Humanaut wrote:
More importantly, is the fundamental premise true? Are Western societies really being dumbed down? How do you measure the hight of general dumbness?
We can start with how poorly the US compares to other nations on standardized tests.
We can, but it shows something a lot more complex than worse education in the U.S. What it mostly shows is that the U.S. has more class inequality than other western nations but manages to do better than one would expect despite that class inequality. ... e-testing/EPIQuote:
Because social class inequality is greater in the United States than in any of the countries with which we can reasonably be compared, the relative performance of U.S. adolescents is better than it appears when countries? national average performance is conventionally compared.
Because in every country, students at the bottom of the social class distribution perform worse than students higher in that distribution, U.S. average performance appears to be relatively low partly because we have so many more test takers from the bottom of the social class distribution.
And then we can compare political rhetoric and debate today to that of yesterday. Poorly defined words like liberal and conservative are thrown around, red herrings are commonplace, argumentum ad populum is commonplace, insubstantial talking points without any reference to critical details is commonplace, the whole game right now seems to be "diversion, diversion, diversion" and "emotion, emotion, emotion".
Compare it to the political rhetoric of 1954 U.S. (McCarthy Hearings). I dare you!
Clearly the purpose of this is to intellectually disarm the populace, to hamper their critical thinking skills and get them to vote for whatever the oligarchy wants regardless of the actual consequences of the vote on that person voting.
Upon that we agree. However, I don't see how that is something new.