Fnord wrote:
white_as_snow wrote:
Fnord wrote:
beneficii wrote:
Fnord wrote:
So "Persecution" to a Christian can range from something as simple as saying "I am an Atheist" to whatever tortures those Islamists hand out.
Which of course is a total insult to the latter.
So? Since some "Christians" have already damned me for not living up to
their lofty standards, what could an Islamist do to me that would be any worse?
Christians are not allowed to damn other people, im sorry that they damned you. I hope you will enter heaven when you die. Well, being beheaded by Daesh is not very funny.
You haven't read Matthew 16:19 yet, have you? It is the verse that "Christians" use to justify their alleged ability to damn or beatify others. I wish that more "Christians" would actually
read their Bibles!
You can no more apologize for others than you can pray someone out of Hell. If someone has harmed me in some way, then it is up to that person -
and that person alone - to (1) admit what he did; (2) declare that it was wrong to do; (3) apologize for doing it; (4) ask me to forgive him; and
maybe (5) offer restitution and reparation for the harm he did to me. Otherwise, he will die unrepentant, and maybe even end up in Hell himself!
As for being beheaded ... First, they'll have to capture me. Second, Dying for my faith (according to both Islam and Christianity) virtually guarantees a place for me in Heaven!
"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven."
"For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
"But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,"
Capture you? I hope you are fast.