Israel is what happens when you foster victim mentality

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10 May 2021, 8:52 pm

Right now Israel is shooting and maiming hundreds of Palestinians, including my own family, during the holiest 10 nights of Ramadan, while praying in the holiest Mosque of Islam, and Jewish settlers are marching through Arab streets caught live on camera chanting "Death to Arabs". The nation formed from the descendants of Holocaust survivors is now running rampant committing atrocities that while incomparable to the actual Holocaust still evoke the same tactics of dehumanization and militaristic jingoism and chauvinism that made the Nazis so notorious. All committed by the very descendants of the victims of the Nazis.

Only victims can, have and will always become like their oppressors if their victim mentality is not checked. Literally the entire point of books like "Animal Farm" was that those who may spearhead revolutions for a just cause to fight tyranny and oppression can become worse than their oppressors if they dont stop their victim mentality from going unchecked.

Jordan Peterson was right when he said that in the 20th century the biggest cause of genocides and human rights abuses were people who developed a victim mentality that went beyond just redressing wrongs but wanting to satiate base instincts of megalomania even at the cost of others' human rights.

Israel is not the only nation guilty of this phenomena; many nations, from India to China to Armenia to Burma, all were once victims of the worst atrocities in history yet upon liberation from their oppressors went on to commit atrocities that would make their former tormentors proud.

This post isn't my usual anti-Israel post, because right now given how barbaric and savage that pariah Apartheid state is acting anyone with eyes that can see and ears that can hear and an open mind already knows Israel is violating human rights in Palestine and that Israel's current atrocities and terrorism against the Palestinians during their holiest month is just proof that Israel has no compunction when it comes to how low it can stoop. Rather this post is about a more general topic, which is that anytime in history you tell a people they're the world's biggest victims and that everyone is out to get them, you get oppression and evil worse than the one formerly inflicted upon the oppressed.

This is why I condemn organizations like BLM. While that organization is right in seeking redress for the wrongs Blacks have faced, I fear that the movement if left unchecked will one day morph into a movement that will seek to seek retribution against whites for past wrongs and become worse than the oppressors they so hate.

Moral of the story? Humans are good and bad in every group. Telling one group that they suffered enough where they deserve to oppress others is wrong and is the cause behind most of the evil in this world today.

Before the Serbians massacred the Bosnians in their genocide their media inundated them with sensationalized accounts of Ottoman atrocities in the past and riled them into a genocidal frenzy

Before the Indians formed anti-Muslim lynch mobs they kept drumming up grievances of past Ottoman atrocities as a way to rile up their nationalists

Before the Germans orchestrated the Holocaust they brought up perceived wealth disparities between the Jews and white Germans to foment a victim mentality that the Jews were oppressing them, until the Germans though they were entitled to massacre the Jews who they claimed were leeches and unfairly rich at the expense of the Germans

Moral of the story? Dont let victim mentality fester lest you go from the most oppressed group in history to the most oppressive group in history.

"One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it."

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10 May 2021, 9:19 pm

Edit: Indians drummed up propaganda of inflated death tolls under the Mughal sultans, not Ottoman atrocities. Typo.

"One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it."

Master Oogway


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10 May 2021, 9:47 pm

salad wrote:
This is why I condemn organizations like BLM.

You had me, and then you lost me. :?

While I agree with your overall premise (that the oppressed group must be careful to never become the oppressor), I think the idea that BLM could ever become an oppressive entity is an unreasonable fear. Black Americans do not have the kind of structural power to do what the Israeli government does. BLM supporters do not have armies with tanks, helicopters, tear gas launchers, automatic rifles. BLM supporters do not have nuclear weapons. And more importantly, BLM doesn't want any of those things. The endgame of Black Lives Matter is the complete abolition of all the structures of oppression (i.e. the prison system, police, the military, predatory lending practices, etc.) All the things that are the colonizer's bread and butter.

Dry Dry Sea

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11 May 2021, 7:55 am

Hi Barchan.

