kraftiekortie wrote:
I feel the Democrats are overdoing it with the impeachment thing----but I do want Trump out of there on 1/20/2021.
Even another Republican would be a better alternative than Trump. A Republican who makes sense, and who is maybe into gun rights. There's nothing wrong with "the right to bear arms." I just feel guns should be regulated.
Somebody who doesn't go all baby, and call people names via Twitter when he doesn't get his way.
Paul Ryan . Is way way way worse then trump. He’s the one pushing to get rid of social security, Medicaid and Medicaid and any other welfare, so you sure trumps so bad?
Get use to 4 more years of trump and free America then you guys can have your 8 years of Democrats to destroy the bill of rights and constitution and turn our nation into a dictator hell, where we have no rights and questioning the party gets you sent to a reeducation camp to be killed.
Guns are already regulated, you have thousands of gun laws. And on of them work. We have 1/100th if our original gun rights and you claim they aren’t regulated is just a lie pure and simple. Not one more crappy gun law not one more stripping of our rights. Be happy with what you got and glad we haven’t removed them like many think we should.
It’s f*****g ridiculous maybe we should regulate voting more so people who want to strip our rights can’t vote. Enemies of the constitution and bill of rights are traitors and traitors should be hung not voting. Treason is the nations highest crime.
There is no place for me in the world. I'm going into the wilderness, probably to die