robo37 wrote:
The exact definition of murder is probably written to only apply exclusively to illegal cases but there is no dening that there is a life being killed here, the heart starts to beat after 3 weeks and the organism starts to move under it's own accord as it's brain start's developing thought. Babies have been recorded trying to escape from the suction tube many of times, which is actually worse then being shot in the head as the baby starts being ripped apart alive. Even which this point aside it's still immoral on the basis that you're denying the baby the chance to life, look up Gianna Jessen (a failed abortion survivor) on YouTube for a powerful insight on the subject.
Going back to my origional point, if you look at the pictures you can see it's clearly human and well developed even after just a few weeks of pregnancy. So it may not be 'murder', but it definetly killing another human being.
The heart is an organ that makes blood flow around the body, no more, no less. A beating heart doesn't really mean anything.
A robot can move on it's own accord as well. It can also be equipped with sensors, and use that information to avoid danger. But the robot isn't truly alive. Even if a fetus tries to avoid the suction tube, it is more of an automated response than the fetus consciously trying to avoid it. Because the key conceptfor me is consciousness. If a fetus is not a sentient entity, then it won't feel joy, pain, dread, it won't feel anything because it's not yet able to. And in that case, the will of the mother, a conscious, fully developed human, prevails over the... not-will of a non-conscious human-to-be.
And if something looks physically human, it doesn't necessarily mean it is. Humanity comes from our brains.
To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day. - Winston Churchill