What I would like from the Progressives/SJW. Trggr Wrnng.
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First, before somebody screams it let me say this is not hate speech. Also, see the trigger warning in the subject line. I'm not typing this to rag on you, or bully you, or make you feel bad. If I was going to do that it would be obvious to anyone. This is just me stating my views and asking for something.
I honest to god have a request. I dare say that many other Democrats and also a lot of Republicans would like this as well. I do honestly doubt the Tea Party does, but the Libertarians may be interested too. It's just a request, so if you could all get together and occupy somewhere with a laptop and some coffee so you're comfortable while doing this, Id appreciate it.
What those of us whose epidermis isn't made of single ply tissue would like is a list of everything offensive from now into perpetuity. This means think of everything, no matter how small, that could in any way be possibly offensive to even one person and write it down. Make sure you get everything because once it's done I'm having it carved into stone by a grandchild of a set director who used to work for Cecil B DeMille and its got to stay that way.
Of course if someone makes up a new insult that can be added, but no new things or thoughts or insinuations please. I said please. I don't want to hear in three years that 6385 people have been hospitalized due to being traumatized listening to a harpsichord, because harpsichords were only played by the rich and elite European patriarchy and it triggers somebody's flashback to what they think it might have been like to be a -insert here- back then.
I also want anything to do with animals. What we can call them, what we can name them, what we have to feed them. Also what we can eat and wear. Also what holidays can we celebrate? Can Christmas stay a national holiday or is knowing that the mail isn't running because of a patriarchal European holiday going to trigger someone? (Even though it's not European it might as well be, Jesus looks like a typical euro patriarch in all those paintings). What about Hannukah and Kwanza? Can they be mentioned? Is Ramadan still on? Has Festivus become offensive yet because Seinfeld cast was all white and they were selfish and sometimes downright mean? This could cause problems one day if mentioning Festivis causes a womyn with man hands to run from the room hyperventilating from the flashbacks of Jerry and them. You getting the idea now? Ok.
You're going to have to go over every single possible ridiculous thing that might upset someone, no matter how stupid you think it is. Because it's going to bother someone one day. I guarantee you that in 20 years time somebody is going to sue because there are no blind neurosurgeons or Samoan jockeys. So think and put it down.
I'm not making fun of you. Not really. I honest to god think you mean well. But I think you aren't looking around at the world and seeing how its changed and that a good bit of societies problems of discrimination are mainly solved. They will never be 100%, but I think you are so damned and determined to stamp it out in all forms that You have gone way over the limit. Rather than focusing on what is offensive to the majority or even half, you're focusing on anybody who says they are offended by something and sheds a tear, tells a story of emotional turmoil or just whines or screams the loudest. Because not everything you tout is that offensive or triggering to even a 10% of the population (except some of the younger generation who just have a Pavlovian response and "feel triggered" on command). Two words as an example. Jazz Hands. Really? Exactly how many people have a problem with clapping. If you find that out for me, and why they do, and if its even 1/3 of the country I will walk through every major city in the USA, naked, carrying a sign that says "clapping is offensive to them as my body is to you right now". Swear to god I'll do it. I'll get somebody to sponsor the travel and I won't say one art ass word.
But, if you do this, and put out this list, I promise I'll try to follow a good bit of them. I bet other people would try a little more too, IF WE KNEW THAT THIS WAS THE LAST THING YOU WOULD COME UP WITH ABOUT IT. I'm serious. It's the constant new crap that's made people laugh at you. And the jazz hands. And the safe rooms with kindergarten stuff for college kids. But mostly the jazz hands.
So, I said my piece, and I said it the way I say everything. It's to the point but I'm also trying to put a bit of humor in, at my expense and yes yours too, but only because writing it this way may get my point across better than if I said it the way I say it mumbling at home to the dogs about it, because then surely somebody would drop a house on me. Also it would be boring and just a rabid rant. Using some humor helps soften it, and softening it was my intention. We all have to laugh at ourselves now and then. Even you jazz handed bastions of political correctness. Yes I meant bastion, that wasn't spell check changing it.
