Well, had my ancestors not gone to America, I almost certainly wouldn't exist. But say that I did somehow manage to be, I can speculate on a few scenarios that might have altered the course of events.
My dad's people had been Germans living in the Rhine country who had migrated to the Black Sea area of the Russian Empire before coming to America. There was every possibility that my ancestors wouldn't have migrated with thousands of others to Russia in the first place, meaning that I most likely would be German today. Or, if my ancestors had chosen to stay in Russia, despite the growing intolerance they faced from growing Russian nationalism, they would have faced terrible oppression from the Czarist, Communist, and Nazi monsters who each had taken their turns to make their lives miserable. In fact, we have distant relatives who had stayed in Russia, only to have been exiled to Siberia by Stalin, who then moved Russians in to replace the German colonists, on the pretext that they were fifth columnist collaborators with the Nazis, where many of them starved to death. I could be living in a colorless, joyless Russia right now.
My mom's people on her maternal side were Prussians - who just happened to have had a Jewish family name, despite being Lutherans (obviously, someone had converted along the line). My grandmother used to correspond with a relative, till the letters from Germany stopped - during the Nazi era. I can only guess what had happened to these relatives because of their last name. In this scenario where my mom's ancestors remained in north east Germany, I suspect I wouldn't have had the chance to have ever been born.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer