Religious guilt tripping.
Why do people love to guilt trip people because they have certain religious beliefs like they’re Christian & someone calls someone a idiot for following that faith? But then they say they believe in freedom of religion. It’s like they’re hypocrites. Why do people act like this & should I be ashamed of my faith?
It is called "Virtue-Signalling" (a form of hypocrisy), and it is used to make oneself feel better or look better to others by shaming someone else.
Luke 18:9-14 (NLT)
Parable of the Pharisee and Tax Collector
[9] Then Jesus told this story to some who had great confidence in their own righteousness and scorned everyone else: [10] "Two men went to the Temple to pray. One was a Pharisee, and the other was a despised tax collector. [11] The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed this prayer: 'I thank you, God, that I am not like other people -- cheaters, sinners, adulterers. I'm certainly not like that tax collector! [12] I fast twice a week, and I give you a tenth of my income.'
[13] "But the tax collector stood at a distance and dared not even lift his eyes to heaven as he prayed. Instead, he beat his chest in sorrow, saying, 'O God, be merciful to me, for I am a sinner.' [14] I tell you, this sinner, not the Pharisee, returned home justified before God. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted."
The Pharisee was engaging in virtue-signaling.
Joined: 17 Feb 2015
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Location: United Kingdom Dorset
People who try to guilt trip others about not being religious, or for not following the same denomination of their religion, are also irritating.
I don't care how many people in my personal life tell me it "hurts them" that I'm not a Christian, my beliefs aren't up for debate and I personally view religion as outdated (but don't care if others are religious). Telling me to "read a bible" and that I'll "know the truth someday" won't change that.
People should just leave others alone about their beliefs. It doesn't matter to anyone else or affect anyone if someone is religious or not religious.
There are cases in which it does matter, though. And that's when religion is a factor in real world behaviour.
Freedom to practice the religion of your choice means you won't face persecution, and it is illegal to persecute you for your religion. Which is something I agree with.
But Religions tend to have a lot of supernatural aspects, scientific inaccuracies, problematic rules - all justified by even more supernatural stuff.
Some of the scientific insccuracies are also leading down dangerous routes, for example when certain radical religious people think climate change is a hoax because God wouldn't do something like this to his creation.
Other religions use their God(s) to justify slavery or highly unjust social orders, and yet others mistreat their women, because their god(s) told them to do so.
I don't agree with that.
I can read facial expressions. I did the test.
Why do religious people like to guilt trip people who don't go to church or have faith or don't have a religion?
I have dealt with this crap from religious people and religious people wonder why atheists make fun of religion and religious people?
It's come to a point where I now say "look, I don't care if you go to church or believe in god, I am not going to tell you what you believe in nor lecture you about god so I expect the same from you about my own religion as well."
Because I really don't care if someone believes in god. I don't feel threatened by it so why do they feel threatened by those who don't believe? I never even knew religion was a big deal and a strong topic until I was 17. To me this is all still alien because I don't understand why I should even care and why should I feel threatened if someone believes or doesn't believe? I don't feel threatened by religion either. If you were to tell me you are (insert your religion) here, I would be like "oh" and move on. Not make a big deal about it. Or if you were to tell me "We met at church" about your spouse or friend and I would be like "oh nice." I am not threated by anyone going to church either. Because I do not understand why this should be my concern and why I should be threatened by it. To me it's a harmless activity and doesn't affect me. I get some people might go because of charity and free childcare, great way to meet people, maybe they are interested in religion, maybe they get free counseling that way. Churches sometimes offer free services for their members. It wouldn't surprise me if there are any atheist's that attend church. Maybe they do it for a friend or for free benefits or to be social.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.
How 'Timely', Per the topic of 'Religious Guilt Tripping';
Just Got Back From A Blog Home of A Master's
Degree Holder in Mathematics With a Home
In Chicago And Miami, in Other
Words, He didn't Just fall
off a 'Turnip Truck' in
'The Deep South States'
Where i Live, Particularly in
the Panhandle of Florida, the Place
Where Trump Jeered on "Shoot Them At the Border"
Yes, Among The Christians In the Mob of Folks Gathering
As Such As Sadly Acted on in Ignorance at the Capitol Recently;
Surely Wrong of Right, Directly on Topic Now As That Was Supported
Both in the Name of 'Saving Jesus 2020' And Trump Too Same Two
Characters of the Same Old Demagogue Play As Portrayed At least for Real
That Day on 1.06.2021...