So, please if you can decide once and for all what's upsetting. Then get it out there. I can't promise you that everyone will comply but you have a better chance at it this way than making everybody constantly looking around for what's going to upset someone like an emotional version of whack a mole. Making people do that is a sure way to drive them to a nervous breakdown, which would be hilariously ironic if it weren't so true. You. really do have some people on eggshells.
So get your stack on and please see if you can do this. The rest of us would appreciate it.
This was not meant to be offensive. I wrote an op-ed column in this exact style for years. This is just how I write.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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Last edited by OliveOilMom on 25 Feb 2016, 2:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Everything I've heard said that this comes from the progressives. Maybe SJWs are just a subset. I will change my subject line now. Thank you for pointing it out.
And you might want to distance yourselves from them because a lot of people think it's y'all.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
My forum is still there and everyone is welcome to come join as well. There is a private women only subforum there if anyone is interested. Also, there is no CAPTCHA.
The link to the forum is http://www.rightplanet.proboards.com
Everything I've heard said that this comes from the progressives. Maybe SJWs are just a subset. I will change my subject line now. Thank you for pointing it out.
And you might want to distance yourselves from them because a lot of people think it's y'all.
Yeah, I didn't mean that in political terms, but philosophically. They probably are labeled as liberals and progressives in the U.S. I'm probably a subset of sane people that just want social barriers to be torn down through, but not at the cost of censorship.
it's bad that PC culture is needed, but it's the least bad option to reduce cultural hostilities that we have.
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Everything I've heard said that this comes from the progressives. Maybe SJWs are just a subset. I will change my subject line now. Thank you for pointing it out.
And you might want to distance yourselves from them because a lot of people think it's y'all.
Yeah, I didn't mean that in political terms, but philosophically. They probably are labeled as liberals and progressives in the U.S. I'm probably a subset of sane people that just want social barriers to be torn down through, but not at the cost of censorship.
Exactly. And I want people to develop thicker skins too, or at least see it as a useful thing to have.
I'm actually a Democrat and pretty liberal on most social issues. I'm pro choice, pro gay marriage, pro Obamacare, I want people to have equal rights within common sense - info not have the right to be a firefighter simply if I wanted to because I cannot carry as much as men, I'm scared of heights and clumsy as a drunk all the time. But if none of those things were true my vagina shouldn't stop me. I'm for gun rights though, even autos now that I think about it. A FB meme put it best. We don't need the for hunting, it's not the deer we are worried about staging a coup. Although I don't have a handgun because my husband dislikes them andnfor the most part I like him more than guns. I want illegals to go home but they can come back. They can't vote while illegal if my mother can't vote while she's dead. If they want illegals tonvote then they should tally them and subtract them from the results. It's only fair. But I'm not for hurting people or their feelings bibjust want some freaking common sense back is all.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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it's bad that PC culture is needed, but it's the least bad option to reduce cultural hostilities that we have.
Wouldn't teaching people what is actually hostile be better? I can say "hey y'all" and somebody can interpret it as hostile when its not. Something either is or isn't hostile and how someone who sees or hears it interprets it has nothing to do with whether it is or not. What would be wrong in doing that?
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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What I would like is for people(just in general) to quit assuming and/or acting like everyone who's on the left is one of these SJWs, some of you here complain about. People who go overboard trying to enforce social rules or even legal rules that would cause everyone to literally have to walk on egg shells all the time piss me off just as much as they piss of anyone on the right, so it gets annoying getting lumped in with that.
I think the sort of people you're talking about are akin to the tea party on the right, they don't represent the entire group..and if anything just contribute to giving said group a bad name if people generalize based off of it.
