Or chanage the law to allow for that, after all she is effecting a person's entire life.
Sorry, but the US environmental pollution is affecting not only one person, but a whole planet, including every child born on this planet. Still i think everybody would agree that it would be quiet idiotic to discuss if we should invent some laws to jail the citizens of the United States. No other country produces more pollution/citizen then the United States. So recording to you, the only right thing to do for you, would be to let yourself getting jailed by me, so i can ensure you cannot pollute my children anymore for useless consum s**t. I´d be happy ybout it but picture or it didn´t happen. ^^
Sorry, but it seems for me personally, that all that exreme topics are just about having fun being a fanatic. If you would really be interested in negative effects on children then you would not focus just on the topic "innocent unborn babies i, the paladin of USAria, sparkle in the dark" have to protect but on thousend of other things thats negative effecting children too. Capitalism, the food mafia, lousy school systems, the worldwide environmental politic leading to negative effects to all our children in the whole world, waste of ressources that belongs to our children, medical insurance depending on their parents income, social and advertisial pressure trying to force our children to bath in chemicals in cosmetica, wearing crippling shoes, being slaves of consume, depending their self esteem on being the best consume slave of all, killing our innerself through years of unnecessary hormon therapy, right now in this moment crippling the water reserves of the coming generations just to pull out more useless oil out of the earth, killing the corall riffs, main producer of plankton, which is the main food of everything living in the sea . And dont even try do discuss that topic with me, i´m engineer for environmental technique.
Actually, what we all are doing is making a gigantic piece of poo right on the heads of all our children, so gigantic, that we should train our children how to swim in s**t to prevent them from drowningt. And what for? I-Phones. Being the alpha chimp. *head -> desk"
So if you would really be thinking, that there should be laws to allow arresting people, causing negative effects on children, where are your petitions? Where is your scream out of outrage on all the negative effects we are all causing? Where is your demonstration for the arrest of george bush for ignoring the kyoto protocols? Sorry, but for me it seems you are just a hypocrite, pretending to be fanatically interested in other people but in reality just using random topics to grouse around to feel importance. Its not about any topic, its just about grousing and trolling.
I mena if you really meant your proposal, and just didnt mention it to troll around, so how did you think of controlling that law? Installing cameras in every private house? O_o Sorry, in europe i am supposed to be called conservative, but that lousy arguments, pretending to discuss when just sabbling around, its just overwhelming.
Last edited by Schneekugel on 14 Nov 2012, 7:28 am, edited 1 time in total.