I can confirm salad is educated and I learned from him the The Word satiate. I can demonstrate that since I was a Kid i wanted to FIGHT against the government, and i've done so succesfully. Not because i have Offensive Weapons, but because I have Defensive (Weapon). I can be just one man, and force The World to choose between Physical Torture or Death, alternateivelt Psychological Pain. Force is not allowed in ISLAM, i can always argue Peace (non-force) was never an option for me.

Allah says: Fitna (Psychological Warfare) is wore than Death
Allah says ~ Before this book (Qur'an) they Jews said we were "Muslim"


A Believer is a word which come from the word (امن) so the person here is called (مؤمن) ... a Believer is essentially a Source of Peace and Security - Arabic/Polyglot


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11 May 2021, 9:39 am

I completely understand your hatred of Israel, I've never understood why the U.S. and the rest of the world is letting Israel annex foreign territory, from a moral/ethical perspective.

That would be like if Denmark invaded a Swedish region and annexed it. I'm pretty sure our neighbours would be pissed and vice versa.

There's a lack of ethics and morality in apartheid-regimes, regardless of whether they are anti-black/white, anti-jewish, anti-muslim, anti-christian, anti-atheist or anti-something else (except anti-apartheid).

Just because the Jewish people were once persecuted, does NOT justify the behavior and illegal actions taken by the Israeli government.

I think the real reason Israel exists is because of U.S. support and alliance/Sphere of Influence, because the U.S. needs to deploy military in the middle east to safe-guard their interests. It's no different from Russia's alliance with Belarus, as the opposite example.

Every superpower needs colonies or spheres of influence around the globe.


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11 May 2021, 10:22 am

I wonder how these incidents will affect their relation with other Arab states they made peace with recently (UAE, Sudan... ).


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11 May 2021, 10:41 am


Folks Condemn

Stuff They Fear

First And Lasting

Not Understanding Now...

Noper, This Is Nothing New...

Yet Deserves Greater Contemplation
Than Condemnation For Faith Don't Need

Any 'Holy Books' to Figure This Out; Just 'Common
Sense/Feel' Born On As Such; The Oven Is Hot; Yet That Doesn't Make it Damned...

What Is Different About 'Black Lives Matter' Is It Has No Story Books With Gods That

Burn Folks Forever

And Turns Around

And Says It is the God

Of Peace All Loving And

All For Giving; Face Palms Forest

Thick That's Totally Inane God(s)...

The Advantage Now of BLM Is 'They'

Have No Such God to Replicate AS Human...

From A Frigging


80,000 Word Anthology

of Free Verse Poetry In Story

Comprising 2,000 Words of

Vocabulary that Took 23 Years

to Receive in a Cave by an Illiterate

Man or Another Story Book Anthology

Of Free Verse Poetry Rather Small too At Least

In My Eyes Around 800,000 Words That Took Centuries

Upon Centuries Then of Ghost Authors Innumerable In Count

With Scripts Copied And Pasted Together And Numbered
As Verses in the 1300's and Printed in a Book No Sooner

Than the 1400's In 'Gutenberg Way' then; Is It any Surprise

That Humans

Are Afraid

of THeir 'Shadows'

In Terms of Lust And

Aggression in All Stuff Reproduction
And Survival in Fear oF Fight or Flight Way; iN A Word (World) No....

NoW STiLL Is It Any Surprise that CuLTuRES That Hold THeir Hero Story

Highest In Esteem With A God(s) That Is All Loving Forgiving Peaceful

As Told By Story Also Tortures Those Who Make Mistakes Forever Turns Out Bad

In the Actions of Humanity; In A Word(s) (Worlds), Hell No, and Hell YeS on EartH....


Do it Better

Just Having

Sex All Day

Naked in Peace

WHere Love is the

Way And Pleasure Rules

Peace And Harmony for the

Forage of the Day, WHere Males

Live to Please the Matriarchy in Charge
This Way And After That ALL They Do Is Relax (like me) By

A Pond With Their Feet; All Ten Toes Propped Up Resting

Until They Get Charged for the Next Act of Free Love

To Be


This Works

Fine as long

As THere is No
Invading Tribe

of Bonobos Who Are

Different From the Tribe at Hand

Competing For Resources In Both Subsistence

And Reproductively too; Oh the Nature, 'Riders on the Storm'....