Anyway, Religion Is
What Bonds and
Binds Folks together
For Basic Subsistence Survival;
Ideals and Symbols Thereof, Where
Only Human Imagination (which is no limit)
Determines What Roads are Traveled Next; the Group Think That
Bonds This Way to Gain the Social Contagion Oxytocin Neurohormone
of Warm and Fuzzies, Even Over Fear and Hate of Other Folks Not
Part of the Group Believe as Such, The Religion indeed, by the way
The God And the Starring Quarterback, the Best the Same May Be Seen
Or Whoever
comes Next
to Be crowned As Such
In Whatever 'Super Bowl'
Among Religions Competing
Against Each Other Are going on...
Welcome to the Tribal Nature of Human
Being, Particularly in Areas of Socio-Economic
Scarcity Where Bonds Are Often Around Competition
And Winners
Or Losers
For the
And Subsistence
With Shelters and LoVE iN
Life to Survive and Perhaps thrive too..
Anyway, Back to The Dude Who Sadly Fell
To The Conspiracy Theories that have Recently
Been Supported And Or Ignored in Church With
All the Blind eyes to the Disaster coming with
Donald J Trump... That Dude Tried to Guilt
Trip me into Repentance When i suggested
God Is Love
The Kingdom
Of God Is Love
Within to Give and
Share Free For All
With Least Harm;
Yes, He Suggested
i Was Gaslighting Him
With the Simple Words His
So-Called Reported Savior Reports
in A Book; Yet All He Could Focus on
Is Me Repenting for what i said about
Love; Lest i go to Get Tortured Forever in Hell...
Okay, i realize that is a Conspiracy theory; as no
Loving All Forgiving Anything is gonna Demand
Worship And Torture Anything Else Forever as
Agape Love Doesn't Do that;
Love Always
No Exclusions;
Never Needs Worship Agape
Love is Complete Within Over
Flowing Always Now Eternally
With Giving and Sharing Free For
All With Least Harm for All Now
As Only Narcissists, Malignant;
As such, Empty Within Demand
Worship From Others Under Penalty
of their Wrath; Classic Meme 'Trump'
Through And Through; Same thing
With the Mr Hyde Bad Cop Version
of Jesus that's Easy to Justify in a Same
Book That Says God Is Love Where Agape Love
Is for
no Smaller
God than Love For
All; All Forgiving and
Ya Dam Straight Now A
Lion Doesn't Kneel and
Neither Do i to Lesser God's Than
'Nature of the Beast (Love)'
Sure i say
Mama Raised
A Gentleman, No Trump...
Love is Real that Much is True....
However, So is Fear and Hate; So
iS iGNoRaNCE That Harms, Rapes,
Maims, Kills; Ya Can't Expect to Remain
As 'Silence of the
Lambs' And
to Survive
in the Long Term
If Ya Don't Roar A Bit
When Folks are gonna obviously Be
Harmed By Ignorance coming; too many
People Are Silent; and True Guilt and Shame
is How Humans Keep the Society in Whatever
Shape the Society Decides to do; Heaven Or Hell;
Now Humans Will Imagine or Create In Nightmares and Dreams same;
Thing is, We are in New
Territory now
Before Where Each
'YouTube Channel'
Has Been Ripened for
'Alex Jones' or 'Obama; Choose your Poison or Truth...
Everyone Knows Who Those Two Are; It's hard to tell Who 'Jesus;
is, these days at least.
From a
By A
to Justify
Just Another
Ignorant 'Holy Crusade;
As Indeed Turning the Other
Cheek this way Will be the Eventual End of This Country...
All Human Emotions Serve A Purpose for Survival of the Species
As Evolved; Guilt Tripping Ain't Going Away; And Again, turning
the other Cheek Now in some instances spells eventual real doom
As Generally Speaking the Leaders of the Republican Part are Guilty of as i speak...
Yet They Are
Showing no
As Their
True Masters
Are Their 'Minions'...
