What are your gifts of the Holy Spirit as a Christian
I am posting this as I am interested in this topic. I am wondering what are your gifts of the Holy Spirit as a Christian and how does this work in your life. I am diagnosed with autism and have other co conditions. This thread is intended for Christians or those interested in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
I have been a Christian all my life really, but found my own path at 16. I was given one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit at 17. (1 Corinthiana 1-31) lists the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
I do wonder how autistic experiences of like the gift of prophecy vision may dffer comparing to neurotypical and neurodivergent experiences. I have written about my experiences and they are in my signature save to putting them all here. Mine was the gift of prophecy which has mainly focused around sight. I haven't been a minister in the church though. It was done mainly to protect me in life and I did serve in the church briefly.
There are I believe 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit and they all are wonderful gifts from God and said God said that we are not to covert anyone else's gifts.
My gifts given by God are a part of me now, I've had mine since 17. I cannot link a video on Youtube about the gifts of the Holy Spirit as I do not have enough posts yet.
Hi, Miss Rachel.
Is this the relevant Scripture... 1 Cor. 12:8-10?
https://bible.usccb.org/bible/1corinthi ... =#54012001
9 to another faith by the same Spirit; to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit;
10 to another mighty deeds; to another prophecy; to another discernment of spirits; to another varieties of tongues; to another interpretation of tongues.
I'm afraid there seem to be few Christians on these forums. Your thread is a very interesting one, even if it has received little attention so far.
To answer your questions, I believe my gift to be Faith (I have known of God's existence since late toddlerhood, despite growing up in a secular, unchurched family).
How does it work in my life? It is everything, it is everywhere; I am thankful for every experience I have, even if I cannot immediately see the benefit. I am hopelessly optimistic.
The sad thing about claiming gifts of the Holy Spirit is that there is no way for the claimant to prove his or her claims.
Gift of Healing? It seems that only "invisible" health issues are ever "healed" -- never anything visible like a missing eye or limb. Of course, there are also those "Healers" who claim 100% success, only for the "patient" to die soon after from the same disease that the "Healer" supposedly cured.
Gift of Prophesy? Repeating Bible verses or stories already told in the Bible should not count as "Prophesy", especially when the so-called "Prophesies" are vague, ambiguous, and couched in such convoluted language that they could apply to virtually any situation that the so-called "Prophet" claims.
Gift of Tongues? "Immagonnahoponnamyyamaha" could mean anything from "Jesus Loves You" to the speaker planning a motorcycle trip.
Last edited by Fnord on 09 Dec 2024, 2:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
This might explain why Sacred Tradition, among Catholics, defines the Gifts of the Holy Spirit as:
https://www.catholic.com/magazine/print ... oly-spirit
-- Wisdom is both the knowledge of and judgment about “divine things” and the ability to judge and direct human affairs according to divine truth.
-- Understanding is penetrating insight into the very heart of things, especially those higher truths that are necessary for our eternal salvation—in effect, the ability to “see” God.
-- Counsel allows a man to be directed by God in matters necessary for his salvation.
-- Fortitude denotes a firmness of mind in doing good and in avoiding evil, particularly when it is difficult or dangerous to do so, and the confidence to overcome all obstacles, even deadly ones, by virtue of the assurance of everlasting life.
-- Knowledge is the ability to judge correctly about matters of faith and right action, so as to never wander from the straight path of justice.
-- Piety is, principally, revering God with filial affection, paying worship and duty to God, paying due duty to all men on account of their relationship to God, and honoring the saints and not contradicting Scripture. The Latin word pietas denotes the reverence that we give to our father and to our country; since God is the Father of all, the worship of God is also called piety.
-- Fear of God is, in this context, “filial” or chaste fear whereby we revere God and avoid separating ourselves from him—as opposed to “servile” fear, whereby we fear punishment.
Mine, in this context, is the last one.
The definitions you provided are just that -- definitions, which prove nothing.
Your belief is strong, but mere belief proves nothing.
Your belief is strong, but mere belief proves nothing.
My apologies; I didn't realize this thread was for proving anything.
I'm relatively new here, and am still learning which topics go where. In the future, would discussions like this (sharing experiences, not debating) be more appropriate for The Haven?
! | Cornflake wrote: |
The Haven is primarily for people seeking help; starting this thread in PPR is the appropriate location. Having said that, would any subsequent respondents please note that this is not the thread for challenges or debate - there are already plenty of threads covering that. Leave this thread alone and let it be exclusively what the title requests. |
Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.
Thank you Cornflake ....think relgious freedom applied in the USA ..Sometimes.?
Being made aware that the concept of gifts from the holy Spirit .Is a strong one and a strong basis for belief in
those same faiths . And Perspectives based on that.
Diagnosed hfa
Loves velcro,
Ever Notice How Children Before They Learn
To Speak Smile at Other Children From a Distance
And Light the Room
Up For All Those Capable
of Feeling the Light Generating Within...
Ever Notice How Grandma Entering A Holiday
Fest of Food Makes the Room Warmer in The Winter
Just by Her
Our Being 'Feeling' Us Up...
Ever Participate in a Gospel Singing in
A Church Feeling Like You are Part of the
Whole Group Elevating A Feeling oF LiGHT Deep Within
(Even Famous 'Atheist' Sam Harris Admits This 'Spirit' is Real)
As LoVE iN Peace
Speaks Far Beyond
Words Deep Within...