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Political correctness is suffocating the west, it is a suicidal ideology and totalitarian in nature. You don't get to control speech, imagine how silly all those people that were literally beaten in the middle of the streets in the 60s fighting for their civil rights must feel that Dr. King's message of reconciliation and unity has been so completely lost by this current generation. This is a problem with WHITE liberals, blacks and hispanics don't play the PC game and in the deluded mind of a SJW they lead them in oppression points thus they can do and say whatever they want. The black and hispanic people I know(most of my classmates in public school) laugh at how scared whites are to say anything about race, I'm not talking about some spoiled child of a millionaire that cries about white privilege but rather the real folks that struggle every day that these liberals try to move as far away from as possible.
I believe in free speech, **** your feelings.
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But what if .not being an as*hole and something I say reminds somebody of something else that is of the as*hole statement variety?
Like the kids who were accused of racism because they put an acne mask on and it looked funny so they posted a pic and were forced to apologize because biore charcoal facial mask is black and it simply REMINDED somebody of blackface?
What if somebody takes something the complete wrong way? You aren't supposed to ask people of other ethnicities where they are from. That's stupid. If you say "You ain't from around here now are ya boy?" That's one thing but asking where you're from when you meet somebody is part of getting to know each other and small talk. And it's another example of not being am as*hole bit just making somebody with a wall full of participation trophies think of something else of the as*hole persuasion which may or may not be similar?
I'm asking a serious question, and would like to read your answer.
I'm not saying people aren't as*holes, sure they are. The world is full of douchebags. But every douchebag isn't BEING a douchebag 24 hours a day. What about when he's not and he's accused of it anyway because it just made Brittany think of something she read?
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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They are definitely socially conservative, with all the fuss about wanting everything to be perfectly nice and appropriate. I am certainly more progressive as well, and whilst there is plenty of things said that I think are BS that doesn't mean I think people should be banned from it, but it does mean I can form an opinion of the person based on things they say, and when it comes to politicians I can refuse support to the ones who say things that make me form bad opinions of them. It also means as far as private spaces/properties, businesses or privately owned websites and such the owner of such property can set whatever rules they want. Also free speech does not extend to entitlement to means of 'getting it out there' being handed over. Basically a group of neo Nazis cant demand a local newspaper do an article in support of them, or help spread their messege or anything like that for instance.
We won't go back.
it's bad that PC culture is needed, but it's the least bad option to reduce cultural hostilities that we have.
Wouldn't teaching people what is actually hostile be better? I can say "hey y'all" and somebody can interpret it as hostile when its not. Something either is or isn't hostile and how someone who sees or hears it interprets it has nothing to do with whether it is or not. What would be wrong in doing that?
this is a pretty common gesture in the english-speaking world, generally seen as positive, being displayed by a buddhist monk.
however in places like Africa, S america and the Middle east, this gesture means "I want to shove my thumb up your ass".
in china(and also thailand and the philippines), finishing your meal is considered an insult to the host because it implies you weren't given enough food.
there's no real 'list' of things that are offensive, and even if there were, it would be pretty useless to other cultures.
Last edited by Fugu on 25 Feb 2016, 3:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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it's bad that PC culture is needed, but it's the least bad option to reduce cultural hostilities that we have.
Wouldn't teaching people what is actually hostile be better? I can say "hey y'all" and somebody can interpret it as hostile when its not. Something either is or isn't hostile and how someone who sees or hears it interprets it has nothing to do with whether it is or not. What would be wrong in doing that?
this is a pretty common gesture in the english-speaking world, generally seen as positive, being displayed by a buddhist monk.
however in places like Africa, S america and the Middle east, this gesture means "I want to shove my thumb up your ass".
in china(and also thailand and the philapines), finishing your meal is considered an insult to the host because it implies you weren't given enough food.
there's no real 'list' of things that are offensive, and even if there were, it would be pretty useless to other cultures.
Just make a list for the USA. That will do for now. We are the main ones having to deal with this stuff.
And there are websites for people travelling to foreign countries to give you a quick heads up on what not to do there that is normal here.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
My forum is still there and everyone is welcome to come join as well. There is a private women only subforum there if anyone is interested. Also, there is no CAPTCHA.
The link to the forum is http://www.rightplanet.proboards.com