As This Is How A Democracy Rules
From the Bottom Up; Also A Grand Danger
Of a Democracy that Requires A Solid Constitution
Of Laws to Protect; Hmm, So Far it is Barely working
Now; Yes, Ironically Credit Freedom of Speech online
For Endangering the Safety of it all; Freedom and Safety;
A Balance
For Justice
For all; Continuing
Life, Liberty, and Pursuit
of Happiness For All With Least
Harm; We Are Basically the Same
Classically Evolved Humans As
Before the Days of Agriculture
Came; The only
Thing Preventing
Heaven or Hell
We Create
Are Indeed
The Ideals and
Symbols We Bind
And Bond Around; ALL the
Stories We Create That Make
Our Human Condition What it is;
in this Way, All the World is a Stage
And Humans Create the Plays And Make
The Characters
What And
Who We
Are Now;
Indeed, All Directed
By Human Emotions
And Senses First through
Our Reptile Brain, And Limbic
System First; the Donald Trump
Meme definitely is Case Study Evidence
For this Reality That Science Shows is True Now as well;
First, we Must Master our Emotions and Senses in Bio-Feedback
In Some Meditative Way for Control of Flow Otherwise We are gonna
Sink with
the Rest
of the
Ship oF iGNoRanCE
That Doesn't Understand
Humans are not Rational At
Core, Falling Asleep While the
Emotional Ones Take Control....
Story Rules Humans Always Fueled By Senses/Emotions First;
Those Who Rule 'the Within' Have it Much Easier in the 'External Parts' of Life...
The 'Environment'
To Hell And Most
Folks won't escape....
Learn From History...
Swim or Sink Again for Real....
For Now at Least, A Greatest
Danger is 'Silence of the Lambs'
Who No Longer Understand A Value oF A Roar....
Did Ya Hear it
From 'the
Do Not Doubt
the Power of the
Dark Force; iT ain't
Never Going away as along as we are classically Evolved AS Human now...
And Ya Gotta Master the Shadow Parts to Survive in the Longest Runs Now..
It Takes A Force of one; Every Set of Eyes of the Entire Group, Culturally to Evolve,
Together More Towards Love...
Folks May Bond
And Bind
In A Greater
Way For Love;
And Yes i've Been
Able to Find Places
This Actually Happens
Now Where the Only Religion is Love;
It's Truly Like Heaven; Yet A Place with No Sun or Moon...
ya Bring
Photos/Videos ALong on A 'Trip'...
One way to Escape, 'Trump Town USA'
Originally Labeled AS 'Hell' By Nickname Real...
A Place Where Folks Roam Unmasked Without Shame;
Even Celebrating Christmas And Mardi-Gras Without
Social Distance in the Middle of a Deadly Pandemic...
True in the
Christ" too..
Who Is 'that Guy';
i don't Seem to Remember
'Him' THiS Way from 'His
Story'; Yet all of Life is an
'Ink Blot' too; From Heaven
to Hell Now For Real We Breathe
Are Always Changing...
Nothing Is our Own, Yet our LiFE NoW...
And For me at Least; Yes, i BREaTHE LoVE Real
Don't Mind Virtue Signaling it all At all, When Real,
As i am
Lamb Now...
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
I have dealt with this crap from religious people and religious people wonder why atheists make fun of religion and religious people?
It's come to a point where I now say "look, I don't care if you go to church or believe in god, I am not going to tell you what you believe in nor lecture you about god so I expect the same from you about my own religion as well."
Because I really don't care if someone believes in god. I don't feel threatened by it so why do they feel threatened by those who don't believe? I never even knew religion was a big deal and a strong topic until I was 17. To me this is all still alien because I don't understand why I should even care and why should I feel threatened if someone believes or doesn't believe? I don't feel threatened by religion either. If you were to tell me you are (insert your religion) here, I would be like "oh" and move on. Not make a big deal about it. Or if you were to tell me "We met at church" about your spouse or friend and I would be like "oh nice." I am not threated by anyone going to church either. Because I do not understand why this should be my concern and why I should be threatened by it. To me it's a harmless activity and doesn't affect me. I get some people might go because of charity and free childcare, great way to meet people, maybe they are interested in religion, maybe they get free counseling that way. Churches sometimes offer free services for their members. It wouldn't surprise me if there are any atheist's that attend church. Maybe they do it for a friend or for free benefits or to be social.