LiVE iN Abundance of Subsistence in Pleasure in Balance And Thrive

Do The Other 'Thing'



Hell Is

Ours to LiVE oN EartH;

From a Science Perspective;

Religion isn't the issue, Per Say And

Do, Specifically, in the Middle East; it is

Struggle For Abundance And Territory Still

In Scarcity By Opposing Tribes; Meanwhile Over in North

America, Before We (The White Parts) Came Over Here; Lots of Dancing In Abundance of Nature

Freer Closer to Naked Pleasure; Lots of Respect for Nature in Balance; Lots of Fun to Be ALiVE NoW



No WHeRE Else

Folks Wanna Go

Enough And Totally Complete in Balance Now With Nature

Then And This Is Just Common Sense Now For Anyone Who

Spends Any Substantial Amount of Life Naked in Nature Free...

We Stand Upon The Grains of God And Fertilize them With Our Own

Unless We Wear 'Diapers'...

The Only


That Hoards

Its Dead Or Burns

The Remains BReaKinG

'The Circle of Life'; The Karma We Do Now

Clear For Any Naked Being Standing Upon

Grains of God Still Fertilizing God's Breath Now...

Holy S%&$!






Resurrecting Gaseous

Star Dust From Crucible

Fires Of Star Death From

Super Nova Explosions

Iron FLoWinG Through

Our Blood Same

In Core

of Mother


We Still


Moral oF

A Greater

Human Story For Real

In Terms of God's Breath Living NoW iN US We aRe ReaL NoW

Hehe, Not Gonna Provide Any More Details Of How i Find God...

i Do

i Am

i Will

Never Be

A Victim Now

For This PReSeNT

Gift of Breath This

Life Forever Now Breathing in PLEaSE...

On The Other Hand(s), i Naturally LiVE iN

Paradise THeRE iS No Struggle For Subsistence

In Abundance of Balance WHeRE i Exist; If In





Not So Much;

All i Have to Do


Ignorance of Gaetz,

Trump, And DeSantaNiS too

In Emerald Gulf Coast Panhandle BLiSS oF Florida...

Hey Baby, Just FoRTuNaTE to Be A Seed Landing In Heaven....



Tree STiLL

GRoWinG Leaves

Feeding me Green

And Spreading Brown
As Usual to Feed Circle of Life Breathing Now...

Just Another Grain of Sand; Just Another Feather; SPiRiT WinD FLoWS oN..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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Dry Dry Sea

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11 May 2021, 11:05 am

How do i hide this Bot? aghoday. I already added him as foe.

A Believer is a word which come from the word (امن) so the person here is called (مؤمن) ... a Believer is essentially a Source of Peace and Security - Arabic/Polyglot


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11 May 2021, 11:13 am

Not a bot - everyone on WP has their own posting styles and if you don't like aghogday's, just skip over his posts.

Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.

Dry Dry Sea

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11 May 2021, 11:24 am

Cornflake wrote:
Not a bot - everyone on WP has their own posting styles and if you don't like aghogday's, just skip over his posts.

I don't want to put my eyes on his, because I'm Asperger's. Can you help? Because I'm uncomfortable when he is around.

A Believer is a word which come from the word (امن) so the person here is called (مؤمن) ... a Believer is essentially a Source of Peace and Security - Arabic/Polyglot


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11 May 2021, 11:27 am

I'm replying to your report right now.
In the meantime, if you don't want to put eyes on the posts then look elsewhere. :wink:

Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.

Dry Dry Sea

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11 May 2021, 11:41 am

Cornflake wrote:
I'm replying to your report right now.
In the meantime, if you don't want to put eyes on the posts then look elsewhere. :wink:

I understand. But it is not good in a thread about peace or any other thread, I try to be in peace and a mosquito (a bug) sucks my blood.

I have a deal with "Bug King" that mosquitoes stay away from my house. For approximately 5 years there has been none. The Police disbelieved. But the personell here respects me and my emotions.

The personell called me to dinner, peace

A Believer is a word which come from the word (امن) so the person here is called (مؤمن) ... a Believer is essentially a Source of Peace and Security - Arabic/Polyglot


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11 May 2021, 11:59 am

Peace in Harmony With Love Yes i Agree...

