I am very interested in world politics, I'm not an American, but the U.S. is an important player in the global political scene. so I wonder as what would happen if Obama actually doctored his birth certificate, and was not born in Hawaii but in Kenya?
What would happen with the laws which he signed, and all would be invalid? In most countries, the most important law is the Budget Act, the resolution usually once a year. So all budgets USA since 2009 would be invalid? If so it would be a nice brothel
, pardon the expression, in my country, Poland, so we define a nightmare mess and chaos.
I wonder does American ever considering abolishing natural born citizen, some countries have restriction for naturalized citizen, for top government position, like requiring them to be live in the country for certain time to be eligible to be elected official, but other did not like My country Poland to be president of Republic Of Poland, you only required to be Citizen of Poland, have 35 years old 100 thousands signature of adult Polish citizen, who is not fully or partially legally incapacitated for serve mental illness. the candidate of course also cannot be legally incapacitated or be criminally convicted, but sentence is automatically ex-purged after certain time, if someone don't commit any crime.
But I wonder why a naturalized U.S. citizen can not be president, it little unfair. In Europe there is no such stupid rules, once even an Austrian painter was Chancellor of Germany