I deal with this all the time. It's very irritating to listen to religious people complain about atheists and act like we are immoral and evil. There are certain people that I can't even imagine telling I'm atheist because I fear they may cut off contact with me or become aggressive towards me.
I also don't agree with atheists being rude to religious people, but I also can't say that I don't know where a lot of them learned that behaviour from. I used to be like that when I was younger because I had my beliefs challenged so much and told I was wrong, so I started to do the same to others.
I think its due to insecurity. Any religious system that is works based probably unintentionally motivates the insecure to compare themselves to others, etc. The funny thing is that even though Jesus didn't come to start a religion, there are many different christian religions supposedly doing what Jesus wants them to do even though they are all doing different things. My odd view of life.
This is a really good question that started the thread I am still thinking about it after I wake up.
This time I'm going to approach it from perspective of what does the bible have to say about this.
Jeremiah 17:9 The heart [is] deceitful above all [things], and desperately wicked: who can know it?
The core issue is that people do not know what lies in their own heart. So when they encounter religion or anything else for that matter they go with what they are good at doing or what doesn't reveal their faults and use others as scapegoats. They see weaknesses in others but they are blind to those same weaknesses in themselves.
Even Jesus saw this as a problem.
Matthew 7:3-5
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? 4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam [is] in thine own eye? 5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
People do not have compassion for others until life lessons teach them what is in their own heart. The most difficult people to be around are NT religious people who don't know the depths of wickedness in their heart. I go the church and experience them every week. I pass out tracts - religious messages. My favorite experience was passing out tracts with an atheist. He was really a nice person who was totally turned off by religion. He had some bad experiences with religious people tearing up his sign and other things. Still we talked and one day I stood with him. He had his sign saying God doesn't exist and I was passing out my tract about about God. That confused the religious people to no end. God is not threatened by people who don't believe in him. Why should I be threatened by people who don't believe in God?
I can think of several reasons:
* It may be that they are insecure in their faith, and are looking for "validation" - If they can have someone agree with them, it helps them confirm they have made the "right choice".
* It may be that they feel strongly about their religion, and want to let others know about it, feeling it will "help" those others as it has helped themselves.
* It may be that this is a tenet of their religion, where they are "required" to go out into the community and try to spread their faith to others.
* There may be something in their religion related to what occurs after a person dies, and having strong belief, wish to try and prevent this occurring to another person.
Any of these possibilities could apply to members of a range of religions\faiths\sects (Atheistic\monotheistic\polytheistic\Agnostic).
Similarly, it is possible to "evangalize" a given belief system, yet still believe in "freedom of religion" - They are not forcing you to believe as they do (although, maybe they are trying too hard to "persuade" you) or punishing you should you disagree with their personal belief system\elect to not follow it - There is no compulsion that you must follow their religion...
As to being ashamed of your faith: If you believe it fulfills your "needs", there is no reason to be ashamed. If you feel there is something lacking, it is a personal choice whether to continue looking either within or outside your faith for what is missing - Only you know what is right for yourself. Following what someone else tells you is no guarantee you will end in a better place than you may already be in, so take your time, should you decide to look elsewhere, and look carefully.
Well, I don't guilt people, but I do see religion as a folly.
Religion is an emotionalistic philosophy, designed to satisfy the emotional needs of people.
I don't have a problem with that as long as the people who indulge don't interfere with my self-actualisation process.
It can also be a means of control.
"Religion is the opiate of the people."
*That* I have a problem with.
Live and let live, is my motto.
Are you saying *every* religious person thinks like that?
That would be the same as me saying *all* progressives are sanctimonious, self-righteous, virtue signallers, but we know that isn't true, either.

For the same reason that religious folks shame atheists, and that religious folks of one sect shame religious folks of another sect, and so on.
I don't get it either. So long as you're not hurting anyone, you can believe what you'd like within reason.
Opinion polls have officially begun!
Posting will be on and off due to school studies for a while. I am still around though and will occasionally pop in!
The problem with beliefs is that they inform actions. Christians don't just go to church and say grace before supper. They lobby for laws that discriminate against the LGPTQ community and minorities, force creationist myths into science classrooms, and spread policies that are damaging to the environment.