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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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31 Oct 2004, 9:21 am

Who are you going to vote for and why?

November 2nd is the day to vote for Bush or Kerry.

If you're over 18; remember to vote. Your vote does count.


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31 Oct 2004, 9:44 am

the_enigma wrote:
Who are you going to vote for and why?

November 2nd is the day to vote for Bush or Kerry.

If you're over 18; remember to vote. Your vote does count.

At least it does if you aren't black and from Florida :twisted:


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31 Oct 2004, 4:42 pm

I am voting for Kerry/Edwards. Trying to shake that anybody-but-Bush mentality I read through their platform and liked what I saw. Their policies are progressive and have the power to move the country in a positive direction and improve it. I also like Edwards commitment to end poverty; a lot of politicians overlook this issue and don't realize how many problems it could solve, and the so called lower class has been largely ignored. I think that the Bush administration is corrupt and seek mainly to benefit themselves and major corporations. I also don't like the way Bush does not take time to think policies over in a more objective way, he just uses his own system of preconceived beliefs, mostly religious. His foreign policies are only creating more terrorism by angering and isolating middle eastern countries and leading us unilaterally into a war that had very little if nothing to do with the war on terror, distracting us from it. And anyone who could work with his cronies to rig an election has no place in the White House. There is probably some level of corruption on both sides, and both sides seek political gain, but for the most part I believe that the interests and needs of the American people are a much higher priority for Kerry/Edwards. I'd like to see more 3rd party candidates on the ballots in the future, though, maybe w/ runoff elections. The two-party system is becoming problematic.


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31 Oct 2004, 6:02 pm

midge wrote:
I also like Edwards commitment to end poverty; a lot of politicians overlook this issue and don't realize how many problems it could solve, and the so called lower class has been largely ignored.

But the lower class have most of the votes, so how is it the republicans ever get in? Me, I'd be immediately suspicious of anyone who spends that much on adverts; they must expect to recoup their money from an election win mustn't they?


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31 Oct 2004, 6:15 pm

gwynfryn wrote:
midge wrote:
I also like Edwards commitment to end poverty; a lot of politicians overlook this issue and don't realize how many problems it could solve, and the so called lower class has been largely ignored.

But the lower class have most of the votes, so how is it the republicans ever get in? Me, I'd be immediately suspicious of anyone who spends that much on adverts; they must expect to recoup their money from an election win mustn't they?

Poor people who don't have cars are less likely to vote.

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31 Oct 2004, 6:19 pm

You need a car to vote? 8O


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31 Oct 2004, 6:27 pm

gwynfryn wrote:
You need a car to vote? 8O

If you live far enough away from the polls, you do, but its a proven fact that poor people don't vote as much. '

It looks like Kerry is going to win this election, however:

I'm Alex Plank, the founder of Wrong Planet. Follow me (Alex Plank) on Blue Sky:


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31 Oct 2004, 6:32 pm

gwynfryn wrote:
midge wrote:
I also like Edwards commitment to end poverty; a lot of politicians overlook this issue and don't realize how many problems it could solve, and the so called lower class has been largely ignored.

But the lower class have most of the votes, so how is it the republicans ever get in? Me, I'd be immediately suspicious of anyone who spends that much on adverts; they must expect to recoup their money from an election win mustn't they?

No, the "middle" classes have most of the vote, but it isn't as simple as that. Many people are voting for Bush for his anti-abortion, anti-gay policies, and others are swayed by the media's apparent reverence for him.

I am voting for Kerry because he is commited to policies that are known to work in reducing poverty, like raising the minimum wage and providing more low-income housing. If you want to read interesting facts and figures on the subject-



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31 Oct 2004, 6:44 pm

looks like a good site, but the links I tried didn't go anywhere. I'll be going there again when I get back here though, so thanks for that, darkly! :)


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31 Oct 2004, 7:21 pm

alex wrote:
It looks like Kerry is going to win this election, however:

Here's one however - Averaged Nonpartisan Polls ----->


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31 Oct 2004, 7:22 pm

I'm optimistic that Kerry will defeat Bush. He performed extremely well in the debates and has run a pretty good campaign after he appeared to be going badly in late September. Another site I looked at has Bush in front in the electoral college, but the posters appear to be Republican partisans. I prefer to look at non-partisan polls.


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31 Oct 2004, 9:44 pm

Here is a link to Kerry's "Plan for America"

I thought what he had on the site before put his plans in more detail. I feel as if they are leaving any aspects of their plan out that they think would be even a little risky.

It is kind of a dangerous game, one step out of line there goes two percent of the vote. I feel as if such close races really restricts what candidates can say and do.



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01 Nov 2004, 10:40 pm

In response to Let's Go Blues question in another topic, I'll respond to his question in the relevant forum. Bush's policies have been a disaster and only John Kerry can clean the mess up. Osama Bin Laden was responsible for the September 11th tragedy not Saddam Hussein. The latest video from Bin Laden thumbing his nose to the world only serves to highlight the fact Bush's policies have failed and they have made the wrong decisions. This video shows to the world that he is still on the run and invading Iraq instead of trying to find Bin Laden has been a extremely bad misjudgment. There was not a shred of evidence linking Iraq to September 11th. Bush has also involved my country Australia in this completely illegal and immoral war, and that is another major reason I want John Kerry to win. His domestic, economic, and environmental policies have failed as well. I don't care what Kerry did in the past, it's his policies for the future that really matter.



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02 Nov 2004, 5:44 am

yay, gavrod!!

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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02 Nov 2004, 11:43 am

I made my mom vote for Bush, tha bomb-ass contender!! 8) I don't know why y'all are voting for Kerry, I can't stand that flip-flopper. No offense to any Kerryites but I just don't think Kerry's right. Bush supports diversity, with Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice. Abortion is pretty bad and it ought to be banned. 9/11 caused the bad economy, not Bush. Demon-crats always tax the hell out of everybody. I'm goin' down to those polls right now to vote for BUSH.


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02 Nov 2004, 12:05 pm

This election depends entirely on Bush, win or lose.
If he losses it will be because of his mistakes.
If he wins it will be because of his strong viewpoints.