The Loving Your Neighbor And Even

Enemy Part A Challenge Yet Possible too...

"If it matters don't mind,

if you mind it don't matter"

Great Advice by Tupac...

By the Way One of my
Best Friends Is A Muslim
Woman She Calls My Style

Of Writing Heaven on Wings...

i Have Many Other Muslim

Women FRiEnDS Who

Relate The Same

About my






Any for

'SoMe ReaSon"

Usually The Same

Applies to Other Religions too...

Go Figure HeHe...

Other than


i Exist

And Breathe...

Have A Nice Day...

Actually My Post Was

About Peace Yet my Style And Truth iN DarK Thru LiGHT May

Be Hard to See And Hear For Some And That's Okay With me...

i Exist... i Exist.. Riders in the Storm We All Are Let's Try to Get ALonG iN Peace..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !


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11 May 2021, 12:14 pm

Barchan wrote:
salad wrote:
This is why I condemn organizations like BLM.

You had me, and then you lost me. :?

While I agree with your overall premise (that the oppressed group must be careful to never become the oppressor), I think the idea that BLM could ever become an oppressive entity is an unreasonable fear. Black Americans do not have the kind of structural power to do what the Israeli government does. BLM supporters do not have armies with tanks, helicopters, tear gas launchers, automatic rifles. BLM supporters do not have nuclear weapons. And more importantly, BLM doesn't want any of those things. The endgame of Black Lives Matter is the complete abolition of all the structures of oppression (i.e. the prison system, police, the military, predatory lending practices, etc.) All the things that are the colonizer's bread and butter.

Salad never said BLM can become an oppressive govenment, he said "I fear that the movement if left unchecked will one day morph into a movement that will seek to seek retribution against whites for past wrongs and become worse than the oppressors they so hate. "I think terrorism/racial hit squads is what he had in mind but he can correct me if I am wrong". The closest precedent to that and not that close was the Black Liberation Army in the 70s. They never became more than a fringe group.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman

Dry Dry Sea

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11 May 2021, 12:23 pm

aghogday wrote:

Peace in Harmony With Love Yes i Agree...

The Loving Your Neighbor And Even

Enemy Part A Challenge Yet Possible too...

"If it matters don't mind,

if you mind it don't matter"

Great Advice by Tupac...

By the Way One of my
Best Friends Is A Muslim
Woman She Calls My Style

Of Writing Heaven on Wings...

i Have Many Other Muslim

Women FRiEnDS Who

Relate The Same

About my






Any for

'SoMe ReaSon"

Usually The Same

Applies to Other Religions too...

Go Figure HeHe...

Other than


i Exist

And Breathe...

Have A Nice Day...

Actually My Post Was

About Peace Yet my Style And Truth iN DarK Thru LiGHT May

Be Hard to See And Hear For Some And That's Okay With me...

i Exist... i Exist.. Riders in the Storm We All Are Let's Try to Get ALonG iN Peace..:)

You are Beautiful :heart:

A Believer is a word which come from the word (امن) so the person here is called (مؤمن) ... a Believer is essentially a Source of Peace and Security - Arabic/Polyglot


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11 May 2021, 1:32 pm

Dry Dry Sea wrote:
aghogday wrote:

Peace in Harmony With Love Yes i Agree...

The Loving Your Neighbor And Even

Enemy Part A Challenge Yet Possible too...

"If it matters don't mind,

if you mind it don't matter"

Great Advice by Tupac...

By the Way One of my
Best Friends Is A Muslim
Woman She Calls My Style

Of Writing Heaven on Wings...

i Have Many Other Muslim

Women FRiEnDS Who

Relate The Same

About my






Any for

'SoMe ReaSon"

Usually The Same

Applies to Other Religions too...

Go Figure HeHe...

Other than


i Exist

And Breathe...

Have A Nice Day...

Actually My Post Was

About Peace Yet my Style And Truth iN DarK Thru LiGHT May

Be Hard to See And Hear For Some And That's Okay With me...

i Exist... i Exist.. Riders in the Storm We All Are Let's Try to Get ALonG iN Peace..:)

You are Beautiful :heart:

Thank You..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !