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30 Aug 2016, 10:54 pm

An official inquest has heard that a teenage girl named Phoebe Connop in the United Kingdom posted a photoshopped image of herself with darkened skin and wearing a headscarf on Instagram. She shared the image with friends, and jokingly suggested that she’d only get the approval of the parents of the boy she was interested in, who is of South Asian descent, if she resembled the edited photograph.

Unfortunately for her, the image was shared outside her private circle of friends, and Connop feared a backlash that would lead to her being branded a racist and subsequently ostracized. So Phoebe Connop, age 16, took her own life. ... o-suicide/

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31 Aug 2016, 5:22 am

Surely, fear of "being branded a racist and subsequently ostracized" led to this girl killing herself?

As can often be seen on this very forum, the tendency to grandstanding and ideological purity and echo-chamber self-righteousness is not at all unique to those who profess an interest in 'social justice'. The content of what is said (or believed) may vary, but how and why it is said doesn't.

Of course, it's probably quite a bit more complicated than that.

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31 Aug 2016, 8:27 am

The title of this thread should be:

"The FEAR of Backlash From Social Justice Warriors Inspires 16-Year Old to Choose Suicide,
Before Any Backlash Could Take Place"

Because ...
... Connop feared a backlash that would lead to her being branded a racist and subsequently ostracized. So Phoebe Connop, age 16, took her own life.

During the inquest, the police detective investigating her suicide testified that she had taken her own life entirely because of her fears about the consequences of the photograph. There was no other reason, the police said.
Ms. Connop's suicide was triggered by her own fear. It was caused by her own actions. She chose suicide, and no one forced her into it.

The author of the source article - Ian Miles Cheong - seems to be exploiting Ms. Connop's free-will suicide to support his own hate-filled diatribe against Social Justice Warriors. Note how the article's title misrepresents the cause of Ms. Connop's suicide, then segues into a different story about another person who chose suicide after being bullied by Social Justice Warriors, and then morphs into a rant against all Social Justice Warriors everywhere.

This is called "Yellow Journalism". Look it up.

I rate the article at five eyerolls - :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:


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31 Aug 2016, 2:55 pm

So no one did anything to her. She clearly had enormous mental problems.


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01 Sep 2016, 5:25 am

Well, if this is what people are talking about when they refer to SJW's I understand their anger I suppose.

It seems like speculation but if she was bullied into committing suicide I take that seriously. There's something that people do when someone kills themselves. Rather than acknowledge the pain and suffering and feelings of the person who took their life, they just say that person was "unstable" or "stupid" or "weak" for choosing suicide over something "so trivial." I think chronic invalidation of feelings is a major factor in many suicides.


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01 Sep 2016, 10:22 am

Yeah Cheong has a lot of questionable history being that he WAS an SJW (or an apologist for them) himself at one point. The moment he spoke away from the accepted narrative the SJWs bandwagoned against him and as a result he did a complete 180 and started dumping on them in return. People involved with Gamergate consider him to be a duplicitous weasel who jumps on whatever will get him notice and money.

As far as the girls fears are concerned considering some of the crap people have gotten for very minor things that have ruffled the SJW community's feathers I can't say her fear of backlash was entirely unwarranted. That said, taking your life when none has yet to hit you speaks volumes to her potential instability or her inability to live without a perceived good social reputation.

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01 Sep 2016, 11:49 am

Quite surprised by some of the responses to this thread.
Someone killing themselves out of fear of being ostracised for minor actions.
Not too dissimilar to our own in the Haven, am I not right?

Yet here it is, a dead girl (not an adult) being sniped at by people in a support forum for similar trains of thought many here have had to try and cope or deal with, simply because one's social and political leaning (or more accurately, their "kin") are being put in a potentially bad light by the media.

I think a little perspective is in order here. Please take time to consider the above before this derails.

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01 Sep 2016, 11:57 am

I think the point isn't that anyone supports the circulation of the picture (which happens in all sorts of cases, mostly sexual, and if revenge porn is the perpetrator some three-lettered acronym?) - it's that it's not brutal fascism in the physical sense that happened very realistically here with no words said at all: ... k-in-essex - is the real danger, not someone's perception online. All sorts of things are said online, but clearly no action is usually taken after those words on average.


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01 Sep 2016, 12:17 pm

I'm perfectly clear minded and have a proper perspective thank you very much. There is a difference between reacting out of fear of reprisal when you've already faced similar extreme problems in the past and reacting out of fear of reprisal where none or very little has been visited on you yet. Autistics tend to become outcasts in their societies early and by the time they are teenagers have learned harshly that they are different from the rest of the children around them and are viewed and treated as such. This girl seemed not to have any of the social difficulties that those on the spectrum routinely have.

While the fear that the SJW community might have lashed out is very real, the fact that she hadn't yet received such a massive response and with nothing else to indicate that it was coming or that the girl had faced such rejection before fits more with the typical cases of overreaction due to paranoia. It is typical for teens to jockey for position within their own social hierarchies. It is also not surprising when one takes their life when overwhelming rejection has been suffered by their peer group. It is atypical however for someone to take their life due simply to the fear such rejection can occur. When such incidents occur it's often because the person put far too much weight into their social status and not enough into their general worth as a person. Such overreactions can be a sign of serious mental health disorders such as being bi-polar or a kind of extreme social codependency.

This is not "sniping at the victim", merely a personal observation based upon my knowledge of various facts regarding social and psychological behavior. The same goes for the comments of others in this thread. Please stop trying to imply that we are victim shaming.

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01 Sep 2016, 12:44 pm

Ok granted it's not a very good thing to take peoples pictures and spread them about with malicious intent, but SJWs didn't drive her to kill herself. Fear of criticism from them perhaps played a role...but she had to have some other issues to want to kill herself. I've tried to kill myself before when I was 15, I am glad I failed but the basis of this thread is kind of insulting a content person isn't going to just up and kill themselves over the idea that people might make fun of them or accuse them of something like racism. But for one she killed herself before there even was any kind of backlash, blaming it on that is just kind of downplaying anything else that might have been going on with her.

Also the way it's framed makes it about politics I figure the agenda is to point out again why the left is evil and the right is good. Because obviously all people on the left support SJWs and think it is great if they use bullying and stop at nothing to shove their opinion down your throat. But the saintly right would never do anything like that, they're all just victims of the mean liberals who use words they don't like at them all the while screaming about the injustice of political correctness and how everyone should say whatever the hell they want whenever and however rude it is.

I really don't understand society anymore.

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01 Sep 2016, 1:02 pm

It has less to do with left and right politics and more to do with a giant pissing match Cheong has been in the middle of for almost a year. When he was still a darling among the SJW groups he viciously attacked those that were pointed out as sexist/racist by them with similar spin doctor articles. Then he said the wrong thing, they went after him, and he made a blatantly desperate attempt to apologize to the people he had been slandering to get their support. That hasn't happened and so Cheong has been waging this personal war against the SJWs that wronged him ever since.

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01 Sep 2016, 1:23 pm

TheSpectrum wrote:
Quite surprised by some of the responses to this thread.
Someone killing themselves out of fear of being ostracised for minor actions.
Not too dissimilar to our own in the Haven, am I not right?

Yet here it is, a dead girl (not an adult) being sniped at by people in a support forum for similar trains of thought many here have had to try and cope or deal with, simply because one's social and political leaning (or more accurately, their "kin") are being put in a potentially bad light by the media.

I think a little perspective is in order here. Please take time to consider the above before this derails.

We are not lacking perspective, though I may be lacking tenderness. This is because the girl's suicide is being propagandised. I do not respond to propaganda with tenderness. There's a further irony that 'a little perspective' may have kept this girl alive. The girl killed herself, apparently, because of a fear of being branded racist. Not because she was, but because she feared it.

There may be some kernel of truth in the asserted rush to thoughtless judgement and reactionary condemnation found amongst some deemed 'SJWs', but then rush to thoughtless judgement and reactionary condemnation is hardly a new thing, nor at all unique to that group.

Of course, it's probably quite a bit more complicated than that.

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02 Sep 2016, 3:18 am

My concern here is that people are saying she committed suicide due to SJW bullying.

There a couple of issues:

1. Did she actually say this is why she committed suicide?

2 Are we assuming that this was a catalyst for suicide?

3. Are we minimizing this catalyst if it is indeed a catalyst?

4. Are we ignoring her entire life situation? She was by definition "unstable" to commit suicide but she may have been unstable for a very good reason - either chronic bullying or biological depression or a mixture of the two.

5. Are we minimizing the actions of bullies?

Honestly, this is bullying. And if you think SJW's are bullies this is an example of SJW bullying. It's all in the language you use. Some people might just say these people are bullies and not real "SJW's" (whatever the hell that acronym means - means different things to different people).


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02 Sep 2016, 3:24 am

And she did actually receive negative responses which could be construed as bullying if I am understanding right. The fear of further backlash doesn't mean that she wasn't bullied in the first place.

The article is rather confusing to me. It seems like she was bullied period even if some people might not think the bullying she received was "very bad." Hard for me to tell from the article.


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02 Sep 2016, 4:59 am

heavenlyabyss wrote:
Some people might just say these people are bullies and not real "SJW's"

Yes, the No True Scotsman fallacy is a popular one around here.

Yours sincerely, some dude.


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03 Sep 2016, 3:42 am

TheSpectrum wrote:
heavenlyabyss wrote:
Some people might just say these people are bullies and not real "SJW's"

Yes, the No True Scotsman fallacy is a popular one around here.

Ugh. People don't identify as SJW's. It's a label that is thrust upon people that are perceived as bullies.

It has nothing to do with the No True Scotsman fallacy. SJW is just a slur word similar to accusing someone of being a racist. It's two sides of the exact same coin. When I call someone a racist I am intentionally using it as a slur word because I don't like the person's views. When people call people SJW's they are doing the same. It's the same s**t.

I try not to bully people but sometimes people get angry and sometimes I get angry. Both sides are guilty of bullying. The "racists" and the "SJW's." They are nebulous terms that don't mean a whole lot. When someone identifies themself as a White Nationalist they are fair game for criticism of their belief system which is clearly defined. But it's not fair to label random bullies as "SJW's" because they haven't defined themselves that way. It's better to simply say they are bullies.