Ever Feel a First Love
Sharing With Eyes that Go
No Lower Than Connecting Higher...
Ever Witness Your Parent Dying the Deafening Sound
After Their Last Breath With the Epiphany That Their LoVE iN Peace
is Now Yours To Breathe
And Spread Wherever You
Go in Your Breathing Days Now....
Indeed This is the Holy Spirit We All
May Give Share Care Heal For ALL iT Flows With
Most Respect And Least Harm Yes One Will Find it
True in a Christian
Church as i've Surely
Felt This Deep Communion
Much Larger Than i am as Only
An Individual Human Singing
As A Whole Church Becomes One Voice
RiSinG Beyond
The Confines of 'me'...
True This Experience May
Be Felt as A Communion Tween
Young Women at a Taylor Swift Concert...
Perhaps Among the Men too With SMiLes
Transient Lust...
The Holy Spirit is Beyond
All Measure of Science As
Even Scientists Have No Choice Yet to Admit
Who at Least Understand the Study of Human LoVE iN Peace...
The Holy SPiRiT is the
LiGHT of the World
Humans Do Bring
(As 'Saint Francis
of Assisi' Suggested Other
Animals Share this Gift too
i Surely Feel This too Sadly
Often Deeper than Some Humans
Are Able to do Our Pets
May Even Show US 'A Way')
And Is Surely Not Limited
By Any Symbol or Ideology Alone
to Own Alone
Yet of Course
only in my small view
From the Back Row of
A Catholic Church Leading
The Choir ThiS WaY Far Beyond Words
As Every
Human in
The Choir
oF LiGHT Naturally Does...
With SMiLes...
'Here i Am...'
Some Folks in Many
Churches i've Attended
Suggest i Have the Gift of
'The Holy Spirit' When i Sing...
And even when i Dance Solo
Sober in a Dance Hall
Full of Other Wise
i'll Let 'You'
Be the Judge
of that too With SMiLes
'Here i am'...
A Devotion to
Lifting Others Up
Is A Most Noble
Calling and Vocation For Real
And True It Does Require A 'Holy
Spirit' for a Best Case Study Life to
Do It...
Yet it is Essence
NEVER only limited to Form...
A Best PArt of A Holy Spirit in Our Gardens Waters Waves Oceans oF
LoVE iN Peace is it is Unlimiting to How Far We May GRow Our LiGHT..
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
preferred the word Peace over piece, intentional error.
Thank You Much
Dear Jakki With
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
Yes, that is the same thing. I just included a bit more for those who may be interested and never heard about it to read more on it for understanding.
What I find interesting as well is that some people say autistic people cannot have a faith unless they see something for themelves. I think for some people having something more personal from the Gifts of the Holy Spirit might make it easier for them to believe.
Your post was very interesting and humbling to read, thank you for post it.
Is this the relevant Scripture... 1 Cor. 12:8-10?
https://bible.usccb.org/bible/1corinthi ... =#54012001
9 to another faith by the same Spirit; to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit;
10 to another mighty deeds; to another prophecy; to another discernment of spirits; to another varieties of tongues; to another interpretation of tongues.
I'm afraid there seem to be few Christians on these forums. Your thread is a very interesting one, even if it has received little attention so far.
To answer your questions, I believe my gift to be Faith (I have known of God's existence since late toddlerhood, despite growing up in a secular, unchurched family).
How does it work in my life? It is everything, it is everywhere; I am thankful for every experience I have, even if I cannot immediately see the benefit. I am hopelessly optimistic.
I would agree with you and say that really these things are given more authenticity when they are supported by someone else. For example if someone was working in the Church and given a message from God and given meaning to by someone else the witness of that second person is important. For example someone could receive healing by a minister using the gifts of healing and someone else could speak of their healing.
It is a personal experience as well but it is best iniated by support of others and then becomes more a personal experience.
There is some research that autistics have increased somasensory expereicnes. This I find very interesting. Meaning that at base they are more sensory so with an additional sensory gift on top may give them a different experience of it. For example that some may have a gift but being more sensory could cause to see it all the time rather than just seeing for when in use. That is one thing i am wondering about and giving them a deeper expeirence.
i forgot to comment on this but like Devoted has commented it is something they see all the time. Now I have no idea on this and i am just wondering and curious as well.
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10 ... 18.1548374
It has been very interesting what I have read and I am always interested to read more personal accounts.
It is a personal thing but sometimes if you don't share other people will not know what exists to perhaps consider. For Christians this is only a part of our faith. It is though as I wrote above thought by many that autistics will have a harder challenge believing in any faith that they cannot have evidence for. We are at times a more challenged group and if the gifts allowed some of us to bear witness to help us in our journeys as it was supposed to be done I would gladly share on that. I think probably we all are gifted with them as Christians whether some people know and we all the same.
I have now realised I can share the initial Youtube link on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit that I wanted to post originally so will do now.
Gifts of the Holy Spirit explained further.
I wish you a restful Christmas to those who mark it.
Last edited by Cornflake on 23 Dec 2024, 9:04 am, edited 1 time in total.: Added Youtube tags
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