network.
So 1/88 is roughly 1.1% of the population which equals out to something like just under 3.5 Million? Feel free to do the math yourself....
Now, I dont remember enough advanced statistics to do the math for the next bit, feel free to research yourself. BUT, logically we can say that, if 80% of the entire population is Christian, then if that 1% sub-group was even minimally representative of the parent group, then something like 60%? or so could possibly be christian as well, factor in Aspies/autistics resistance to things like blind faith, against Christianities ability to deal with open questioning of its tenants and *marginal* acceptance of skeptical believers (This varies greatly from one place to place), figure something like between 40-50% of autistics Could easily be christian in the United States. This little exercise (Thats ALL this is, a *marginally* academic, unsupported, supposed, exercise) does not take into account the wide range of low functioning behaviors and problems that would pretty much preclude one from even understanding what god is, much less deciding to believe in him/her/it for that matter, amongst a great many other factors.... But I figure its a starting place of acceptance of the possibility of a higher % of christian autspies then one would otherwise think, and regardless of anything else, I believe acceptance of others choices to believe what they will (As long as it doesn't conflict with reality openly) should be pursued whenever possible.....